Slow test suites are a major pain point in projects, often due to RSpec and FactoryBot. Although minitest and fixtures...

Starting with ChromeDriver 127, if your application displays a beforeunload confirmation dialog, ChromeDriver will immediately close it. In consequence, any...

testing-library are widely used testing utilities libraries for javascript dependent frontend testing. The main utilities provided are query methods...

Whenever you have to deal with randomness in a jasmine test there are some spy strategies to help you out...

Sometimes you want to write a test for a business rule that's based on multiple variables. In your goal...

makandra dev

There are two ways a logout in SAML can happen: Service Provider (SP) initiated and Identity Provider (IDP) initiated logout...

tl;dr Prefer request specs over end-to-end tests (Capybara) to joyfully test file downloads! Why? Testing file downloads

A Rails script lives in lib/scripts and is run with bin/rails runner lib/scripts/.... They are a simple tool to perform...

There are a few tools to combat the dreaded n+1 queries. The bullet gem notifies you of missing eager...

Here are some hints on best practices to maintain your tasks in larger projects. Rake Tasks vs. Scripts

Apply Test Driven Development(TDD) to the process of building container images by defining test before writing code and automate...

If you want to automatically delete old container images from your Elastic Container Registry, the solution is a quite simple...

I recently stumbled over a problem that my feature tests broke in CI because of a mismatching chromedriver version.

For my computer science bachelor's thesis I programmed and evaluated a CLI Test Case Prioritization (TCP) tool for makandra...

You can tell npm to install a package globally with npm -g install @puppeteer/browsers. However, it seems that its not...

Rails offers several methods to manage three types of different cookies along with a session storage for cookies. These...

Debugging your integration tests, that run a headless Chrome inside a docker image, is tricky. In many cases you can...

A convenient way to test SNS Subscription Filter Policies is using an email address as the subscription endpoint. However, for...

A lot of web applications require being called over https, which is a good thing. It's possible to configure...

Testing your responses in Rails allows to parse the body depending on the response MIME type with parsed_body.

When changing glibc versions, it's possible to end up with corrupt indexes in PostgreSQL. Are My Indexes Affected?

Nginx is capable of forwarding a unix socket to UDP backend servers. This is quite handy for load balance syslog...

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common...

You can use the code below to check whether the browser can make connections to the current site: await isOnline...