TLDR if you define a equality method for a class you must also implement def hash. Ruby has a lot...
In diesem Kapitel sprechen wir darüber wie Container eigentlich funktionieren. Es ist zwar nicht zwingend erfoderlich um diese zu verwenden...
We had a strange behaviour on one of our mariadb-servers: Everyday at around midnight we saw that the root...
When changing glibc versions, it's possible to end up with corrupt indexes in PostgreSQL. Are My Indexes Affected?
When changing the glibc version, it's possible that the upgrade also includes changes to how locales work.
The cards editor has a feature "Cite other card" to create links to other cards in the same deck as...
Du hast alle Aufgaben der Card erfüllt Inhalte Configuring the AWS CLI Switching roles (AWS CLI) Aufgaben
tl;dr You should decouple migrations from models by embedding models into the migration. To use STI in this scenario...
You might use screen or tmux to run a temporary command on a server which continues to run after the...
Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common...
The owner of a scheduled CI/CD pipeline in GitLab will always be notified if the pipeline fails. Follow these steps...
Variable fonts are popular for two reasons: they expand design possibilities and improve website performance. While the former statement is...
tl;dr The Chrome DevTools are a neat collection of tools for the daily work as a web developer. If...
Wir arbeiten in einem Umfeld in dem sich fast alles um das Web und HTTP dreht. Wir betreiben Webseiten und...
Der zuverlässige und perfomante Betrieb von relationalen Datenbanken kann sehr aufwendig und komplex sein. Dies gilt vor allem, wenn man...
Einer der ältesten und beliebtesten Services von AWS ist S3. Viele Kunden nutzen nur diesen Service während ihre Infrastruktur eigentlich...
ActiveType::Object inherits from ActiveRecod::Base and is designed to behave like an ActiveRecord Object, just without the database...
Unpoly's [up-observe], [up-autosubmit] and [up-validate] as well as their programmatic variants up.observe() and up.autosubmit...
tl;dr Since Rails 7+ you can use ComparisonValidator for validations like greater_than, less_than, etc. on dates, numerics...
Case studies and experiments demonstrating the impact of web performance optimization (WPO) on user experience and business metrics.
To allow HTTP 304 responses, Rails offers the fresh_when method for controllers. The most common way is to pass...
For Rails models where only one of multiple attributes may be filled out at the same time, there is no...
Greg Molnar has written a neat article about creating a single-file Rails app. This is not meant for production...
If your postgres database is only accessible from inside a kubernetes cluster, e.g. if it's configured in AWS RDS...