Claus-Theodor Riegg
7 years
Claus-Theodor Riegg
7 years
Stefan Langenmaier
1 year
Andreas Vöst
3 months
Claus-Theodor Riegg
5 years
Andreas Vöst
5 months
Emma Heinle
5 months
Andreas Vöst
5 months
Kim Klotz
6 months
Claus-Theodor Riegg
8 years

Playbook: fetch container logs from journald

Posted . Visible to the public. Repeats.


journalctl _CMDLINE=dockerd


journalctl SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=podman

identifying potential filter fields

journalctl -o verbose
journalctl -o json | jq
Moritz Kraus
Last edit
Andreas Vöst
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.