Splitting up commits makes the process of reviewing often easier, since you can create several merge requests or review every...

Within Vim do the following: Move cursor to the first starting line where you want to start editing

Debugging your integration tests, that run a headless Chrome inside a docker image, is tricky. In many cases you can...

These are the results of the "personal tech stack survey". I've included only the most popular mentions, maybe it...

makandra dev

grep is the go-to CLI tool to accomplish tasks like filtering large files for arbitrary keywords. When additional context...

When you have a powerful machine with many CPU cores, you might run into an error like

makandra dev

If you need to run a program on a remote machine (e.g. to your office PC) with a graphical UI...

We're usually running Ubuntu LTS versions. Sometimes newer hardware requires packages from more recent Ubuntu releases that only come...


While the hardware mute button of my Lenovo x230 worked on Ubuntu 14.04 out of the box, it does not...

makandra dev

You can start vim with a read-only option. This prevents making accidentally changes in files you don't want...

makandra dev

Below is a list of some VIM settings I find useful. You can add them to your .vimrc. source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim...

This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course...


Live markdown previewer (with Github flavored syntax) for VIM. Will open a preview in your browser and update automatically on...

makandra dev

Command line text editor with syntax highlighting, menus (F1), etc. This might be a worthy replacement for nano if you...


Ag (aka "the silver searcher") is a very fast replacement for grep. It will parse your .gitignore for additional speedup...

makandra dev

tig is a command line explorer for Git that is just awesome. Install via apt-get or brew. Handy commands...

Starting Terminator with split screens is quite simple: Just store a layout and start Terminator with the --layout option.


Have you ever opened a file with vim, edited it and when you wanted to save your changes it told...

This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to...

makandra dev

Put the attached files into your home directory and enjoy. .irbrc defines interesting_methods, which is essentially all methods without...

There is no reason to leave trailing whitespace characters in your project's files, so don't add any.

When committing, you should always check the diff of your changes so you don't include any leftovers or irrelevant/bad...

This will make MySQL log all received queries so you can see for yourself what happens on the database level...


xterm by default uses black text on white background. To change that to something like "light gray on black", do...