Stefan Langenmaier
11 months
Andreas Vöst
1 year
Florian Heinle
1 year

Change bwlimit for Proxmox storages

Posted . Visible to the public.

It's not possible to change the bwlimit of Proxmox storages via the Web-UI (at least in Proxmox 7.x).

To change the bwlimit you need to use the pvesm command and specify the limit for the desired category.

For example to increase the bwlimit for migrations:

pvesm set $NAME_OF_STORAGE --bwlimit migration=$INTEGER_LIMIT
# example
pvesm set ssd --bwlimit migration=500000

These are the different categories:

  • default
  • clone
  • migration
  • move
  • restore
Last edit
Kim Klotz
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