I needed to make sure that an element is visible and not overshadowed by an element that has a higher...

This card will show you a cool way to define a class using Struct.new. A common usecase for Structs are...

Rails default config uses the ActiveSupport::Cache::NullStore and disables controller caching for all environments except production: config.action_controller.perform_caching = false...

Shoulda Matchers don't provide canditional validations (validations with if: option). Here is how to write tests for the condition...

When you have a multi-server setup, you'll be adding a new server from time to time. Before doing...

Middleman is a static page generator that brings many of the goodies that Rails developers are used to.


In modern default RSpec configurations, your tests are usually run in random order. This helps to detect "flickering" tests that...

For the initial setup or changes in the sentry reporting it might be useful to enabled reporting of sentry in...

Note: The behaviour of Spreewald's within step is as described below for version < 1.9.0; For Spreewald >= 1.9.0 it is...

Occasionally, you have to talk to APIs via HTTPS that use a custom certificate or a misconfigured certificate chain (like...

If the application under test makes sound, you probably want to disable this during integration testing. You can use the...


This error message may occur when rspec gets loaded by rake, e.g. when you migrate the test database. NoMethodError: undefined...

Sometimes huge refactorings or refactoring of core concepts of your application are necessary for being able to meet new requirements...

If you get an error like this for a puppet mount: $ > puppet agent --test Info: Retrieving pluginfacts Info: Retrieving plugin...

TL;DR Debugging problems with javascript errors in cucumber tests is sometimes easier in the browser. Run the test, stop...

makandra dev

When testing your command line application with Aruba, you might need to stub out other binaries you don't want...


We used zeroclipboard.js in some of our projects but now we switched to clipboard.js because it does not rely on...


This might be relevant for us since we're often managing customer documents in our apps. I played around with...

We often use VCR to stub external APIs. Unfortunately VCR can have problems matching requests to recorded cassettes, and these...


We have released a new library Gemika to help test a gem against multiple versions of Ruby, gem dependencies and...

Same requests are recorded only once in vcr. Replaying a test fails, if you trigger the same request multiple times...

makandra dev

Improve geordi cucumber: Only attempt @solo run when the specified files contain the @solo tag, skip @solo run if any...

Capistrano is by default configured to exclude the gems of the groups development and test when deploying to the stages...

You want Spring for super-fast binstubs like bin/rails or bin/rspec which avoid Rails boot time. You want parallel_tests...