Since I use this a lot in my daily work and there were no scripts working properly for me, I...

You can use scheme-less URLs (or protocol-relative URLs) to have browsers use the current protocol (HTTP or HTTPS...

Having your site run on SSL is worthless when you include content over an unsafe connection (HTTP).

If you're using the Capybara webdriver, steps sometimes fail because the browser hasn't finished loading the next page...

url = '' URI.parse(url).host # => Note that this will raise an error if the given argument is...

If you require your Rails models manually, pay attention to the path you use. Unless you have...

makandra dev

Richard Powell presents a collection of CSS styling advice that's mainly taken from SMACSS. Although at makandra we're...

Example task: Multiply the table holidays between several stages. Open two terminals: shell-for stage_1 shell-for stage_2...

to_file has been removed in Paperclip 3.0.1. Instead of using File to access Paperclip storage objects (like this:

makandra dev

Today I got a better understanding of how git works, in particular what git checkout and git reset do.

Given you store files on Amazon S3 and you need to stream those files out to people while you don...

Ever wanted autocompletion for paths from paths.rb in Cucumber? This card lets you write your steps like this:

StaticMatic is a nice tool to build simple static websites. In case you want to have some nifty styles on...

Note: Modern Rails has two build pipelines, the asset pipeline (or "Sprockets") and Webpacker. The principles below apply for both...

When you get an error like this: Invalid gemspec in [/opt/www/]: Illformed requirement ["# 1.1.4"] ... the machine's Rubygems needs to...

We frequently use the handy Paperclip Gem to manage file attachments. If you need to move the files from local...

If you get errors from your development WEBrick that contain unicode salad, you are probably requesting the page via SSL...

Tempfiles get deleted automatically With the the ruby Tempfile class you can create temporary files. Those files only stick around...

Jedes nicht rein private Profil auf Social Media Portalen muss ein Impressum haben, das heißt insbesondere Unternehmen und Freiberufler (§ 5...

So your Cucumber feature sometimes dies with this exception: Modal Dialog Present (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError) As a seasoned Selenium...

No one wants to cry over regression issues in views; does testing HTML and CSS have to be such a...

The behaviour of browsers is very inconsistent when an Ajax request is answered with a redirect. Highlights are:

The facebook API allows up to 600 requests per 600 seconds. If you poll more often, you'll get no...

Today, I ran into trouble on a fairly fresh installed VM, running Ubuntu. I tried to bundle install and got...