This project is (or will be) a best effort semi-static verifier for your Ruby on Rails projects. Delivered as...
In this article we’ve listed 7 fresh and simple tools for cross-browser compatibility testing, tools that actually make...
It turned out that the test subject didn't know that longdesc even existed before the tester told him about...
A surprisingly large number of plugins have no tests at all. Part of the reason might be that writing a...
Unfortunately, by default plugin tests are pretty bland. They use the plain unit test suite supplied by Ruby, and not...
Or, you can test your Rack application (or Sinatra, or Rails, or Merb) using arbitrary HTTP client libraries, to check...
Rake tasks to run specs and tests in parallel, to use multiple CPUs and speedup test runtime.
We had a conversation about the fact that the 'TDD is about testing vs TDD is about design" debate that...
Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. It provides a simple API for...
I brought up the question whether tests should call the translation API when checking for the presence of a string...
decided to go fixtureless with Shoulda + Factory Girl. All good, except one problem. Slow as fuck tests. So here’s...
Riot differs primarily in that it does not rerun setup for each test in a context.
I cringe every time I hear about someone who has spent years writing their ‘killer app’, but still hasn’t...
RESTClient is a Java application to test RESTful webservices. It can be used to test variety of HTTP communications.
Eventually you’ll forget that you used to spend hours testing your code in a browser, and start complaining that...
Unlock achievements for running your test suite!
Imagine all the syntactical delights of Ruby and Haml for your JavaScript. You write in a nice language, but get...
Seems like there's no way to do it in Capybara, unfortunately. But if you're running your tests with...
Test spies are a form of test double that preserves the normal four-phase unit
What do we expect from the custom finder? We expect that it should find assets A, B, C and should...
The Holy Grail of testing for front-end development; execute browser-less, console-based, javascript + DOM code right from within...