To create a 10 GB file: fallocate -l 10G huge_file.dat
If the application under test makes sound, you probably want to disable this during integration testing. You can use the...
Web technology is a broad field and you cannot be an expert in all aspects. However, it is useful to...
Advanced cucumber features Learn about the following cucumber features: Doc Strings ("multiline strings") Tables Tags Before/after hooks Background Scenario outlines...
A comprehensive introduction to sending HTML emails. Intro: HTML email: Two words that, when combined, brings tears to a developer...
Exercise 1: XML On the start page of your Movie DB, show the title of a random movie that is...
When testing your command line application with Aruba, you might need to stub out other binaries you don't want...
When you're writing specs for ActiveRecord models that use memoization, a simple #reload will not do: it 'updates on...
We have released a new library Gemika to help test a gem against multiple versions of Ruby, gem dependencies and...
When your controller action raises an unhandled exception, Rails will look at the exception's class and choose an appropriate...
Resources Rails Guide: Internationalization API Guide to localizing a Rails application Locale-aware helpers in ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
When testing Ruby code that prints something to the terminal, you can test that output. Since RSpec 3.0 there is...
TL;DR If you want to support most browsers, then don't exceed 50 cookies per domain, and don't...
fake_stripe spins up a local server that acts like Stripe’s and also serves a fake version of Stripe.js...
When building a form with a file select field, you may want to offer your users a live preview before...
Our preferred way of testing ActiveRecord is to simply create/update/destroy the record and then check if the expected behavior has...
Validations should be covered by a model's spec. This card shows how to test an individual validation. This is...
You can use to check your application's e-mails for issues that might cause e-mails to be...
Some tasks in a web application are better not done live when a user request a page, but in the...
SitePrism gives you a simple, clean and semantic DSL for describing your site using the Page Object Model pattern, for...
Some dozen generic API endpoints you can use to test how your HTTP client deals with various responses, e.g.
We use Selenium WebDriver integrated with Cucumber/Capybara for full-stack integration testing. Try and use it Your forked MovieDB should...
Built-in matchers Get an overview of all the matchers that are built into RSpec. Play with some of...
Interesting talk about a team that integrated automated security testing into their BDD workflow. There is also a video of...