Stefan Langenmaier
11 months
Andreas Vöst
1 year
Florian Heinle
1 year

Find dead code in puppet with puppet-ghostbuster

Posted . Visible to the public.

There is a gem puppet-ghostbuster Show snapshot which can help you find dead code in puppet projects.

To use it, (as of now) it's best to get the latest version from git, as the last release is not yet on

# Gemfile
gem 'puppet-ghostbuster', git: '', ref: 'XXXXX'

After that you can use puppet-lint to find dead code in your project:

# You probably need to set some ENV Variables, see
export HIERA_YAML_PATH="/home/bob/code/puppet/hiera.yaml"
export PUPPETDB_URL="http://localhost:9000"
find . -type f -exec puppet-lint --only-checks ghostbuster_classes,ghostbuster_defines,ghostbuster_files,ghostbuster_hiera_files,ghostbuster_templates {} \+

Keep in mind, there will be a lot of "dead code" e.g. in modules from puppet forge which is ok as it's part of a module you don't use.

Last edit
Matthias Bruhse
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