A short overview of common design patterns implemented within Rails

The linked content includes a few design patterns implemented with Ruby on Rails.

What is the card indented to achieve?

  • You can use the pattern names for code reviews, so all parties know with only a few words which change is requested. Example: "Please use a form object here"
  • You can learn about new code patterns
  • You should read the sections "Advantages of using design patterns" and "Disadvantages of using design patterns in a wrong way", since design patterns do not replace good code

Included Design Patterns: Service, Value objec...

makandra tech survey - results

These are the results of the "personal tech stack survey". I've included only the most popular mentions, maybe it can help you find one or two useful tools for your own usage.

Desktop environment

pie title Desktop environment
    "Gnome" : 16
    "i3": 2
    "sway": 2
    "awesome": 1
    "bspwm": 1
    "mate": 1
    "xfce": 1

Gnome dominates (unsuprising, it's the Ubuntu default), but quite a few people use tiling window managers, most popular i3 and the mostly i3-compatible [sway](https://swaywm....

Fix for mysql2 error "Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for x.x.x but the client library is y.y.y."

This should be fixed in the latest LTS-branches of our mysql2 fork, 0.2.x-lts and 0.3.x-lts.


gem 'mysql2', git: 'https://github.com/makandra/mysql2', branch: '0.2.x-lts' # for Rails 2.x
gem 'mysql2', git: 'https://github.com/makandra/mysql2', branch: '0.3.x-lts' # for Rails 3.x

in your Gemfile, and do a

bundle update mysql2


mysql2 used to check that the client library used at runtime actually matches the one it was compiled against. However, at least on Ubunt...

Reading the Rails session hash from a Rack middleware

To read the Rails session from a Rack middleware, use env['rack.session']. It's an ActionDispatch::Request::Session object.

class MyMiddlware

  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    status, headers, body = @app.call(env)
    session = env['rack.session']
    Rails.logger.info("Value of session['foo'] is: " + session['foo'].inspect)
    [status, headers, body]


You may not be able to write to the session this way (I haven't tested this).

Fixing flaky E2E tests

An end-to-end test (E2E test) is a script that remote-controls a web browser with tools like Selenium WebDriver. This card shows basic techniques for fixing a flaky E2E test suite that sometimes passes and sometimes fails.

Although many examples in this card use Ruby, Cucumber and Selenium, the techniques are applicable to all languages and testing tools.

Why tests are flaky

Your tests probably look like this:

When I click on A
And I click on B
And I click on C
Then I should see effects of C

A test like this works fine...

Use a global .gitignore file to ignore stuff from your machine

Sometimes you want git to ignore certain files that appear on your machine. You can do this in 3 ways:

  • Per project, in the project's .gitignore file
  • Per project, in a local exclude file
  • Globally on your machine

Downsides of per-project .gitignore entries

While it might be tempting to set it per project (other devs might benefit from it), you

  • need to do it each time for every project
  • "pollute" a project's .gitignore file with stuff...

Running "bundle update" without arguments might break your application

Calling bundle update (without arguments) updates all your gems at once. Given that many gems don't care about stable APIs, this might break your application in a million ways.

To stay sane, update your gems using the applicable way below:

Projects in active development

Update the entire bundle regularily (e.g. once a week). This ensures that your libraries are up-to-date while it's easy to spot major version bumps which may break the app.

Projects that have not been updated in a while

  1. [Update a single gem conservatively](htt...

Calling a helper method with the same name as your current partial

Partials always define a local variable with the same name as themselves. E.g. when you are in _recent_users.html.erb, a local variable recent_users will be defined and overshadow any helper method that is also called recent_users().

If you would like to use a helper method recent_users() in a partial _recent_users.html.erb you can say this in the partial template:

<% recent_users = self.recent_users() %>
<% recent_users.each do |user| %>
<% end %>

Your database tables should always have timestamps

Whenever you create a table from a database migration, remember to add updated_at and created_at timestamps to that table. Without those timestamps, investigating future bug reports will be hell. Always have timestamps.

Adding timestamps to new tables

When you create a table using create_table, you can add timestamps by using the timestamps shortcut:

class CreateEpisode < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :episodes do |t|
      t.string :name

CSS: The inset CSS shorthand

The inset CSS property is a shorthand that corresponds to the top, right, bottom, and/or left properties. It has the same multi-value syntax of the margin shorthand.


<div class="outer">
  <div class="inner">
    Some text
.outer {
  background-color: cyan;
  position: relative;
  width: 500px;
  height: 500px;

Top, right, bottom and left


.inner {
  background-color: darkCyan;
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  right: 10px;
  bottom: 10p...

Fix: esbuild assets are missing after capistrano deploy

Issue: You have an app using jsbundling-rails and esbuild. After deploy, the assets built by esbuild are missing in public/assets.

Solution: Add app/builds to your git repo (by adding a app/builds/.keep file).

Something in sprockets is caching paths and refuses to accept files in "unknown" locations.

Fix PNG colors in IE, old Safaris and new Firefoxes

Some browsers render PNG images with color profiles and other shenanigans, some don't.

The cleanest way to have consistent colors across browsers is to convert all your images to a standard color profile, strip the image's original profile and attach the standard profile.

If you can't be bothered to convert color profiles, a quicker (but less effective) method is to remove some PNG chunks from your files.

With Geordi


Writing strings as Carrierwave uploads

When you have string contents (e.g. a generated binary stream, or data from a remote source) that you want to store as a file using Carrierwave, here is a simple solution.

While you could write your string to a file and pass that file to Carrierwave, why even bother? You already have your string (or stream).
However, a plain StringIO object will not work for Carrierwave's ActiveRecord integration:

>> Attachment.create!(file: StringIO.new(contents))
TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String

This is because Carrierwav...

PostgreSQL: How to show database size

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('some-database'));


SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('cards_p'));
 13 GB
(1 row)
SELECT pg_database_size('cards_p');
(1 row)


The Easiest Way to Parse URLs with JavaScript

A very clever hack to parse a structured URL object is to create a <a> element and set its href to the URL you want to parse.

You can then query the <a> element for its components like schema, hostname, port, pathname, query, hash:

var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = 'http://heise.de/bar';
parser.hostname; // => 'heise.de'
pathname = parser.pathname; // => '/bar'

if (pathname[0] != '/')
  pathname = '/' + pathname // Fix IE11

One advantag...

Icon font vertical alignment in Windows

I had an issue with icons from an icon font aligning differently on Linux, iOS and Windows (seemingly browser-independent). With vertical-align:middle, they aligned properly on Linux, iOS and macOS, whereas with a vertical-align of -18%, it looked good on Windows and iOS, but not Linux.

Further investigation showed that not only icons, but also normal capital letters aligned differently. No setting of vertical-align could fix this, neither top, bottom, middle, nor additional paddings or margins. It seems like browsers take the...

Hiding the clear input button of Edge (with EdgeHTML engine)

Edge (and some versions of Internet Explorer, like IE11) use to render a × clear input button on text fields. While this is intended as a nicety for users, it comes in annoying when you've built and styled your own clear input button.

Hide the Edge × with this pseudo selector:

  display: none

Differences between transactions and locking

Web applications can be used by multiple users at the same time. A typical application server like Passenger has multiple worker processes for a single app. In a distributed deployment setup like we use at makandra you will even have multiple application servers, each with their own worker pool.

This means that your code needs to deal with concurrent data access. The two main tools we use to cope with concurrency are database transactions and distributed locks. These two are not interchangeable. You ca...

Preload associations in loaded records

Sometimes you want to fetch associations for an ActiveRecord that you already loaded, e.g. when it has deeply nested associations.

Edge Rider gives your models a static method preload_associations. The method can be used to preload associations for loaded objects like this:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    @user.preload_associations(threads: { posts: :author }, messages: :sender)

The attached initializers re...

Double loading issue with Ruby default gems

Ruby includes many standard gems that are bundled into the Ruby installation. Here is an example for the gem strscan that will be displayed as default:

gem list strscan     

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

strscan (default: 3.0.1)

It is still possible to have newer version of a gem installed beside the default version:

gem install strscan  
Fetching strscan-3.0.3.gem
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed strscan-3.0.3
1 gem installed
gem list strscan   

*** LOC...

How to debug issues with zeitwerk and Rails

In case you have trouble with the zeitwerk autoloader, you can check out the documentation Autoloading and Reloading Constants and Classic to Zeitwerk HOWTO for some debugging hints.

For myself it was useful to print the registered constants and the file references during the boot. Therefore you need to add Rails.autoloaders.log! at the end of your config/application.rb file. You could also run `bin...

Waiting for page loads and AJAX requests to finish with Capybara

If you're using the Capybara webdriver, steps sometimes fail because the browser hasn't finished loading the next page yet, or it still has a pending AJAX request. You'll often see workarounds like

When I wait for the page to load
Then ...

Workarounds like this do not work reliably, will result in flickering tests and should be avoided. There is no known reliable way to detect if the browser has finished loading the page.


Instead you should wait until you can observe the result of a page load. E.g. if y...

ActiveType 1.2 supports "change_association"

With ActiveType 1.2 you can modify associations (has_many etc.) after they have been defined.

One common use case for this is to change an association inside a form model, like this:

class Credential < ActiveRecord::Base

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :credentials

class SignUpCredential < ActiveType::Record[Credential]

class SignUp < ActiveType::Record[User]
  change_association :credentials, class_name: 'SignUpCredential'

Now, if you load `credentials...

CSS: Don't target multiple vendor-prefixed pseudo-elements in a single rule

Some pseudo-elements need to be addressed with vendor prefixes. E.g. ::selection is not supported by Firefox, you need to use ::-moz-selection instead.

What you cannot do is to define a single CSS rule to address both the standard and vendor-prefixed form:

::selection, ::-moz-selection {
  background-color: red;

This rule will be ignored by all browsers. The reason is that if a browser doe...