Large CSS box shadows can bring browsers to a crawl

Browser rendering engines are very slow at rendering large box shadows. I had a situation where a complex layout with fixed elements and large shadows slowed Firefox down to 2 frames/second for scrolling and DOM manipulation.

Some advice:

  • Be aware that by introducing fixed elements (e.g. sticky navigation bars) and large animations, you might force the browser to redraw large portions of the site when scrolling. When your fixed elements have shadows, this increases the screen area that needs to be redrawn, which might again require other...

Rails: Removing the cucumber-rails warning when setting cache_classes to false without Spring enabled

We are using Spring in our tests for sequential test execution but not for parallel test execution. And Rails requires you to set the config.cache_classes = false if you are using Spring in tests.

With our setup, this would raise the following error in cucumber-rails for parallel test executions due to some legacy database cleaner issue.

WARNING: You have set Rails' config.cache_classes to false
    (Spring needs cache_classes set to false). This is known to cause probl...

Working on the Linux command line: How to use bookmarks for directories

Bookmarks for directories will be most helpful if you are forced to work in deeply nested projects. Then it's really helpful!

This makes use of the CDPATH variable. Similar to the PATH variable, which holds the list of directories which are searched for executables, CDPATH contains the list of directories that are available for cd. Besides the current directory (.), you can add others to that.

The trick is to add a directory for bookmarks to CDPATH.

First, create the directory with: mkdir ~/.bookmarks.

Then add the followin...

Working on the Linux command line: How to efficiently navigate up

With cd .. you can navigate one directory up from the one you are at now. If you use that a lot, consider some handy aliases.

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc:

alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."
alias ....="cd ../../.."
alias .....="cd ../../../.."
alias ......="cd ../../../../.."

you can add even more aliases, but I usually loose track after too many levels and just jump to the directly directly, e.g. using its absolute path or its bookmark (see [this card](

Working on the Linux command line: Use the `tree` command instead of repeated `cd` and `ls`

The tree command will show you the contents of a directory and all it's sub directories as a tree:

├── a
│   ├── file_1.txt
│   └── file_2.txt
└── b
    ├── c
    │   └── even_more.txt
    └── more.txt

3 directories, 4 files

If you have deeply nested directories, the output will be quite long though. To avoid that, you can limit the depth, e.g. tree -L 2 will only go 2 directories deep.

If you use that regularly, consider adding aliases for that to your ~/.bashrc:

alias tree2='tree -L 2'
alias tree3='tree -L 3'...

The many gotchas of Ruby class variables

TLDR: Ruby class variables (@@foo) are dangerous in many ways. You should avoid them at all cost. See bottom of this card for alternatives.

Class variables are shared between a class hierarchy

When you declare a class variable, it is shared between this and all descending (inheriting) classes. This is rarely what you want.

Class variables are bound at compile-time

Like unqualified constants, class variables are bound to your current scope *whe...

Unpoly 2: Don't try to download files through AJAX requests

Rails has the handy controller method send_file which lets us download files easily. We can decide whether the file should be downloaded (disposition: 'attachment') or shown in the browser (disposition: 'inline'). The default is disposition: 'attachment'.

Downloading files will not work when you are calling the controller action from an AJAX request. The browser will try to render the file and insert it in the DOM, which is never what you want.

Unpoly 2

Unpoly (sin...

Webpack: How to avoid multiple versions of jQuery

To avoid multiple versions of a package, you can manually maintain a resolutions section in your package.json. We recommend you to do this for packages like jQuery. Otherwise the jQuery library attached to window might not include the functions of your packages that depend on jQuery.

Note: This is only an issue in case you want to use a package functionality from window e.g. $(...).datepicker() from your dev console or any other javascript within the application.


By default yarn will create a folder node_modules ...

Cucumber Factory: How to assign polymorphic associations

Cucumber factory supports polymorphic associations out of the box. Just keep in mind that you need to use named associations for this purpose.

class Person < ApplicationModel
  has_many :buildings, inverse_of: :owner

class Company < ApplicationModel
  has_many :buildings, inverse_of: :owner

class Building < ApplicationModel
  belongs_to :owner, optional: true, polymorphic: true


Given there is a person with the name "Nice person"
  And there is a bui...

Cucumber features as documentation

Cucumber allows for prose in features and scenarios. Example:

Feature: Cancel account

  There are several ways to cancel a user account. Admins need to 
  do it in complex cases, but normally, users can do it themselves.
  Scenario: User cancels his own account
    Users should be able to cancel an account themselves, so the 
    admins do not need to do it.
    Given a user account for ""
    When I sign in as ""
    And I follow "Cancel account"
    Then I should see "Account canceled"...

Bookmarklet to facilitate generating new git branches for PivotalTracker Stories

This bookmarklet grabs a PivotalTracker story title, transforms it into a valid git branch name and automatically prepends your initials and an optional abbreviation (for better tab completion). It will output the following formats:

If you cancel the first dialog or confirm it without entering text:

git checkout -b kw/178298638-card-320-state-machines

If you enter an abbreviation (e.g. stm in this case):

git checkout -b kw/stm/178298638-card-320-state-machines

How to set it up:

  • in the attached file replace `YOUR_INITI...

Unobtrusive JavaScript helper to progressively enhance HTML

The attached compiler() function below applies JavaScript behavior to matching HTML elements as they enter the DOM.

This works like an Unpoly compiler for apps that don't use Unpoly, Custom Elements or any other mechanism that pairs JavaScript with HTML elements.

The compiler() function is also a lightweight replacement for our legacy [$.unobtrusive()](

Using attribute event handlers with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)

Given you have a strict CSP that only allows <script src> elements from your own domain:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'

This will block JavaScript handlers inlined as attribute into your HTML elements. Clicking on the following link will only log an error with a strict CSP:

<a href="javascript:alert('hello')">click me</a>
<a href="#" onclick="alert('hello')">click me</a>

Solution 1: Move the handler into your JavaScript

The recommended solution is to move the handler from the HTML to the allowed ...

How to use html_safe correctly

Back in the war, Rails developers had to manually HTML-escape user-supplied text before it was rendered in a view. If only a single piece of user-supplied text was rendered without prior escaping, it enabled XSS attacks like injecting a <script> tag into the view of another user.

Because this practice was so error-prone, the rails_xss plugin was developed and later integrated into Rails 3. rails_xss follows a different approach: Instead of relying...

Don't forget: Automatically remove join records on has_many :through associations


# Given the following models

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :album_images
  has_many :albums, through: :album_images

class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :album_images
  has_many :images, through: :album_images

# Join model
class AlbumImage < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :album
  belongs_to :image

Destroying a record in this setup will only remove the record itself, and leave orphaned join records behind.

image = Image.last
image.destroy # removes only the `image` record,

RSpec < 2.11: ActiveRecord scopes must be loaded before using the "=~" matcher

To test whether two arrays have the same elements regardless of order, you can use the =~ matcher in RSpec < 2.11:

actual_array.should =~ expected_array

If either side is an ActiveRecord scope rather than an array, you should call to_a on it first, since =~ does not play nice with scopes:

actual_scope.to_a.should =~ expected_scope.to_a

If you use RSpec >= 2.11 we recommend using the match_array or contain_exactly matchers instead of =~.
Use the eq matcher only if the order of records matters.

Default Arguments and Memoized

tl;dr: Avoid to memoize methods with default (keyword) arguments!

When you are using Memoized with default arguments or default keyword arguments, there are some edge cased you have to
keep in mind.

When you memoize a method with (keyword) arguments that have an expression as default value, you should be aware
that the expression is evaluated only once.

memoize def print_time(time =

=> 2021-07-23 14:23:18 +0200

=> 2021-07-23 14:23:18 +0200

When you memoize a met...

Using multiple MySQL versions on the same linux machine using docker

We had a card that described how to install multiple mysql versions using mysql-sandbox. Nowadays with the wide adoption of docker it might be easier to use a MySQL docker image for this purpose.

Create a new mysql instance

docker run --name projectname_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -p "33008:3306" -d --restart unless-stopped mysql:5.7

The port 33008 is a freely chosen free port on the host machine that will be used to establish a con...

How to start Terminator with split screens and custom commands running

Starting Terminator with split screens is quite simple: Just store a layout and start Terminator with the --layout <your layout> option.

However, if you want to run custom commands in your terminals, you need to do some work to keep these terminals from closing after a command exits. You accomplish this by tweaking bash to run a command before actually starting.

Pimp your .bashrc

Add this to the end of .bashrc:

# hack to keep a bash open when starting it with a command
[[ $startup_cmd ]] && { declare +x $startup_cmd; hist...