Reflective Surface » Tests: Pragmatism or ideology?

The argument that using tests is a ideologic waster of time fails when one considers how it can help to insure architectural decisions.

Felix von Leitner on the only approach to manageable systems //

Professionals can be recognised by the fact that they minimize complexity. Small modules, complete isolation of modules, minimal (in number and size) interfaces. Bunglers can be recognised by the fact that they launch Visio when they plan their project.

LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine

LÖVE is an unquestionably awesome 2D game engine, which allows rapid game development and prototyping in Lua.


Guarded method invocation or safe navigation method for Ruby.

Alex Miller - Java Concurrency Bugs #2 - what to synchronize on

Following up on my previous post, this is the second installment of Java Concurrency Bugs. In this post, we’ll look at bugs that come from synchronizing on the wrong object.

mezzoblue § Sprite Optimization

Maybe I haven’t been paying close enough attention, but over the past few years an interesting variation of CSS Sprites has been getting a lot of play on large web sites that serve millions of users.


Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. T

Agile Ajax » ActionMailer Callbacks: In the Spirit of ActionController Filters » Pathfinder Development

A while back, I had a requirement to persist a record of which email addresses were sent an email through the system. I expected to find callback support for ActionMailer, but was surprised to find that it didn't exist.

The Sexy Curls jQuery Plugin by Elliott Kember

The Sexy Curls jQuery Plugin is an open-source jQuery plugin by Elliott Kember which lets you share in the beauty of the page fold.

Nicole Sullivan: "Design Fast Websites" on Yahoo! Video

Web performance expert Nicole Sullivan discusses a set of best practices in the creation of supremely fast, visually impactful web sites.


Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web-applications in Ruby with minimal effort.

clemens's later_dude at master - GitHub

LaterDude is a small calendar helper with i18n support

Super-simple Ruby Subversion Command Line Wrapper — Agile Web Operations

I was setting up a Subversion repository one year ago. Of course, I also wanted to have regular backups of my Subversion repository. As I was tired of writing bash scripts for such a task, I looked into writing a simple Ruby script for backing up my Subversion repositories.

Ruby, Rails, Web2.0 » Blog Archive » Great Ruby on Rails REST resources

I have been playing around with RESTful Rails recently. Below is my collection or Rails REST howtos, tutorials and other resources I have found so far.

lib/rucksack_extras.rb at master from jamesu's rucksack — GitHub

Wrapper from Globalite API to the Rails 2.2 I18n API

GNU httptunnel

httptunnel creates a bidirectional virtual data connection tunnelled in HTTP requests. The HTTP requests can be sent via an HTTP proxy if so desired.

Railscheck project home page

This project is (or will be) a best effort semi-static verifier for your Ruby on Rails projects. Delivered as a Ruby gem it provides a shell command task "railscheck" that you can run against your Rails projects to test for a number of typical bugs, potential problems and inconsistencies.

jsviz - Google Code

JSViz makes it easy to create dynamic 2D views of information. Practical applications include network graphs, navigation, and other dynamic layouts.

YSlow for Firebug

YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow based on the rules for high performance web sites. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the popular Firebug web development tool.

Bill de hÓra: Managing large stories on agile projects

I've seen this granularity problem on every project, product or program I've worked on. Often in non-agile methods it comes it up in the form of traceability requirements on top of the actual requirements.