makandra dev

TL;DR Most web applications do not require action on this. SameSite=None (old browser default) will continue to work...

Was ist Elastic? Suchmaschine, basierend auf Apache Lucene größtenteils Open-Source einige kommerzielle Features ("Elastic Stack", früher "X-Pack") Zugriffsrechte...

This is not encouraged because this change is easily forgotten. We recommend using this only if you know what you...

RSpec >= 3.3 added aggregate_failures, which allows multiple failures in an example and list them all, rather than aborting on...

makandra dev

This is a presentation from 2019-01-21. Summary We want to move away from jQuery in future projects

For Sidekiq to be able to retry your jobs it has to be able to catch errors that occur while...

Migrating data from a legacy into a new system can be a surprisingly large undertaking. We have done this a...

At makandra, we've built a few gems over the years. Some of these are quite popular: spreewald (> 1M downloads...

makandra dev

CarrierWave comes with some RSpec matchers which will make testing more comfortable. Let's say you have an Uploader like...

This cucumber step is useful for testing an image (looking at the src of the image). Then(/^I should see...

By default, browsers will not wrap text at syllable boundaries. Text is wrapped at word boundaries only. This card explains...

HTTPie consists of a single http command designed for painless debugging and interaction with HTTP servers, RESTful APIs, and web...

Checking if a JavaScript value is of a given type can be very confusing: There are two operators typeof and...

You are not using javascript tests The file is served from a public folder (not via controller) Problem description...

makandra dev

An end-to-end test (E2E test) is a script that remote-controls a web browser with tools like Selenium...

Slides for Henning's talk on Sep 21st 2017. Understanding sync vs. async control flow Talking to synchronous (or "blocking...

While the hardware mute button of my Lenovo x230 worked on Ubuntu 14.04 out of the box, it does not...

These tools help you in checking websites globally: DNS Checker This tool allows for global DNS propagation checking. GeoScreenshot

Middleman is a static page generator that brings many of the goodies that Rails developers are used to.

Note: The behaviour of Spreewald's within step is as described below for version < 1.9.0; For Spreewald >= 1.9.0 it is...

makandra dev

Website that offers lots of different kinds of HTTPS configurations, bad or good or complicated. They also offer a dashboard...

Occasionally, you have to talk to APIs via HTTPS that use a custom certificate or a misconfigured certificate chain (like...

makandra dev

Using VCR to record communication with remote APIs is a great way to stub requests in tests. However, you may...

There seems to be a nasty bug in Chrome 56 when testing with Selenium and Capybara: Slashes are not written...