Using Capistrano, we usually have some array configurations in the config/deploy.rb file, like set :linked_files, %w[config/database.yml], so in...
Why do we migrate? Due to a change in licensing, we cannot provide Elasticsearch versions >= 8.0. Version 7.17.x will...
This Capistrano task runs a command on all servers. bundle exec cap production app:run cmd='zgrep -P "..." RAILS_ROOT/log/production.log...
A general overview about why and how we migrate can be found under Migrating from Elasticsearch to Opensearch
In Capistrano 3, your Capfile requires 'capistrano/rails/migrations', which brings two Capistrano tasks: deploy:migrate and deploy:migrating. The former checks...
We regularly have tasks that need to be performed around a deploy. Be it to notify operations about changed application...
If you have a fully functional CI pipeline but no CD, you might find yourself frequently waiting for CI (with...
Every Rails response has a default ETag header. In theory this would enable caching for multiple requests to the same...
If you use a newer SSH key generated with the ED25519 algorithm instead of RSA (see Create a new SSH...
This is a checklist I use to work on issues. For this purpose I extracted several cards related to the...
Issue: You have an app using jsbundling-rails and esbuild. After deploy, the assets built by esbuild are missing in...
You'll need openssl-3 or newer for servers running 22.04 Ruby version 3.1 uses by default the gem openssl...
You want to deploy new features but the latest commits are not ready for production? Then use git merge master...
Webpack builds can take a long time, so we only want to compile when needed. This card shows what will...
In newer passenger versions the output of passenger -v has changed. capistrano-passenger tries to parse the version and now...
To attach files to your records, you will need a new database column representing the filename of the file...
I just ran into this deployment error after switching from the asset pipeline to webpack: 01:05 deploy:assets:precompile...
SSHKit 1.9.0 might fail with the following error, when trying to deploy a Rail application. Upgrading the gem to version...
Whenever requires you to set the application attribute in your Capistrano configuration. Otherwise your cronjobs are created multiple times.
When deploying a Rails application that is using Webpacker and Capistrano, there are a few configuration tweaks that optimize the...
A flat folder structure can be cool if you have only a few folders but can be painful for huge...
4.0.0 2020-07-30 Compatible changes Improved documentation; README now includes command options. Improvement #90: geordi console, geordi deploy, geordi...
We use the whenever gem to automatically update the crontab of the servers we deploy to. By default, whenever will...
A recent patch level Ruby update caused troubles to some of us as applications started to complain about incompatible gem...