Jasmine specs that work with DOM elements often leave elements in the DOM after they're done. This will leak...

tl;dr In Chrome DevTools in the Layouts tab you have handy options to debug CSS Flexbox and Grid. Including...


While in CSS zero is usually referenced without specifying a unit (e.g. padding: 0), you must not use a unitless...


When using many or very long entries of MIME-types that shoudl be gziped in gzip_types directives in nginx...

Large Rails projects tend to define multiple custom ways to format Dates or DateTimes. This often leads to duplicated format...

Wir arbeiten in einem Umfeld in dem sich fast alles um das Web und HTTP dreht. Wir betreiben Webseiten und...

TLDR: sass >= 1.35.0 has the option quietDeps and silenceDeprecations to silence deprecation warnings from dependencies. quietDeps: If true, the compiler...

tl;dr In Chrome DevTools in the Sources tab you can activate Event Listener Breakpoints for debugging events. Example

Hat man wechselnde Lastzustände für seine Applikation und möchte Geld einsparen, kann man seine Applikation und die Infrastruktur so designen...

DevOps Curriculum

Die Elastic Compute Cloud ist ein flexibler Service, der VMs und damit zusammenhängende Komponenten wie Disks, Netzwerkgeräte, Loadbalancing, VM Images...

tl;dr In Chrome DevTools in the Elements tab or in Firefox in the Inspector tab you can right click...

If you use third party APT sources you might end up with unmaintained packages after removing the external source or...

tl;dr In the Elements tab in the Chrome DevTools you can right click on an element and select Store...


ActiveType::Object inherits from ActiveRecod::Base and is designed to behave like an ActiveRecord Object, just without the database...

If you're experiencing that your bundle install command fails with an error message like this, rubygems.org might...

Unpoly's [up-observe], [up-autosubmit] and [up-validate] as well as their programmatic variants up.observe() and up.autosubmit...

tl;dr Since Rails 7+ you can use ComparisonValidator for validations like greater_than, less_than, etc. on dates, numerics...

You can use ETags to allow clients to use cached responses, if your application would send the same contents as...

One rule of thumb I try to follow in capybara tests is using capybara matchers and not plain rspec matchers...

tl;dr In RubyMine you can use find and replace with capture groups (.*?) and backreferences $1 (if you have several...


The robots.txt file and HTML tag can be used to control the behavior of search engine crawlers. Both have different...

If the project you're working on has, say, 39 repositories and counting in GitLab and you need all the...

Ruby's standard library includes a class for creating temporary directories. Similar to Tempfile it creates a unique directory name...

tl;dr Since Rails 6+ you can use before? and after? to check if a date/time is before or after...