Ubuntu Mate: Get rid of F12 drop-down terminal

To get your F12 key back for other shortcuts, stop Tilda:

killall tilda

To prevent Tilda from starting on boot you can remove it

sudo apt-get remove tilda

or disable auto start:

  • Go to Mate Control Center > Startup Applications
  • uncheck "Tilda"

makandra/gemika: Helpers for testing Ruby gems

We have released a new library Gemika to help test a gem against multiple versions of Ruby, gem dependencies and database types.

Here's what Gemika can give your test's development setup (all features are opt-in):

  • Test one codebase against multiple sets of gem dependency sets (e.g. Rails 4.2, Rails 5.0).
  • Test one codebase against multiple Ruby versions (e.g. Ruby 2.1.8, Ruby 2.3.1).
  • Test one codebase against multiple database types (currently MySQL or PostgreSQL).
  • Compute a matrix of all possib...

Fix "libmysqlclient.so.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

This error can be caused by the mysql2 gem under mysterious circumstances. You need to remove it with gem uninstall mysql2 and then reinstall it (or just run bundle).

gem pristine mysql2 will not be enough.

Sass: How to convert an RGBA color to its RGB look-alike

Say you have an RGBA color that you need as a non-transparent color because of reasons.

Basically, this is possible. Just understand that you will convert your RGBA color for exactly one base background color as you are giving up transparency.
Most likely, your background is white, so you'll use #fff as that for examples below.

Simple approach

When your know the RGBA color's base RGB color (e.g. your brand color that you RGBA'd for some hover effect), you can simply use the mix function instead of rgba.



VCR fails if the same request is triggered multiple times

Same requests are recorded only once in vcr. Replaying a test fails, if you trigger the same request multiple times. The error message is somehow confusing, as your cassette contains the request:

An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle

If you want to allow to match a request multiple times, you need to configure this explicit with allow_playback_repeats: true. Some exa...

Heads up: "localhost" may be IPv6 on new linuxes

I've encountered a Ubuntu 16.04 today, where localhost resolved to ::1 instead of

This will not usually make a difference, but could be relevant for firewall policies.

What every coder should know about gamma

Good article about what "gamma correction" means for color processing, and what "sRGB" actually means.

You probably do not need to know this for web development, but it's an interesting read.

Migrations are versioned in Rails 5 | BigBinary Blog

Rails 5 migration classes look like this now:

class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]

Mind the [5.0] at the end.

They do this to evolve the ActiveRecord::Migration API without breaking your historical migrations in db/migrate.

List of handy Chrome plugins

These are Chrome plugins that proved useful at makandra. Each is the best-in-class.


Auto-measure distances by moving your mouse.

Google Analytics Debugger

See details about Google Analytics events that you trigger on a page. Useful for debugging on production sites.

[JSON Formatter](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-for...

Bundler returns different error codes depending on what went wrong

When you are calling Bundler from your shell scripts, you might find it useful that a failed bundle call returns a different error code depending on the type of problem.

A list of error codes can be found here.

Measuring sql query time of a piece of code using ActiveSupport::Notifications

ActiveSupport::Notifications provides an instrumentation API for Ruby. It is used throughout rails to publish instrumentation events that include information about each part of a request/response cycle.

Have a look at your application log file - yes, those are those events. The cool thing is that you can subscribe to those events.

There is also a convenience method that allows you to subscribe to those events only for the time of executing a block of code. Thus you can capture all sql queries that are triggered when executing your block....

How to disable material design in Google Chrome

A few releases back, Chrome started using a Material Design UI on desktop. If you don't like it (on some window managers or GTK themes it's ugly), you can disable it.

  1. Visit chrome://flags/
  2. Search (Ctrl+F) for "Material Design"
  3. Switch to "Non-Material"
  4. Restart Chrome

Chrome's default theme should now be pretty again.

Hack of the day: One-liner to run all changed Cucumber features

Similar to our snippet that runs all Cucumber features matching a given string, the following will run all modified or new Cucumber features by looking at your git status:

git status --short | grep -v '^ D ' | grep '.feature' | sed 's/.. //' | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs geordi cucumber

If you want to know what each of the above commands does, see [explainshell](http://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=git+status+--short+%7C+grep+-v+%27%5E+D+%27+%7C+grep+%27.feature%27+%7C+sed+%27s%2F..+%2F%2F%27+%7C+tr+%27%5Cn%27+%27+%27+%7C...

How to use Haml in your helpers

You know those helper methods that just render some HTML but look weird because of content_tags all over the place? You could also use Haml instead.


Consider the following helper.

def greeting
  message = ''.html_safe
  message << 'Welcome to '
  message << content_tag(:span, Rails.env, class: 'greeting--location')
  content_tag :div, message, class: 'greeting'

That looks clumsy and is hard to read.

Wouldn't it be nicer to say something like this?

def greeting
  render_haml <<-HAML

Isolate Side Effects in Ruby

In this article, we’ll look at what side effects are, why they are problematic despite being necessary, and how to isolate them to minimise their drawbacks.

Minidusen: Low-tech record filtering with LIKE queries

We have a new gem Minidusen which extracts Dusen's query parsing and LIKE query functionality.

Minidusen can no longer index text in MySQL FULLTEXT columns, which was hardly used and didn't always help performance due to the cost of reindexing.

Minidusen is currently compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Rails 3.2, Rails 4.2 and Rails 5.0.

Basic Usage

Our example will be a simple address book:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_presence_of :name, :street, :city, :e...

We are no longer maintaining Dusen

If you were using Dusen for its query parsing and LIKE queries, we recommend to migrate to Minidusen, which extracts those parts from Dusen. Minidusen is compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Rails 3.2, 4.2 and 5.0.

If you are looking for a full text indexing solution, we recommend to use PostgreSQL with pg_search.

How to tidy up your Git mess

Git is hard: screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is fucking impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can't search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem.

So here are some bad situations I've gotten myself into, and how I eventually got myself out of them in plain english*.

Maybe this flowchart may be of help...

Javascript: Read params from url

There is no build in functionally in jQuery and Prototype to extract params from a url.

  1. You can use this library (not tested): jquery-deparam

  2. Use Unpoly and the following code snippet

Geordi 1.5.1 released

  • Improve geordi cucumber: Only attempt @solo run when the specified files contain the @solo tag, skip @solo run if any filename is passed with a line number (e.g. features/example.feature:3)
  • Improve geordi deploy: Find stages by their prefix (e.g. s -> staging, m -> makandra), bundle if needed, check the selected stage exists
  • Improve geordi server: Takes port as argument (e.g. geordi ser 3001), option --public (-P) starts the server with -b to make it accessible from other machines in the local network, e.g. ...

Capistrano: exclude custom bundle groups for production deploy

Capistrano is by default configured to exclude the gems of the groups development and test when deploying to the stages production and staging. Whenever you create custom groups in your Gemfile, make sure to exclude these, if they should not be deployed to the servers. The gems of these groups might not be loaded by rails, however, the deployment process will take longer as the gems will be downloaded and installed to the server.

e.g. to exclude the groups cucumber and deploy, add the following to `config/deploy/production.rb...

ClockPicker: Android-style time picker for Bootstrap

ClockPicker is a JavaScript and Bootstrap implementation of an Android-style time picker which looks and feels great.

Unfortunately, it is no longer maintained.


Using Spring and parallel_tests in your Rails application

You want Spring for super-fast binstubs like bin/rails or bin/rspec which avoid Rails boot time.
You want parallel_tests to speed up full test runs of large test suites.

Unfortunately, you do not want parallel_tests to use your Spring binstubs as those parallelized tests will share data and/or loose some information. There are some issues about this on GitHub and there is a suggested [workaround](https:...

Git: how to work with submodules

Sometimes you might need to nest a git-project inside another git-project. The right strategy is to use submodules in this case.

How git submodules work

  • Each submodule is a own git repository
  • Once you commit changes in a submodule, the parent repository can link the new sha as its reference
  • You need to take care manually that your git submodules are up-to-date and changes in the submodules are linked in the parent repository

Add a submodule

Here is how you add a nested project inside your parent project

$ git submodule...