sudo gitlab-rails console Note This takes some minutes to start Send a mail Use the following...
If you want someone to be able to access your rails console, but don't want them to be able...
Apply Test Driven Development(TDD) to the process of building container images by defining test before writing code and automate...
If you want to automatically delete old container images from your Elastic Container Registry, the solution is a quite simple...
A convenient way to test SNS Subscription Filter Policies is using an email address as the subscription endpoint. However, for...
A lot of web applications require being called over https, which is a good thing. It's possible to configure...
We had a strange behaviour on one of our mariadb-servers: Everyday at around midnight we saw that the root...
When changing glibc versions, it's possible to end up with corrupt indexes in PostgreSQL. Are My Indexes Affected?
When using many or very long entries of MIME-types that shoudl be gziped in gzip_types directives in nginx...
In our monitoring, RabbitMQ queues like aliveness-test may show up as unresponsive, with a ping timeout after 10 seconds...
If you get e.g. this error message when you try to run puppet agent: Error: Failed to apply catalog: undefined...
You can use wscat: sudo apt-get install node-ws # wscat -c ws:// connected (press CTRL+C to quit...
When receiving a new SSL-Certificate for an existing SSL-key it should be checked that they match cryptographically.
The puppet server caches custom functions. If you edit an existing function (e.g. while you’re developing it), you’ll...
swaks is a very nice tool to test SMTP. For the most linux distributions you can easily install it with...
Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface Show existing certificates to test if the AWS Cli is working: