makandra dev

Also see the list of IRB commands. Switching the context Changes the "default receiver" of expressions. Can be used to...

In development, we store files using ActiveStorage's disk service. This means that stored files are served by your Rails...

Some key highlights and points from the linked article TestProf II: Factory therapy for your Ruby tests. The Problem with...

makandra dev

A lesser known fact about PG enums is that they are ordered. This can be really handy when values have...

Slow test suites are a major pain point in projects, often due to RSpec and FactoryBot. Although minitest and fixtures...

While the main goal always is to prevent long-running queries in the first place, automatic timeouts can serve as...

Starting with ChromeDriver 127, if your application displays a beforeunload confirmation dialog, ChromeDriver will immediately close it. In consequence, any...

I recently stumbled upon the Rails feature composed_of. One of our applications dealt with a lot of addresses and...

You can improve your LIKE / ILIKE search queries in PostgreSQL by adding a GIN index with an operate class ("opclass...

Recently I needed to benchmark an Active Record query for performance measurements. I wrote a small script that runs each...

testing-library are widely used testing utilities libraries for javascript dependent frontend testing. The main utilities provided are query methods...

You are given two CSS selectors that you do not control. How can you build a new selector that matches...

Reacting on a class getting added can be done with a mutation observer. Example: const items = document.querySelectorAll('.item') const expectedClass...

makandra dev

I was recently asked to optimize the response time of a notoriously slow JSON API endpoint that was backed by...

makandra dev

While most Rails Apps are tied to at least one external REST API, machine-to-machine communication via GraphQL is...

Debouncing a method call delays its execution until after a specified time has passed. If it's called again before...

This card is a short summary on different ways of assigning multiple attributes to an instance of a class.

Using Capistrano, we usually have some array configurations in the config/deploy.rb file, like set :linked_files, %w[config/database.yml], so in...

ActiveModel classes have a class method .human_attribute_name. This returns a human-readable form of the attribute: Person.human_attribute...

I used two lab days to read the The framework field guide - Fundamentals, the first of a three part series...

tl;dr Do not use the option optional on association declarations with a symbol, lambda or proc. Explanation Association declarations...

Your commit messages should include the ID of the issue your code belongs to. Our preferred syntax prefixes the issue...

This card describes two variants, that add a more intuitive workflow when working with nested attributes in Rails + Unpoly.

We are using assignable_values for managing enum values in Rails. Nevertheless Rails is adding more support for enum attributes...