open-next-failure: An alias to speed up test debugging

Getting an entire test suite green can be a tedious task which involves frequent switches between the CLI that is running tests back to the IDE where its cause can be fixed.

The following bash aliases helped me speed up that process:

alias show-next-failure="bundle exec rspec --next-failure"
alias open-next-failure="show-next-failure || show-next-failure --format json  | jq -r '.examples[0]' | jq '\"--line \" + (.line_number|tostring) + \" \" + .file_path' | xargs echo | xargs rubymine"

There is a lot going on above but the gist...

RubyMine and Rubocop: Performing safe autocorrects on save

  • Ctrl + Alt + S > search "rubocop on save"
  • Under "Inspections", check the highlighted box on rubocop -a

Caveat: This adds a little time overhead to saving. When you're editing many files at once (e.g. using "Replace All"), this may be inacceptable.

RubyMine: Fixing "Rubocop returned exit code -1. See the logs for details"

When RubyMine reports Rubocop returning "exit code -1", upgrading Rubocop can be the fix:

gem install rubocop

"The logs" can be accessed with Ctrl + Shift + A > Show log in (Files). This opens your file manager at the IDEA log location; the log file is called "idea.log".
If your operating system supports it, right click into the file manager > Open in Terminal. There run tail -f idea.log to follow the log.

How to open files from better_errors with RubyMine on Linux

I recently noticed that better_errors allows you to to open files from within your favorite editor. However it was not so easy to get rubymine:// links to work on Gnome/Linux. Here is how it finally worked for me:

Step 1: Add a Desktop launcher

Add this file to ~/.local/share/applications/rubymine.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]

ASDF: A Version Manager To Rule Them All


asdf allows you to manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool and is backwards compatible by supporting existing config files, like e.g. .nvmrc or .ruby-version.

Getting Started

  1. Disable rbenv
    1.1 Delete or comment out source /home/$user/.rbenvrc in ~/.profile
    1.2 Delete or comment our eval "$(rbenv init -)" in ~/.bashrcor~/.zshrc`
    1.3 To take effect you may have to restart your shell or log out and log in again from your current linux session
  2. Install asdf by following the official [...

Rubymine: Configure CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + c to work with "Test Source Roots"

To navigate between test and test subject Rubymine requires you to set the test root sources as Test Sources Root.

In case you are using the keyboard shortcut "CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + c" to copy the reference path + you have set the "Test Sources Root" for your test folders, you might consider setting this keyboard to "Copy From Repository Root". This will return the path `spec/foo_spec....

How to kill a Rails development server by force

Sometimes, the rails dev server doesn't terminate properly. This can for example happen when the dev server runs in a RubyMine terminal.

When this happens, the old dev server blocks port 3000, so when you try to start a new server, you get the error:

Address already in use - bind(2) for "" port 3000 (Errno::EADDRINUSE)

You can terminate such a dev server with this command:

lsof -t -i :3000 -s TCP:LISTEN | xargs kill -9

It might be worth it to add this to your bash aliases.

How to see how many inotify instances are used by each process

As a developer you may have many tools watching your project for changes: Your IDE, Webpack, Guard, etc. This is often done with an inotify watcher. If you have too many inotify instances you may run into limits of your operating system.

To find out which process is using them all up you can run:
sudo find /proc/*/fd/ -type l -lname "anon_inode:inotify" -printf "%hinfo/%f\n" | xargs grep -cE "^inotify" | column -t -s:

You will get a list like:

/proc/3753/fdinfo/7      1
/proc/3774/fdinfo/7      1
/proc/4034/fdinfo/12     14

Rubymine: do not open last project

If you're frequently switching between projects, you might be annoyed by RubyMines behavior of opening the last project on startup.
After all loading a project takes a few seconds as files are scanned and the RubyMine index is rebuilt. If you switch to another project after startup this time is doubled.

A saner default might be to open RubyMine with a dialog to choose the project to open.

This can be set under Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Project > Reopen projects on startup.

Switching to other projects

A helpful dialog...

RubyMine: Find and Replace with Regex (Capture Groups and Backreferences)


In RubyMine you can use find and replace with capture groups (.*?) and backreferences $1 (if you have several groups: $[Capture-Group ID]).
Named captures (?<text>.*) are also supported.


Replace double quotes with single quotes

If you want to replace double quotes with single quotes, replacing every " with a ' is prone to errors. Regular expressions can help you out here.

  1. Open find and replace
  2. Activate the regex mode (click on the .* icon next to the "find" field).
  3. Fill in f...

makandra tech survey - results

These are the results of the "personal tech stack survey". I've included only the most popular mentions, maybe it can help you find one or two useful tools for your own usage.

Desktop environment

pie title Desktop environment
    "Gnome" : 16
    "i3": 2
    "sway": 2
    "awesome": 1
    "bspwm": 1
    "mate": 1
    "xfce": 1

Gnome dominates (unsuprising, it's the Ubuntu default), but quite a few people use tiling window managers, most popular i3 and the mostly i3-compatible [sway](https://swaywm....

Generating an Entity Relationship Diagram for your Rails application

This card explains how to generate an entity relationship diagram for your Rails application.
We also show how to limit your ERD to a subset of models, e.g. models inside a namespace.

Generating a full ERD

Option A: RubyMine

  1. Right-click anywhere in your project tree
  2. In the context menu, find the "Diagrams" menu item at/near the bottom
  3. Inside, choose "Show diagram" → "Rails Model Dependency Diagram"
  4. A new tab will open with the diagram inside. You can modify it there, and export it as an image.

Option B: Use rails-e...

RubyMine / IntelliJ: How to increase UI and fonts for presentations

When giving a presentation where you do some coding, the font size you usually use is probably a bit too small and makes code hard to read for users on smaller screens or low-bandwidth connections when the image quality is lower.

Here are two solutions.

Presentation Mode

RubyMine offers a "Presentation Mode" which you can use. Simply navigate to View → Appearance → Enter Presentation Mode to enable it.
This will increase your code editor's font size as well as your UI and works nicely when sharing a single file.

However, some control...

RubyMine: How to restore the Back to last position shortcut on Ubuntu 20.04

I really love to use the shortcuts CTRL+Alt+ Arrow Left and CTRL+Alt+ Arrow Right to navigate through the code. It worked great on Ubuntu 18.04 and MATE but after migrating to my new notebook with GNOME and Ubuntu 20.04, I realized that the shortcuts didn't work anymore. Well, it worked via Navigate > Back and also showed the shortcut, but my fingers weren't able to do this...

I cried a lot. (Why God? WHY?)

Then I found this [thread on StackOverflow](

Show/Hide Rubocop marking in RubyMine

If you have installed Rubocop in your project, RubyMine can show you Rubocop violations immediately in your editor. You probably already know this feature.



Enable/Disable marking

If your RubyMine does not show you any violations, although there are some, you may have to enable the setting first.

To do so, open Navigate -> Search Everywhere -> Actions (Or use the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + A) and type in "rubocop", then you should see some...

How to configure file watchers in RubyMine


You need to install the official plugin, it is not bundled with RubyMine by default.

Example: Setup a watcher to verify rubocop integrity

First, open Settings -> Tools -> File Watchers. Then, configure rubocop to check every change to the VCS:


Note that the "program" argument must be part of your $PATH. I worked around this constraint by using b as a shim for bundle exec.


  • [File watchers documen...

RubyMine: Restore main menu in Ubuntu

After a recent Ubuntu update I didn't see the main menu bar of the RubyMine IDE (File | Edit | View | ...) anymore.

This could be solved by changing a RubyMine registry entry:

  • Search "registry" within the "Actions" search
    • press ctrl + alt + n > click on Actions > type registry > click on Registry...
  • Scroll down to and disable the checkbox

After rebooting RubyMine, you'll have gotten the menu bar back.

HTTP Client in RubyMine

RubyMine has a HTTP Client that can be useful to test web APIs.
Just create a .http scratch file an write your request in it.
The request can then be executed with the "Run all requests in File" button above the file.

Some alternatives:

The format for request is like this:

Method Request-URI HTTP-Version
Header-field: Heade...

Quick HTML testing with RubyMine

If you need to test some HTML, e.g. an embed code, you can use RubyMine's "scratch files":

  1. File > New Scratch File (or Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Ins)
  2. Select "HTML" as file type
  3. Write or paste the HTML
  4. Move your mouse to the upper right corner of the scratch file editor. Pick a browser to instantly open your file.

Integrating or upgrading makandra-rubocop


Most of the time it is a tedious task to apply a code style guide to an existing code base as there are likely to be a lot of conflicts. At makandra we are using makandra-rubocop to have code style checks. Here is some advice on how to add makandra-rubocop efficiently.


RubyMine by default has a Rubocop inspection with rules that we don't always agree with. We recommend replacing this with makandra-rubocop or disabling the inspection.

Restore changes, even from deleted files, with RubyMines "Local History"-Feature

Sometimes, due to git or other "accidents", important files get deleted or overwritten.

At a state when even Ctrl+Z doesn't work anymore, you maybe can rescue your files with RubyMines "Local History"-Feature!

To do this try the following:

  • If the file got deleted, recreate a new empty file with the same name on the exact same place
  • Open that file in the editor
  • Go to RubyMine and click on VCS -> Local History -> Show History
  • In the now open window, you should see all greater changes made to the File, even before it got deleted/temp...

RubyMine: Efficiently filtering results in the "Finder" overlay

RubyMine comes with a nice way to grep through your project's files: The finder (ctrl + shift + f). Don't be discouraged about the notice 100+ matches in n+ files if your searched keyword is too general or widely used in your project.


RubyMine comes with a few ways to narrow down the resulting list, don't hesitate to apply those filters to speed up your search. Your keybinding might vary based on your personal settings.

File mask (alt + k)

If you already know the file extension of your ...