To allow HTTP 304 responses, Rails offers the fresh_when method for controllers. The most common way is to pass...

When you build a JSON API you need to come up with a style to represent attributes, pagination, errors or...

tl;dr The :is() pseudo selector - specificity of its most specific argument - matches against a comma-separated list of selectors...

tl;dr The :where() pseudo selector - zero specificity - matches against a comma-separated list of selectors. Example Compound selectors like...

When your Rails application offers downloading a bunch of files as ZIP archive, you basically have two options:

The linked content includes a few design patterns implemented with Ruby on Rails. What is the card indented to achieve...

These are the results of the "personal tech stack survey". I've included only the most popular mentions, maybe it...

The inset CSS property is a shorthand that corresponds to the top, right, bottom, and/or left properties. It has the...

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('some-database')); Example SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('cards_p')); ----------------

While working on a Rails application, your code base will grow a collection of different file types including: Ruby (business...

In our monitoring, RabbitMQ queues like aliveness-test may show up as unresponsive, with a ping timeout after 10 seconds...

Ruby includes many standard gems that are bundled into the Ruby installation. Here is an example for the gem strscan...

DevOps Curriculum

Beim schreiben von Scripts ist es nützlich Tests zu schreiben um bei Änderungen nicht alles nochmals manuell testen zu müssen...

DevOps Curriculum

Based on the Ruby Basics Card in the developer Curriculum Ruby is the programming language we use on the backend...

Instead of using Puppet exported resources you can use the puppetdb_query feature. This can result in more complex code...

When changing code in mailers, updating the corresponding mailer preview is easily forgotten. Mailer previews can be tested like other...

If you have a JS fiddle, you can open it in fullscreen by appending /show to the URL. Example: https://...

It might sometimes be useful to check whether your Rails application accesses the file system unnecessarily, for example if your...

Testing file download links in an end-to-end test can be painful, especially with Selenium. The attached download_helpers.rb provides...

While verifying doubles in RSpec is a good default, it is limited in the amount of methods it actually is...

Code quality can be measured in four levels: (Working code) Reliable code (minimum) Readable code (ok for short-lived code...

DevOps Curriculum

Der Begriff systemd wird immer umfassender da es sich nicht mehr (wie ursprünglich) nur um ein init Systemd handelt, sondern...

There is a way to use multiple databases in Rails. You may have asked yourself how you're able to...

You can use Unpoly's up.on with a named listener function and immediately unbind this event listener with { once: true...