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This is a collection of frequently asked questions about the makandra hosting environment and our operations services.
If you're new to makandra managed hosting, start with managed hosting basics. Otherwise, jump to the topics of interest or try the search!

Feel free to send us an email to ops@makandra.de about the services that are (or aren't yet) part of this collection or if you have more in-depth questions. We can provide you with a full SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) Team with focus on network, operations and security.


Deployment - Details about how you, as a customer, can deploy your applications to our servers.

Monitoring - What gets monitored and which options for extended monitoring we can offer.

Shared Services - We offer several shared services, learn more about those options here.

Backup - Details about how and what we backup by default and how and how long our backups are stored.

HTTPS and SSL/TLS - We strongly advise to use encryption everywhere, we offer HTTPS with Let's Encrypt.

E-Mail SMTP - Options for using our SMTP relay.

Scaling and Performance Tweaks - We provide advanced scaling and performance tweaks for different scenarios.

Thomas Eisenbarth
Last edit
Deleted user #4941
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Thomas Eisenbarth to opscomplete (2017-03-31 11:27)