The request referrer is the URL you come from. It's set by the browser when you click a link...

Gave a shot to the new Bundler 1.4.0RC1 during the weekend and found out it now supports gem installation...

var onDone = function() {...

var onFail = function() {...

var params = {...

var url = ... $.ajax({ type: 'put', url: url, contentType: 'application/json; charset...

wkhtmltopdf hangs on mac during cucumber unless we click on it. The main reason is with the version we use...

Add to the end your .bash_profile export PATH="./vendor/bundle/bin:$PATH" Also add alias bi="bundle install --path vendor/bundle --binstubs...

Go to lib folder and use bundler to generate main files for a gem: $ bundle gem test_gem create test...