Im DevOps Bereich bist du insbesondere damit beschäftigt Infrastruktur zu bauen und zu betreiben. Weil man große Infrastukturen nur schwer...

DevOps Curriculum

Wir arbeiten bei makandra alle auf Linux-Betriebssystemen und bedienen im DevOps- & Cloud-Bereich primär Kunden, die ebenfalls auf Linux...

Bei makandra entwickeln wir seit 2009 Web-basierte Anwendungen und haben im Trainee-Programm für unsere Web-Entwickler vieles aufgeschrieben...

DevOps Curriculum

makandra bietet ein bezahltes Trainee-Programm für DevOps / Cloud-Engineers: Wir arbeiten für unsere Kunden häufig als Infrastruktur...

Building application assets with esbuild is the new way to do it, and it's great, especially in combination with...

You want to deploy new features but the latest commits are not ready for production? Then use git merge master...

In my case [...] the catalog is an XML that contains all kinds of possible products, categories and vendors and it...

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is a European marketing association which has introduced a standard how advertising can be served...

makandra dev

Inspired by recent "git shortcut" cards I figured it would be nice to have one of these for rebasing a...

git --fixup is very handy to amend a change to a previous commit. You can then autosquash your commits with...

The RSpec matcher tests if two HTML fragments are equivalent. Equivalency means: Whitespace is ignored Types of attribute quotes are...

makandra dev

If you have fzf installed, you may add an alias such as this to your ~/.bashrc: alias recent-branch="git...

This bookmarklet grabs a PivotalTracker story title, transforms it into a valid git branch name and automatically prepends your initials...

To start a workflow manually it must have a trigger called workflow_dispatch: --- name: Tests on: push: branches: - master

If you have a flaky command you can use the nick-invision/retry to re-try a failing command, optionally...

Accessing other repositories in Gitlab CI is not straight forward, since the access rights of the current pipeline might not...

makandra dev

6.0.0 2021-06-02 Compatible changes geordi commit will continue even if one of the given projects is inaccessible. It...

We have observed Lenovo laptops with nvidia graphics losing performance after they have been in use for a few minutes...

makandra dev

While renaming a file sometimes feels like "dropping its history", that is not true: Just use git log --follow on...

When deleting a record in your Rails app, Carrierwave automatically takes care of removing all associated files. However, the file...

Use rules to include or exclude jobs in pipelines. Rules are evaluated in order until the first match. When a...

Installing gems on a server that has no access to the internet (especially requires to bundle the gems into...

If a project ist configured to spawn CI runners for tests or deployment when pushing to the Repo, a habit...

makandra dev

5.4.0 2021-02-01 Compatible changes Add geordi branch command that checks out a feature branch based on a story...