Consider you have a file that uses improper encoding on special characters. Example: You see the latin1 version "ñ" for...
The colors in Rails log files are helpful when watching them but, since they are ANSI color codes like ^[[4...
Vim allows recording a batch of commands as a macro. This is handy if you need to do the same...
If you are in the middle of a file and want to scroll, but don't want to move your...
First option is to install it with your package manager: apt-get install vim-puppet vim-addons install puppet
To activate the shell command, go to Tools > Create Command-line Launcher and confirm. Now you have mine as bash...
If you want to enforce soft tabs (spaces instead of tabstops) in Vim put this into your ~/.vimrc (Linux) or...
If you need to strip carriage return characters from a text file, you can use Vim: vim file.txt
Install Ubuntu Server Download an image from this site Select File > New… to and follow the instructions, choose the .iso...
If there is some weird margin at the top of your page for no apparent reason, chances are one of...
An overview of common vim commands, including: windows buffers undo/redo navigation bookmarks selection/whitespace clipboard shortcuts search/replace programming external filters
Have a backup. Stop MySQL: sudo service mysql stop Move (or copy) your mysql directory. If you want /mnt/mysql to...
Basic configuration Please keep this config simple. It should be a starting point for new developers learning Git. [user]
Imagine all the syntactical delights of Ruby and Haml for your JavaScript. You write in a nice language, but get...