To test if you can connect to a host using password authentication and explicitly deny public key authentication:

My RubyMine (and it seems like many other Java GUI applications) crashes the Compiz window decorator almost every time on...

geordi, our collection of awesome shell scripts, has been extended by three scripts to help you call RSpec or Cucumber...

When using the resource_controller gem you often hook onto events like this: update.before do do_something end

When your cucumber features grow massively over time, the test execution can take a lot of time.

Wrapping a string in this class gives you a prettier way to test for equality.

This is an awful way to test whether a number is shown on the screen: Then I should see "5...

Capybara allows you to select DOM elements, e.g. by using field, find_field(...) or field_labeled(...): role_select = field_labeled...

Sometimes PDF cucumber tests fail at the first test run and succeed at the second run. You can fix this...

When you want to quickly boot from a drive or image in a virtual machine you do not need to...

User Stories should describe what a user wants the system to do. Purely technical tasks should usually be implemented as...

ActiveRecord gives you the :include option to load records and their associations in a fixed number of queries. This is...

If you want to manually check if e-mail delivery works on a machine by sending an e-mail you...

To test whether a hash includes an expected sub-hash: expect(user.attributes).to match(hash_including('name' => 'Bruce Wayne'))

We are maintaining some vintage projects with tests written in Test::Unit instead of RSpec. Mocks and stubs are not...

You will occasionally need to clean out your database while keeping the schema intact, e.g. when someone inserted data in...

When you click a link or a press a button on a Selenium-controlled browser, the call will return control...

Adds a slide out panel to your Rails application that directs clients to test stories that have been marked as...

jQuery offers many different methods to move a selection through the DOM tree. These are the most important: $element.find(selector...

In order to cover some edge cases you rarely care about, Range#include? will become very slow in Ruby 1.9...

If you have content inside a page that is hidden by CSS, the following will work with Selenium, but not...

A while ago we were working on an application that had an entire version specially created for mobiles, such as...

Note: For PostgreSQL you should use advisory locks. For MySQL we still recommend the solution in this card.

To test whether two arrays have the same elements regardless of order, you can use the =~ matcher in RSpec < 2.11...