Events triggered by jQuery cannot be observed by native event listeners

jQuery has a function $.fn.trigger(). You can use it to dispatch an event on a jQuery object:

let $element = $('.foo')

A caveat is that such an event will be received by jQuery event listeners, but not by native event listeners:

let $element = $('.foo')

$element.on('change', event => console.log('I will be called'))
$element[0].addEventListener('change', event => console.log("I WON'T be called"))


This is not an issue when your entire app is ...

Ruby: How to use prepend for cleaner monkey patches

Let's say you have a gem which has the following module:

module SuperClient

  def bar


For reasons you need to override foo and bar.

Keep in mind: Your code quality is getting worse with with each prepend (other developers are not happy to find many library extensions). Try to avoid it if possible.

  1. Add a lib/ext/super_client.rb to your project (see How to organize monkey patches in Ruby on Rails projects)
  2. Add the extension, which ov...

Capybara: Quick checking for element presence (without retries or timeout)

Element finding is a central feature of Capybara. Since #find is normally used to get elements from the current page and interact with them, it's a good thing that some Capybara drivers (e.g. Selenium) will wait an amount of time until the expected element shows up. But if Capybara cannot #find it at all, you'll get an error.

if page.find('.that-element')
  # Do something
  # Never happens because #find raises

In order to simply check whether an element is present, without errors raised, you can use #has_css?. It...

ImageMagick: Converting SVG to raster image formats like PNG or JPEG


ImageMagick can convert SVGs to raster image formats.

Example for PNG:

convert input.svg output.png

If the SVG has a size of 24x24 (viewBox="0 0 24 24"), the resulting PNG will also have a size of 24x24.


An SVG's viewBox specifies the intended size, but vector image formats can be scaled freely.

Resize flag (poor results)

If you want your raster image to be larger, the naive approach would be to use the resize flag.

convert -resize 96x96 input.svg output.png

However, this resu...

The TCF 2.0 (Tranparency and Consent Framework) standard, and what you should know about it

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is a European marketing association which has introduced a standard how advertising can be served to users in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This standard is called the TCF 2.0 (Transparency and Consent Framework). If you want to integrate any kind of advertising into a website, chances are the advertising network will require your website to implement that standard. This is a very brief overview of what this means:

The basic idea in the TCF 2.0 ...

Ad blockers: How to debug blocked elements

Some users might use Adblock Plus or similar browser plugins to reduce the number of ads displayed. If you run into an issue that your application or part of an application is blocked, this card will give you some guidance on how to debug it.

In general ad blocking is not an issue for most of our web apps. But if your application uses iframes or is embedded in another site it's more prone to it.

Blocked elements most of the time appear to the user as empty frames in the page. The indicator icon of the ad blocker also gives ...

Why two Ruby Time objects are not equal, although they appear to be

So you are comparing two Time objects in an RSpec example, and they are not equal, although they look equal:

expected: Tue May 01 21:59:59 UTC 2007,
     got: Tue May 01 21:59:59 UTC 2007 (using ==)

The reason for this is that Time actually tracks fractions of a second, although #to_s doesn't say so and even though you probably only care about seconds. This means that two consecutive calls of probably return two inequal values.

Consider freezing time in your tests so it is not dependent on the speed of the executi...

no passenger served applications running error when deploying via capistrano

When deploying with capistrano it's possible you get this "error" message:

*** [err ::] There are no Phusion Passenger-served applications running whose paths begin with '/var/www/'.
*** [err ::] 

This is just because there were no running passenger process for this application on the server which could be restarted. It's not a real error. The application process will start if the first request for this app hits the appserver.

The output appears as err because it's printed to stderr.


Load order of the environment

Rails 3, 4, 5, 6

  1. config/application.rb
  2. config/environment.rb before the initialize! call (we don't usually edit this file)
  3. The current environment, e.g. environments/production.rb
  4. Gems
  5. Vendored plugins
  6. All initializers in config/initializers/*.rb
  7. config/environment.rb after the initialize! call (we don't usually edit this file)
  8. Your own code from app

Rails 2

  1. Code in config/preinitializer.rb (if it exists)
  2. environment.rb, code above the blo...

Hints for debugging MySQL InnoDB deadlocks

Deadlocks only occur if two transactions in separate threads compete for the same rows in the database. They usually (but not necessarily) only happen when trying to update or otherwise lock several rows in different order.

Solving deadlocks is potentially complicated, so here are a few pointers:

  • MySQL should always detect the deadlock right when it happens, and will throw an error to one of the offending threads. This error states the SQL statement that this thread was currently waiting for, and that tried to acquire one of the competin...

You can use graphs in gitlab comments!

Since GitLab 10.3. you can use Mermaid in GitLab comments: Gitlab Doc.
With Mermaid you can create diagrams based on text / code.

Sometimes a picture says more than thousand words and can help you express your thoughts more clearly.



Some Examples from the Mermaid documentation:


graph TD;

Using feature flags to stabilize flaky E2E tests

A flaky test is a test that is often green, but sometimes red. It may only fail on some PCs, or only when the entire test suite is run.

There are many causes for flaky tests. This card focuses on a specific class of feature with heavy side effects, mostly on on the UI. Features like the following can amplify your flakiness issues by unexpectedly changing elements, causing excessive requests or other timing issues:

  • Lazy loading images
  • Autocomplete in search f...

Setup Sidekiq and Redis

If you want Sidekiq to be able to talk to Redis on staging and production servers, you need to add the following to your configuration:

# config/initializers/sidekiq.rb
require 'sidekiq'

Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
  config.redis = { url: REDIS_URL }

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.redis = { url: REDIS_URL }

The following step may be skipped for new Sidekiq 6+, since it isn't recommended anymore to use a global redis client.

# config/initializers/redis.rb
require 'redis'

RSpec: how to prevent the Rails debug page if you want to actually test for 404s

Within development and test environments, Rails is usually configured to show a detailed debug page instead of 404s. However, there might be some cases where you expect a 404 and want to test for it.

An example would be request-specs that check authorization rules. (If you use a gem like consul for managing authorization rules, you should always check these rules via power-specs. However, request-specs can be used as a light-weight version of integration tests here.)

In this case, Rails will replace the 404 page that you want to test ...

RSpec: automatic creation of VCR cassettes

This RailsCast demonstrated a very convenient method to activate VCR for a spec by simply tagging it with :vcr.

For RSpec3 the code looks almost the same with a few minor changes. If you have the vcr and webmock gems installed, simply include:

# spec/support/vcr.rb
VCR.configure do |c|
  c.cassette_library_dir = Rails.root.join("spec", "vcr")
  c.hook_into :webmock

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.around(:each, :vcr) do |example|
    name = example.metadata[:full_descripti...

RSpec: ". not_to include" behaves like ".to exclude"

RSpec is smart when using the include-matcher in combination with .not_to. One could assume that

.not_to include(3, 4, 5)

evaluates to:

NOT( .to include(3, 4, 5) )

However, it behaves like:

.to (NOT include(3) && NOT include(4) && NOT include(5) )


Using .not_to in combination with the include-matcher doesn't logically negate the final truth value. It instead negates the individual include-expectations for each argument.


describe 'RSpec' do
  it "doesn't use logical nega...