If you want to expand your Areca Raid by swapping out the disks for larger ones you will need to...

makandra Operations

Getting the whole bucket size aws s3 ls s3://$BUCKETNAME/ --recursive --human-readable --summarize | tail -n2 Tail is used because...

This is not encouraged because this change is easily forgotten. We recommend using this only if you know what you...

If you have a single node elasticsearch instance and indices with replicas enabled your cluster state will be yellow. If...

With passenger-status --show=requests you can get a huge JSON showing current information about the running passenger processes.

makandra Operations

If one etcd node is no longer a member of the remaining etcd cluster or fails to connect you need...


Don't use exec without user parameter If you use exec without user parameter, the command will get executed as...

makandra Operations

If you want to perform a failover on another haproxy backend server this is the way you should do it...

Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface Show existing certificates to test if the AWS Cli is working: