Rbenv: Alias a Ruby version

For newer Ubuntu versions we currently need to install the patch level version 1.8.7-p375, otherwise the dev dependencies from openssl will cause the installation to fail.

For a project that specifies the Ruby version 1.8.7 in the .ruby-version the rbenv autoswitch will not work. You have several options how you can solve this problem:

  • Install rbenv-aliases, which will alias your Ruby 1.8.7-p375 ...

Running Rspec examples by name, or: Running a single shared example

When an Rspec example fails, I usually investigate by running that example again using rspec <file:line>. However, this does not work with shared examples, since Rspec doesn't know in which context the shared example should be run.

But there is a different way: You can run the shared example using the -e, --example option. It takes a string value and runs all scenarios containing that substring in their full description.

This allows you to run a single uniquely named example, all examples with
similar names, all the examples in a u...

Rspec 3: what to do when `describe` is undefined

When tests might not run with skipping RSpec in the RSpec.describe failing with the error undefined method 'describe' for main:Object this card will help you out!

In RSpec 3 the DSL like describe is exposed globally by default. Therefore it is not necessary to write Rspec.describe.

However, there is a config option to disable this beavior, which also disables the old should-syntax:

RSpec.configure do |config|

Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds

You login to a Linux server with a performance issue: what do you check in the first minute?

dmesg | tail
vmstat 1
mpstat -P ALL 1
pidstat 1
iostat -xz 1
free -m
sar -n DEV 1
sar -n TCP,ETCP 1

Also see:

Understanding grid sizes of (SVG) icons

A primer on vector graphics

For rastered image formats like JPG or PNG, each pixel is basically drawn on a fixed size canvas. To display such an image in a different size (say: 1.5 times larger than original), the renderer (your Browser / GPU / Monitor) needs to interpolate the color values of missing pixels. The image will appear slightly blurred.

This is different for vector graphics like the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. You can imagine SVG files as XML file contai...

Automated wordbreaks for long words

The problem:

So I had the issue that User input (coming from many different sources and users) often contains the same long word. Maybe that's a super german thing to have lots of long words I have to deal with. This long word needs to be fully visible on small screens but none of the automated word-break solutions offered by css (https://justmarkup.com/articles/2015-07-31-dealing-with-long-words-in-css/) is clever or supported enough to be a good solution. So I...

Geordi 2.7.0 released

  • Fixed #68: The "cucumber" command now fails early when @solo features fail.
  • Added: The "setup" command now prints the db adapter when prompting db credentials.
  • Fixed #71: When used without staged changes, the "commit" command will print a warning and create an empty commit. Any arguments to the command are forwarded to Git.
  • Fixed: The "commit" command will not print the extra message any more.
  • Added: The "commit" command prints a (progre...

Resources for working with the Youtube API

You can use the Youtube API to get data from youtube. Here are some resources and some things that are good to know.

You need to create an API key and each request will cost a certain amount of Request-Points (depending on the kind of query).

It may help to understand youtube's domain model before starting.

It's best to just try out your requests in the browser to see what you will get.
A request can look like this (note that you have to replace the playlis...

Defining "partials" in pure HTML without additional rendering helpers

A while ago I tweeted a thread about how a small JavaScript snippet, one that can fit in a single tweet in fact, can be used to allow defining custom elements purely in HTML. This post will expand on the idea, show how the snippet works, and argue for why you might want to actually use this.

A nice trick that lets you define "partials" in HTML without any additional rendering technology on the server or client.

Can I Email: Check what styling email clients support

The french Tilt Studio built a caniuse clone for email clients.

Note that while checking styling support helps using (or not using) certain features, it cannot substitute for checking the actual rendering in real clients. Make sure you follow Designing HTML Emails.

Coffeescript: Caveat when cloning objects with fat-arrow methods

Coffeescript allows you to create classes whose methods are automatically bound to the correct this. You can do this by using a fat arrow:

class Person

  constructor: (name) ->
    @name = name

  sayHello: =>
    alert("Hello, I am #{@name}")

An important caveat is that when you clone such an object, all of its methods are still bound to the original instance:

eve = new Person("Eve")
eve.sayHello() # => "Hello, I am Eve"
bob = _.clone(eve)
bob.name = "Bob"
bob.sayHello() # => "Hello, I am Eve"

I don't thin...

Bundler: How to release a gem with 2FA enabled

Rubygems supports a 2FA for your account. Once enabled you need to provide your personal OTP code for every release. Despite the CLI of the rake release task does not work well with the command prompt for your OTP code with Bundler versions < 2.0.2. It just looks like the task is frozen:


  • Workaround 1: Just type your OTP code and hit enter, your gem is released afterwards.
  • Workaround 2: Upgrade to Bundler >= 2.0.2.. Your supported Ruby versions for this gem must be >= 2.3.

When r...

Minified JavaScript and CSS

JavaScripts and CSS should be minified for production use.

In Rails 3.1+ the asset pipeline will take care of this. Thus you're best off using an uncompressed version of your Javascript in development. Also load the non-minified versions of libraries. This way debugging will be easier and you will still get all the minification love once deployed.

In Rails 2.3 and 3.0 you should at least embed external JavaScript libraries in minified form, using something like JavaScript compressor.

Linux, Arial and Helvetica: Different font rendering in Firefox and Chrome

When text renders differently in Firefox and Chrome, it may be caused by a font alias that both browsers handle differently.


A machine running Linux, and a website with the Bootstrap 3 default font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif.


Anti-aliasing and kerning of text looks bad in Firefox. Worse, it is rendered 1px lower than in Chrome (shifted down).


Firefox resolves "Helvetica" to an installed ["TeX Gyre Heros", which is its Ghostscript clone](https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/...

Guideline for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript

jQuery is still a useful and pragmatic library, but chances are increasingly that you’re not dependent on using it in your projects to accomplish basic tasks like selecting elements, styling them, animating them, and fetching data—things that jQuery was great at. With broad browser support of ES6 (over 96% at the time of writing), now is probably a good time to move away from jQuery.

[Practical and clear reference with the most common jQuery patterns and their equivalent translations in vanilla JS](https://tobiasahlin.com/blog/move-from-j...

Ruby: The YAML safe_load method hides some pitfalls

The Ruby standard lib ships with a YAML Parser called Psych. But serializing and deserializing data seems not as obvious as if you are using JSON.

To safely write and read YAML files you should use Psych#dump (String#to_yaml) and Psych.safe_load (YAML.safe_load):

data = {'key' => 'value'}.to_yaml
=> "---\nkey: value\n"
=> {"key"=>"value"}

Unfortunately you might encounter a few pitfalls which are not obvious in the first place. All of them are a side effect that you can not configure Psych#dump to o...

Don't open user-supplied links with target="_blank"

This will give the target site full access to your Javascript environment through window.opener, if the target is on the same domain.

Even if the target site is on another domain, it still has some access and can for example manipulate window.location to perform a phishing attack.

You may use a rel="noopener" attribute to avoid this in modern browsers, except IE or Edge.

Email validation regex

There is a practical short list for valid/invalid example email addresses - Thanks to Florian L.! The definition for valid emails (RFC 5322) can be unhandy for some reasons, though.

Since Ruby 2.3, Ruby's URI lib provides a built-in email regex URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP. That's the best solution to work with.


Rails: Verify the CSRF token

Rails uses a CSRF token in forms and AJAX requests to verify a user request. Internally it compares the injected CSRF token of the form data with the CSRF token in the encrypted user session. To prevent SSL BREACH attacks, the CSRF token from the form data is masked.

To better debug issues, when these tokens do not match, it is useful to unmask the CSRF token from the form da...

Rails: Manually decrypting a session cookie

Normally, Rails handles encryption and signing of cookies, and you don't have to deal with the matter. Should you need to decrypt a session cookie manually: here is how.

Obviously, you can only decrypt a session cookie from within the corresponding Rails application. Only the Rails application that encrypted a cookie has the secrets to decrypt it.

Rails 7

Unicorn: How to force a single threaded boot in development

Unicorn allows you to specify the maximum number of workers. In development this could be useful if you use a debugger, but do not want to overflow the console with other request like from ActionCable. Then just set the maximum number of workers to 1 and the other requests have to wait.

UNICORN_WORKERS=1 rails server

How to fix webpack-dev-server not found

The bin/webpack-dev-server command is not as smart as e.g. rails server, where it shows the proper fix within the error message.

$ bin/webpack-dev-server                                                                  
yarn run v1.19.1
error Command "webpack-dev-server" not found.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

Run yarn install --check-files to fix this error.

Links to CoffeeScript 1 documentation

coffeescript.org contains only documentation for the latest CoffeeScript version. Version 2 transpiles to ES6.

We stopped using CoffeeScript a while ago, but older projects still use version 1 which transpiles to ES5. This means that examples for transpiled results or the "Try CoffeeScript" web console behave differently, and lookup up stuff when working on older projects may be somewhat hard.

Here are some links to version 1 documentation:

WProofreader: How to manually enable for a WYSIWYG editor instance (with CKeditor 4 example)

WProofreader is a spelling and grammar checking tool that integrates with textareas and numerous WYSIWYG editors.
While it usually activates automatically, depending on your application, it may fail to boot.

In my case, an application was using CKEditor 4 and programmatically activated CKEditor. WProofreader's autoSearch logic failed to hook into that for some reason.

You can choose not to use its autoSearch feature, but explicitly enable WProofreader.
Here is a guide for CKEditor 4. It should apply to other WYSIWYG editors as well.
