Execution of shell code in Ruby scripts

Deprecated ways to execute shell code in Ruby

This is just a reference for legacy code. For new code, always use capture3.

%x{ } or backticks – quick and easy

Returns the standard output of running the given command in a subshell. This is an alias for `...`, and you can use string interpolation.


name = 'ls'
result = `which #{name}`

It does not escape anything you inject in the string, so be aware of possible security vulnerabilities...

How to install npm packages globally without sudo on Linux

All quoted.

  1. Set up a package root in your homedir to hold the Node "global" packages:

    $ NPM_PACKAGES="$HOME/.npm-packages"
    $ mkdir -p "$NPM_PACKAGES"
  2. Set NPM to use this directory for its global package installs:

    $ echo "prefix = $NPM_PACKAGES" >> ~/.npmrc
  3. Configure your PATH and MANPATH to see commands in your $NPM_PACKAGES prefix by adding the following to your .bashrc:

    # NPM packages in homedir
    # Tell our environment about user-ins...

Rails Asset Pipeline: Building an Icon Font from SVG Files

Webpacker can automatically create an icon font from SVG files, which is really handy. When you're using the asset pipeline, you can still have an icon font from SVG files, but it requires some manual work.

Creating the icon font

  • Install the NPM package icon-font-generator. If you're not using nvm, run sudo npm install -g icon-font-generator
  • Put all SVG icons for the font into their own directory.
    • The icon name will be taken from the SVG file name
  • Download the attached script and update the Configure...

Migrating from CoffeeScript to ES6

It is quite easy to migrate from CoffeeScript to ES6. You can use decaffeinate to convert your CoffeeScript source to modern JavaScript.

Install decaffeinate globally:

npm install -g decaffeinate

Call decaffeinate on each .coffee file, relaxing some options to get the most modern (and concise) JS:

decaffeinate file.coffee --use-cs2 --loose --optional-chaining --logical-assignment


If you use Babel and see errors while decaffeinati...

Fun with Ruby: Returning in blocks "overwrites" outside return values

In a nutshell: return statements inside blocks cause a method's return value to change. This is by design (and probably not even new to you, see below) -- but can be a problem, for example for the capture method of Rails.

Consider these methods:

def stuff
  puts 'yielding...'
  puts 'yielded.'

We can call our stuff method with a block to yield. It works like t...

Better compression for /boot partition

If you struggle with a /boot partition that is too small for updates, and you are too intimidated by the way to resize your /boot partition, there might be an easier fix:

It is possible to configure a better compression algorithm for the images in /boot. To do this, edit /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and change the existing line to


Then rebuild the images using

sudo update-initramfs -u -k all

If you get an error during the last step, please immediately get help, because otherwise...

Use "overflow: hidden" to avoid floating elements from wrapping a container's text

Consider this HTML:

<div id="container">
  <div id="actions">
    <a href="#">Click me!</a>
  <div id="content">
    Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe!

If you want the actions element to float on the left, you'd just say this in your CSS:

#actions { float: left; }

Unfortunately, any content of the content's text will wrap underneath it:


Function Composition in Ruby

Along with a number of other cool new features and performance improvements, Ruby 2.6 added function composition to the Proc and Method classes. Today we’ll take a look at how this allows us to use some functional programming goodness in our Ruby code.

Webpacker: Side effects of using window.* within the ProvidePlugin

Some older Node modules rely on window.jQuery to be present. One suggested solution is to use this config in the app/config/webpack/environment.js:

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack')

  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    $: 'jquery',
    jQuery: 'jquery',
    'window.jQuery': 'jquery'

module.exports = environment

This will work. But a side effect is that the fo...

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: How to UPDATE using a JOIN

When you want to UPDATE a table with information from an associated table, you can JOIN the associated table into the statement.


Let's say you have a database schema where an Employee belongs_to :department:

| Employee        |                   +------------+
|-----------------| n               1 | Department |
| email           |-------------------|------------+
| department_id   |                   | name       |
+-----------------+                   +------------+

Because of perfo...

How to test Autoprefixer and CSSnext in PostCSS

PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins. In Webpacker you can configure the plugins and their settings via the postcss.config.js file. Make sure that postcss-loader is part of your package.json.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      autoprefixer: {
        flexbox: 'no-2009'
      stage: 3

Note: Stage 3 means you can use all CSS features that ar...

Speed up your websites: Put JavaScripts at bottom

For websites that don't do JavaScript rendering on the client, it's best practice to put script tags at the bottom of the HTML. This way, the page can start to render before scripts have been loaded and run.

The caveat is that you also have to move all other script tags from your views to the bottom of the page. This can be done with helpers.

How to implement

  1. Add the attached javascript_helper to your app.
  2. Move your `javascript_i...

HTML emails with inline stylesheets and webpacker

Many mail clients do not support external style sheets. Some even require all styling inline, which means you'll have to do your styling inline. For Rails applications, you can use Roadie or premailer, which lets you keep your well-structured CSS files and do the inlining for you.

See Designing HTML email

Since Roadie is now in passive maintenance mode, we go with premailer:

Include premailer in your Gemfile:

gem 'premailer-ra...

Migration from the Asset Pipeline to Webpacker

This is a short overview of things that are required to upgrade a project from the Asset Pipeline to Webpacker. Expect this upgrade to take a few days even the diff is quite small afterwards.


1. Find all libraries that are bundled with the asset pipeline. You can check the application.js and the application.css for require and import statements. The source of a library is most often a gem or a vendor directory.
2. Find an working example for each library in the application and write it down.
3. Find out the ver...

MySQL: How to create columns like "bigint" or "longtext" in Rails migrations, and what :limit means for column migrations

Rails understands a :limit options when you create columns in a migration. Its meaning depends on the column type, and sometimes the supplied value.

The documentation states that :limit sets the column length to the number of characters for string and text columns, and to the number of bytes for binary and integer columns.

Using it

This is nice since you may want a bigint column to store really long numbers in it. You can just create it by ...

Github Cheat Sheet

All the hidden and not hidden features of Git and GitHub.

During deployment: "You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing your Gemfile"

While deploying an Ruby update to an old application these days, we encountered the following misleading error:

*** [err :: some-host.makandra.de] You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
*** [err :: some-host.makandra.de] your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
*** [err :: some-host.makandra.de] updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
*** [err :: some-host.makandra.de] 
*** [err :: some-host.makandra.de] You have deleted from the Gemfile:
*** [err :: some-host.makandra.de] *

We found out a newe...

How to doubleclick in Selenium

Put the attached file into features/support/.

Example usage:

When /^I open the task named "(.+?)"$/ do |task_name|
  task = page.all('.task').detect do |t|
    t.find('.label').text.downcase == task_name.downcase

Note: only Selenium understands doubleclicks.\
Credits: the attached Capybara issue discussion.

Why you can't use timezone codes like "PST" or "BST" for Time objects

Rails' ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone objects have both a timezone code and offset, e.g. Thu, 28 Mar 2019 16:00:00 CET +01:00. Ruby's stdlib TZInfo also has time zones, but with different identifiers.
Unfortunately, not all timezone codes can be used to parse strings or to move time objects into another time zone.

Some timezone codes like CET are supported by ActiveSupport extensions like String#in_time_zone, while many codes will actually not work:

>> '2019-03-01 12:00'.in_time_zone('PST')
ArgumentError (Invalid Timezone: PST)

Git: Revert one or more commits

Reverting a commit means creating a new commit that undoes the old changes.

Imagine the following commit history:

* commit_sha3 [Story-ID 1] Fixup for my feature 
* commit_sha2 [Story-ID 5] Other feature
* commit_sha1 [Story-ID 1] My feature 

You can revert a single commit using the following syntax:

git revert commit_sha2

To revert changes that are split across multiple commits, use the --no-commit flag.

git revert --no-commit commit_sha3
git revert --no-commit commit_sha1
git commit -m "Revert Story 1"

CSS: Flex and "min-width"

min-width is known as a CSS property that can be set to define a least width for an element. Surprisingly, it can also be used to set something that feels like max-width.

min-width in a flex context

While the default min-width value is 0 (zero), for flex items it is auto. This can make block elements take up much more space than desired, even stretching their container beyond the screen edge on small screens.



Using local fonts with Webpack / Webpacker

When we want to use our own (or bought) fonts in an application with Webpack(er), we have two options. We can

  • put the fonts directly into your Webpack's assets folder or
  • write an npm package with an own sass file that can be imported from the Webpack manifest.

Load fonts from your assets folder

The first option turns out to be straightforward: Import the stylesheets in the index.js of the pack you're using:

// webpack_source_path/application/index.js

import './stylesheets/reset'

rails_state_machine 1.1.2 released

Fixed bugs where calling valid? would change the record's state.

How to fix parallel_tests with Redis on powerful machines

When you have a powerful machine with many CPU cores, you might run into an error like

ERR DB index is out of range (Redis::CommandError)

This is because Redis defaults to at most 16 databases (0 to 15) and running tests in parallel might exceed that (your tests might run on databases 1..n or 2..(n+1)).

You can increase that limit:

  1. Get number of CPUs of your machine.

    nproc --all
  2. Open up Redis configuration file.

    sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf
  3. Find databases row and increase it, e.g. set to CPU cou...