Andreas Vöst
2 years
Moritz Kraus
2 years
Florian Heinle
2 years
Florian Heinle
3 years
Andreas Vöst
4 years

HowTo: Get postgres shell in kubernetes

Posted . Visible to the public.

If your postgres database is only accessible from inside a kubernetes cluster, e.g. if it's configured in AWS RDS and not available to the public (as it should be!), here's how to open a psql shell inside Kubernetes and connect to the database. Make sure to replace the variables appropriately.

$ kubectl run postgresql-client \
  --image=postgres      \
  --namespace=$NAMESPACE \
  --stdin=true --tty=true \
  --rm=true                \
  --command -- \

You need to specify the password as an env variable for the container since you can't answer the password prompt in the container.

If you don't immediately see a postgres shell, wait a few seconds and press enter.

The pod will automatically be deleted when the shell closes.

Florian Heinle
Last edit
Florian Heinle
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