Rake tasks to run specs and tests in parallel, to use multiple CPUs and speedup test runtime.
We had a conversation about the fact that the 'TDD is about testing vs TDD is about design" debate that...
Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. It provides a simple API for...
I brought up the question whether tests should call the translation API when checking for the presence of a string...
decided to go fixtureless with Shoulda + Factory Girl. All good, except one problem. Slow as fuck tests. So here’s...
Riot differs primarily in that it does not rerun setup for each test in a context.
I cringe every time I hear about someone who has spent years writing their ‘killer app’, but still hasn’t...
RESTClient is a Java application to test RESTful webservices. It can be used to test variety of HTTP communications.
Eventually you’ll forget that you used to spend hours testing your code in a browser, and start complaining that...
Unlock achievements for running your test suite!
Imagine all the syntactical delights of Ruby and Haml for your JavaScript. You write in a nice language, but get...
Seems like there's no way to do it in Capybara, unfortunately. But if you're running your tests with...
Test spies are a form of test double that preserves the normal four-phase unit
What do we expect from the custom finder? We expect that it should find assets A, B, C and should...
The Holy Grail of testing for front-end development; execute browser-less, console-based, javascript + DOM code right from within...