Find unmaintained packages with apt-forktracer

If you use third party APT sources you might end up with unmaintained packages after removing the external source or performing a dist-upgrade. The reason for this is how external sources overwrite official package versions.

apt-forktracer helps you to identify such packages:

APT will not warn you when newer versions of official packages (point releases, security updates) will appear in the stable release. This means you may miss some important change.

Example output

This is the output of `apt...

Why Apple Silicon MacBooks Can Only Use One External Display Through A Dock

It's quite confusing how many external displays are usable with a MacBook that uses an M1 or M2 Chip. Documentation on the Internet is sparse and not even the Geniuses at the Genius Bar are 100% sure. We found out some things and can explain the backgrounds.

tl;dr: when using a dock for your MacBook, using more than one external display is only possible with workarounds.

Docking stations

Whenever you're considering using more than 1 external display, it makes sense to consider using a Docking Station for your Laptop of some sort. Af...

Intel Microcode Versions and Updates

Intel CPUs receive updates, including security relevant upgrades, through 2 channels:

  • Firmware/UEFI BIOS updates can also update the microcode in CPUs. This is the preferred and persistent way
  • the intel-microcode package can patch the microcode in the CPU at boot time, given the kernel is cooperating. This patch is ephemeral and will be lost after a processor hard-reset or power-off.

Is it important to install microcode updates?

Yes. From the README.Debian.gz in the intel-microcode package:

While most of the microcode up...

Security considerations in MIME-Type configuration

When you are using the default MIME-Type configuration and your application allows uploading files, it can be a security issue.


A user uploads a file with HTML/JavaScript content using no file extension.

In the Apache default configuration if you access the file it will have no Content-Type. Some browsers will guess/autodetect it as HTML and now you are vulnerable to XSS.

To prevent this, you can set a default Content-Type (e.g. plain/text or application/octet-stream).

manual haproxy backend failover

If you want to perform a failover on another haproxy backend server this is the way you should do it:

Gather information

Via hatop

Note: Please mind that the names of frontends / backends / servers are only examples. Mind this when you want to use the shown CLI commands. The path to the haproxy socket may also vary.

Example: We have two MySQL servers with Master-Master replication configured as backends in haproxy.

Your frontend / backend looks like this in hatop:


HowTo: Easier selecting and copying of text in tmux

When using tmux, selecting and copying multiple lines of text can be a hassle, especially when using splits (highlighting lines will cross pane borders, copying contents from the other pane too) and when the user wishes to copy (thus, select) lines that have already scrolled out of the viewport in the current pane.

One idea would be to enable mouse mode in tmux, which makes the selection tmux aware. However, this will no longer populate the selection clipboard of the graphical environment, limiting copying and pasting to the same tmux ins...

Testing AWS SNS Subscription Filter Policies

A convenient way to test SNS Subscription Filter Policies is using an email address as the subscription endpoint. However, for this to work when the filter is applied to the MessageBody the protocol must be set to email-json. Using the email protocol will change the message format and filtering will not work as expected.

SSH add/remove port forwarding to active session

It is possible to manipulate the forwarded ports of an established interactive SSH session.
This is done by opening the command line with the escape character ~C. This will open a ssh> prompt. If it doesn't, make sure it's the first character in a line, i.e. press enter first.

You have following commands at your disposal

-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport    Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport    Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port                  Request dynamic forward
-KL[bind_address:]port    ...

HowTo: List packages in an apt repository

When you're using a third party repository on your Ubuntu or Debian system and need to find out which packages are available in this repo and which versions, you can consult the local apt cache.

In /var/lib/apt/lists you'll find a lot of *_Packages files that list the contents of apt repositories. Most repositories will have one file for the i386 architecture and one for the amd64 architecture. Make sure to pick the correct one.

To list the contents of the repository, view the respective files or, for a short summary:


Don't use flock with GlusterFS

We recently encountered a problem with GlusterFS (7.x) when an application used the flock syscall on a GlusterFS path. If somehow two flock syscalls are made at the same time, the lock will never be released. And all future flock syscalls will wait forever.

This problem doesn't happen only on our infrastructure. There are a lot of bugreports, e.g.:

HowTo: Curl applications that are usually behind reverse proxies with TLS termination without the application redirecting to https schema

A lot of web applications require being called over https, which is a good thing. It's possible to configure this requirement at the web- or proxy server level, where nginx or apache will just redirect every request on http to https. Some applications additionally detect if the URL they've been called with contains the http or the https scheme and issue their own redirect response (usually 301 or 302) to https. This card is for the later kind.

The Problem

When you want to test your application directly on the VM it...

Parameter naming and checking in shell script

It is a good idea to use named variables for storing parameters of a script or function. We can use parameter expansion to either set a default or check mandatory arguments

Mandatory parameter

hello() {
    NAME=${1:?provide name as first parameter}
    echo "Hello $NAME!"

$ hello  # $?=1
bash: 1: provide name as first parameter

$ hello Foo # $?=1
Hello Foo!

Parameter with default

hello() {
  echo "Hello $NAME!"

$ hello  # $?=0
Hello Marvin!

$ hello Foo # $?=1
Hello Foo!

Get information about current running passenger processes

With passenger-status --show=requests you can get a huge JSON showing current information about the running passenger processes.

This can be useful if you want to find out what a passenger process is doing at the moment (for e.g. if one worker seems to be stuck):

  * PID: 4273    Sessions: 1       Processed: 47      Uptime: 50m 53s
    CPU: 43%     Memory  : 3644M   Last used: 49m 24s ago
    Shutting down...

This passenger process is using too much memory and seems it's Last used timestamp is old. The worker is processing a ...

Use Terraform grouping mode like Golang's Ellipsis expression

The terraform documentation states the ... syntax as (grouping mode*. See: Grouping-Results).

But this seems not the be the whole truth. Instead the ... syntax behaves like Go's Ellipsis expression which is used to pass a list as multiple parameters to a Variadic Function.

You can use this behavior for example if you want to merge a list of maps into one map:

locals {

Playbook: fetch container logs from journald


journalctl _CMDLINE=dockerd


journalctl SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=podman

identifying potential filter fields

journalctl -o verbose
journalctl -o json | jq

Nginx Proxy buffer tuning

When a nginx reverse proxy complains about upstreams sending too big headers, tweaking the buffers responsibly can help to prevent this issue.

Example log message:

upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""

The cause

This behaviour was caused by an application that transforms parts of the query from the URL into a response header. If the query in the ...

Fix Imagemagick CVE-2022-44268 in Ubuntu packages

A severe bug was found in ImageMagick by Bryan Gonzalez from Ocelot Team.
It allows to embed the content of an arbitrary remote file when ImageMagick parses PNG files.
We found lots of older versions of ImageMagick to be vulnerable.

So far there is no information on updated Packages for Ubuntu (

Due to that we patched our systems as follows:

Ubuntu 22.04:

Get package source on a Ubuntu 22.04 syst...

Check JVM settings of running java process

If you want to check the configuration of a running JVM process you can use jcmd.

  1. List the running processes:

    $ jcmd -l
    1 /app.jar
    140 jdk.jcmd/ -l

    The first column shows the PID of the process.

  2. Print system configuration with the PID:

    $ jcmd 1 VM.system_properties
    #Thu Jan 26 10:34:20 UTC 2023
    java.vm.vendor=Eclipse Adoptium

Parsing multiline container logs with fluent-bit

If you have for e.g. a Java application which outputs multiline stack traces inside a container running in kubernetes you might wonder how you can concat alle these lines to a single log message in fluent-bit. If fluent-bit is receiving the log output directly you can just set the multiline.parser to java. But when you're reading the logs from /var/log/containers this is not possible, because every line of the log message is logged in the CRI log format. This means that every line of the log becomes a JSON object containing addit...

Delete specific Redis-DBs

To delete a specific redis-DB you need to use the FLUSHDB-command in combination with the SELECT-command. For more information have a look at the documentation for FLUSHDB and SELECT.


By default when connecting to a redis-instance you always connect with db0.

When connecting to the db you can list your keyspaces/databases with:

# Show info about all databases> INFO keyspace
# Keyspace

Desktop notification for failed systemd user services

You can execute systemctl --user --failed to check for failed systemd user units. But let's face it: It's inconvenient and you'll probably miss failures. Better use desktop notifications.


Add a OnFailure handler to all user units.



Add a template service unit which sends the notifications. The instance variable %i is replaced by the calling unit.