To reverse lookup a fixture by its table name and id, use the following approach on ActiveRecord::FixtureSet: table = 'users...
Warning safe_constantize is not safe for unfiltered user input In Rails, the safe_constantize method is a powerful tool...
tl;dr When a cookie includes an Expires attribute or an HTTP response includes caching headers like Expires or Cache...
Some key highlights and points from the linked article TestProf II: Factory therapy for your Ruby tests. The Problem with...
Slow test suites are a major pain point in projects, often due to RSpec and FactoryBot. Although minitest and fixtures...
While the main goal always is to prevent long-running queries in the first place, automatic timeouts can serve as...
The ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger allows you to log to multiple sinks. You know this behavior from from the rails server command...
Starting with ChromeDriver 127, if your application displays a beforeunload confirmation dialog, ChromeDriver will immediately close it. In consequence, any...
Recently I needed to benchmark an Active Record query for performance measurements. I wrote a small script that runs each...
testing-library are widely used testing utilities libraries for javascript dependent frontend testing. The main utilities provided are query methods...
Whenever you have to deal with randomness in a jasmine test there are some spy strategies to help you out...
Sometimes you want to write a test for a business rule that's based on multiple variables. In your goal...
tl;dr To adjust code templates in RubyMine, navigate to Settings -> Editor -> File and Code Templates. Example You can navigate...
You might know a few examples, where you configure some library via a block. One example is the Rails configuration...
When you mocked method calls in RSpec, they are mocked until the end of a spec, or until you explicitly...
As we're switching from PT to Linear, I've updated the existing bash script to work for commits that...
tl;dr When browsers start to adapt proposals from Open UI, it might not be necessary to use any 3rd...
Debugging performance issues in your Rails app can be a tough challenge. To get more detailed insights consider using the...
There are two ways a logout in SAML can happen: Service Provider (SP) initiated and Identity Provider (IDP) initiated logout...
tl;dr Prefer request specs over end-to-end tests (Capybara) to joyfully test file downloads! Why? Testing file downloads
I recently noticed a new kind of flaky tests on the slow free tier GitHub Action runners: Integration tests were...
The linked table shows the support lifecycle for Firefox Extended Support Releases (ESR) which we sometimes need to support for...
A Rails script lives in lib/scripts and is run with bin/rails runner lib/scripts/.... They are a simple tool to perform... - - [23/Jan/2024:09:00:46 +0100] "GET /monitoring/pings/ HTTP/1.1" 200 814 "-" "Ruby" - - [23/Jan/2024:09:00:46 +0100] "GET...