Not all email clients support external images in all situations, e.g. an image within a link. In some cases, a...

To retrieve only unique combinations of the selected attributes: You can omit rows, where all selected columns are equal with...

A severe bug was found in ImageMagick by Bryan Gonzalez from Ocelot Team. It allows to embed the content of...

DevOps Curriculum

Mit SQL spricht man mit relationalen Datenbanken. Ziele Verstehe die folgenden SQL Befehle SELECT WHERE ORDER INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN...

Kubernetes ist der de-facto Standard zum Orchestrieren von Container Workloads. Sowohl On Premise als auch in der Cloud wird...

Du möchtest deinen AWS Account auf bestimmte Fehlkonfigurationen hin überwachen. Dafür wirst du AWS Config einsetzen. Über gebrochene AWS Config...

Da wir für einige Übungsaufgaben Dockercontainer benötigen lernst du in diesem Kapitel die Basics zu Docker. Hier vermitteln wir nur...

Du hast alle Aufgaben der Card erfüllt Inhalte Configuring the AWS CLI Switching roles (AWS CLI) Aufgaben

As a developer you may have many tools watching your project for changes: Your IDE, Webpack, Guard, etc. This is...

You might use screen or tmux to run a temporary command on a server which continues to run after the...

Hide/Show Drawer You can press Escape to show/hide the drawer. Fast Navigation with Command Menu Use Ctrl + Shift + p to...

One-line takeaways Don’t override native browser (or OS) shortcuts. Support standard shortcuts that don’t contradict the previous...

makandra dev

If you're frequently switching between projects, you might be annoyed by RubyMines behavior of opening the last project on...

This can happen with a very simple model: class Note has_many :attachments end Everything looks normal: Note.all.to_a.size # => 8 Note.all.ids.size...

tl;dr The Chrome DevTools are a neat collection of tools for the daily work as a web developer. If...

If you use third party APT sources you might end up with unmaintained packages after removing the external source or...

DevOps Curriculum

Als DevOps Engineer kann es häufiger vorkommen, dass du ein lokales Testsetup bauen musst, um eine bestimmte Software oder ein...

You can use ETags to allow clients to use cached responses, if your application would send the same contents as...

tl;dr In RubyMine you can use find and replace with capture groups (.*?) and backreferences $1 (if you have several...

If the project you're working on has, say, 39 repositories and counting in GitLab and you need all the...

I recently wanted to add a model for address information but also wanted to add a unique index to those...

Imagine these models and associations: class Deck < ApplicationRecord has_many :cards end class Card < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :deck, optional: true...

It might sometimes be useful to check whether your Rails application accesses the file system unnecessarily, for example if your...

DevOps Curriculum

Wir wollen im Detail verstehen, wie in Unix-Systemen Prozesse gehandhabt werden und wie wir Prozesse aus dem Userland behandeln...