How to: Solve gem loaded specs mutex

Use bundler > 1.15 to fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError).

Given the following project:

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7

bundler -v
Bundler version 1.13.7

gem -v

rails -v

Running specs or features resulted in:

uninitialized constant Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError)

The previous settings described in Maximum version of Rubygems and Bundler for Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3 (even the rails version was rails 3.2 and not 2.3) seems not to work here, so I used (also described in the ca...

Configuring RubyGems to not install documentation by default

When installing gems, a lot of time is spent building locally installed documentation that you probably never use.

We recommend you disable documentation generation for gem install by default.
Note that Bundler won't install documentation, so this advice applies only when installing gems manually.

If you don't already have it, create a ~/.gemrc file. The gemrc is a Yaml file, so add the following line to add default switches to the gem command.

gem: --no-document

(If you do n...

chromedriver-helper gem in Gemfile might break you selenium tests (of other projects)

Summary: Don't add chromedriver-helper to the Gemfile

  • the executables might break your tests in projects where chromedriver-helper is not in the Gemfile
  • developers with different chrome versions will have problems using the same chromedriver-helper version


If you install the chromedriver-helper gem, but don't have it in you Gemfile, your selenium tests might fail with:

Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: unable to connect to chromedriver

The reason is that chromedriver-helper ov...

Fix for: "can't convert nil to String" when running "gem update --system"

When attempting to update RubyGems, depending on updates your previously performed, you might run into an error

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (TypeError)
can't convert nil into String

Fix this by running

gem uninstall rubygems-update -a -x

Fixing flaky E2E tests

An end-to-end test (E2E test) is a script that remote-controls a web browser with tools like Selenium WebDriver. This card shows basic techniques for fixing a flaky E2E test suite that sometimes passes and sometimes fails.

Although many examples in this card use Ruby, Cucumber and Selenium, the techniques are applicable to all languages and testing tools.

Why tests are flaky

Your tests probably look like this:

When I click on A
And I click on B
And I click on C
Then I should see effects of C

A test like this works fine...

Import Excel files without running into memory limitations

There are several gems that make it easy to read and process xlsx files. Parsing the entire file at once however is error-prone since each cell is transformed to a ruby object - sometimes including thousands of formatted but empty cells.

As of today, I found two promising alternatives that provide a stream-based access to spradsheet rows:

  • Roo supports multiple spreadsheet types like ODS or CSV and has a quite large contributor base
  • [Creek](

How to use a local gem in your Gemfile

You can use local copies of gems in your Gemfile like this:

gem 'spreewald', :path => '~/gems/spreewald'

As soon as you have bundled your project with the local copy of the gem, all code changes in the copy will be available on your project. So you can for example set a debugger or add console output in the gem and use it from your project.
If you checked out the gem with your versioning tool, you can easily reset your changes afterwards or make a pull request for the gem if you improved it.

Don't commit a Gemfile with local pat...

Speed up better_errors

If you use the Better Errors gem, you will sometimes notice that it can be very slow. This is because it sometimes renders a huge amount of data that will actually be hard to render for your browser.

You can significantly improve performance by adding this to config/initializers/better_errors:

if defined?(BetterErrors) && Rails.env.development?
  module BetterErrorsHugeInspectWarning
    def inspect_value(obj)
      inspected = obj.inspect
      if inspected.size > 20_000

Rails: How to write custom email interceptors

Nowadays it is fairly easy to intercept and modify mails globally before they are sent. All you have to do is register an interceptor class which responds to .delivering_email(message). This card will show you two common use cases.

Subject prefix:

Usually you want to prefix the subject line of emails with the current environment (except production) so you can differentiate between production mails and mails from other environments. Of course a...

Working with or without time zones in Rails applications

Rails supports time zones, but there are several pitfalls. Most importantly because and Time.current are completely different things and code from gems might use one or the other.

Especially configuring an application that cares only about one time zone is a bit tricky.

The following was tested on Rails 5.1 but should apply to Rails 4.2 as well.

Using only local time

Your life will be easier if your application does not need to support time zones. Disable them like this:

config.time_zone = 'Berlin' # Your local ...

Listing all gems on a private gem server

You can use gem list to list all gems available from a remote gem server:

gem list -r --clear-sources -s 'https://user:password@gemserver.tld/'

This is useful to debug cases where Bundler complains of a gem existing in more than one gem source.

Middleman configuration for Rails Developers

Middleman is a static page generator that brings many of the goodies that Rails developers are used to.

Out of the box, Middleman brings Haml, Sass, helpers etc. However, it can be configured to do even better. This card is a list of improvement hints for a Rails developer.


Remove tzinfo-data and wdm unless you're on Windows. Add these gems:

gem 'middleman-livereload'
gem 'middleman-sprockets' # Asset pipeline!

gem 'bootstrap-sass' # If you want to use Bootstrap

gem 'byebug'

gem 'capistrano'
gem 'capistrano-mid...

Howto: Require a gem that is not in Gemfile

In case you want to require a gem, that is not in the Gemfile of you bundle and therefore not in your loadpath, you need to add the path manually and require the gem afterwards.

Expected error

Requiring a gem, that is not in the Gemfile or .gemspec, will cause an LoadError exception:

require 'example_gem' => LoadError: cannot load such file -- example_gem

Adding a gem to the loadpath temporary

  1. You need to install the gem

gem install 'example_gem'

  1. Then you need to require the path where the gem was install...

Sending errors to sentry from development

For the initial setup or changes in the sentry reporting it might be useful to enabled reporting of sentry in development. Don't commit these changes and prefer to report to the staging environment. As other developers might be confused of these errors try to given them a proper message and delete them afterwards.

  1. Add config.raven_dsn = 'your-dns' in config/environments/development.rb.
  2. Add development to existing environments in the Raven.configure block: config.environments = ['development', 'staging', 'production'].
  3. ...

Beware: Nested Spreewald patiently blocks are not patient

Note: The behaviour of Spreewald's within step is as described below for version < 1.9.0; For Spreewald >= 1.9.0 it is as described in Solution 1.

When doing integration testing with cucumber and selenium you will often encounter problems with timing - For example if your test runs faster than your application, html elements may not yet be visible when the test looks for them. That's why Spreewald (a collection of cucumber steps) has a concept of doing things patiently, which means a given b...