Rails is our web framework. Goals Be able to write a simple Rails application. Understand how Rails talks to the...

Note: Making a reverse proxy with nginx is much more straightforward. A reverse proxy is a "man in the middle...

makandra dev

Capistrano 3 is a major rework of the framework and requires several adjustments to your deploy configuration files. The biggest...


You can hook into Slack when using Capistrano for deployment. The slackistrano gem does most of the heavy lifting for...

makandra dev

Geordi 1.0 features a command line application geordi, that holds most of Geordi's previous commands. New features

With this command you can initiate an application restart without touching restart.txt. Unlike touching restart.txt, this tool initiates the restart...

Rails has always included a scaffold script that generates a default controller implementation for you. Unfortunately that generated controller is...


Capistrano 2 brings the shell command which allows you to run commands on your deployment targets. There is also invoke...

1. Saving files to a directory that is not shared between deploys or servers If you save your uploads to...

This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to...

Our development process makes us deploy very often. As the number of releases grows, junk clogs up the hard drive...

Given you use Capistrano together with bundler to automatically install your gems when deploying. I recently had the problem that...

Geordi now has a script that runs capistrano with all known deploy targets (i.e. staging, production…). Use with geordi capistrano...

The way MySQL's FULLTEXT tokenizer splits text into word tokens might not always be what you need. E.g. it...

Our old solution for cronjobs, the "craken" plugin, is no longer maintained and does not work on Rails 3.2+.

When deploying, Capistrano puts a REVISION file into your application's release directory. It contains the hash of the commit...

If you upgrade to the mysql2 gem, you will run into the problem that the server's database.yml (which is...

When using the asset pipeline your assets (images, javascripts, stylesheets, fonts) live in folders inside app: app/assets/fonts app/assets/images...


deploy-to-production now calls Capistrano with bundle exec since we started to bundle Capistrano in all projects.

There is a conflict between current capistrano versions and the 2.5.1 net-ssh gem. Make sure you upgrade to 2.5.2...

makandra dev

Capistrano recently had some API changes that can results in deploys not working when running with old deploy.rb files.

I got these warnings while deploying a Rails 3.2 app with asset pipeline enabled: *** [err :: host.tld] find: `/opt/www/hollyapp.com/releases/20120503115342/public/images': No such...

Geordi, our collection of command line tools, has been extended by another command deploy-to-production. This script encapsulates the...


When trying to install the gherkin gem, you might encounter an error with the following lines: ERROR: Error installing gherkin...