An interactive Git shell
Git commands tend to come in groups. Avoid typing git over and over and over by running them in a dedicated git shell.
You might want to run git config --global help.autocorrect true
before using gitsh
. This will silently swallow a muscle-memory "git" prefix to your commands inside the git shell.
How to fix: HTML5 video not working in IE9
While IE9 does support HTML5 <video>
tags, it fails to work until you force HTML5 mode.
Here are two ways to do that.
Option 1: Doctype
Make sure your HTML document uses HTML5. It should start like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Option 2: Magic meta tag
If you can not set a doctype, you use the X-UA-Compatible
meta tag in your HTML <head>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
Infinitely nested hashes in Javascript (Coffeescript)
The NestedHash
class allows you to read and write hashes of any depth. Examples:
hash = {}
NestedHash.write hash, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'value' # => { a: { b: { c: 'value' } } } hash, 'a', 'b', 'c' # => 'value' hash, 'a' # => { b: { c: 'value' } } hash, 'foo', 'bar' # => undefined
Inspired by victusfate.
class @NestedHash
@read: (objekt, keys...) ->
if objekt and keys.length
@read objekt[keys[0]], keys[1...]...
MySQL / MariaDB: Show disk usage of tables and columns
You can find out about disk space usage of all tables within your database by running this:
SELECT table_name AS `Table`, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size (MB)` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = "$your_database";
Replace $your_database
To find out the disk usage of a single column:
SELECT sum(char_length($your_column))/1024/1024 FROM $your_table
Result is in megabytes again.
Ever wanted man pages that actually help? Here you go
Enter any command into explainshell and it will explain it to you: split into separate commands (if present), with each option explained.
This site contains 29761 parsed manpages from sections 1 and 8 found in Ubuntu's manpage repository. A lot of heuristics were used to extract the arguments of each program, and there are errors here and there, especially in manpages that have a non-standard layout.
It is written in Python and uses bashlex, a bit of NLTK (to find the interesting parts of the manpage), a little d3....
Git: Delete a branch (local or remote)
To delete a local branch
git branch -d the_local_branch
To remove a remote branch (if you know what you are doing!)
git push origin :the_remote_branch
or simply use the new syntax (v1.7.0)
git push origin --delete the_remote_branch
If you get the error
error: unable to push to unqualified destination: the_remote_branch
The destination refspec neither matches an existing ref on the remote nor
begins with refs/, and we are unable to guess a prefix based on the source ref.
error: failed to push some ref...
Analyse short links
Sometimes you might want to check a short link for it's destination before clicking on it. Additional you get information about the redirects.
Use the magic + at the end of the short url!
Since the original publication of this post, Google's URL shortening service has been discontinued.
Bitly: => [](http:/...
Looping through iterators in Coffeescript
Some modern Javascript APIs return iterators instead of arrays.
In plain Javascript you can loop through an iterator using
var iterator = ...;
for (var value of iterator) {
While there is a for...of
construct in Coffeescript, it iterates through property/value pairs and **...
Manually uploading files via AJAX
To upload a file via AJAX (e.g. from an <input type='file'>
) you need to wrap your params in a FormData
You can initialize a FormData
using the contents of a form:
var form = document.querySelector('') // Find the <form> element
var formData = new FormData(form); // Wrap form contents
Or you can construct it manually, param by param:
var fileInput = document.querySelector('form input[type=file]');
var attachment = fileInput.files[0];
var f...
Postgresql: trigram indexes for searching
When full text search is overkill and like queries do not deliver this might be an approach you could try...
Get compiled code of a view template in Rails 4.2
If you want to inspect the compiled code of your erb (or haml) templates, you can run the following code in your view or your controller:
template = lookup_context.find_template(action_name, lookup_context.prefixes)
The output will be something like
@output_buffer = output_buffer ||;@output_buffer.safe_append='My template
Stackprof - sampling call-stack profiler for ruby
Stackprof is a sampling call-stack profile for Ruby 2.1+.
Instead of tracking all method calls, it will simply collect the current stack trace of a running program at fixed intervals. Methods that appear on top of the stack trace most often, are the methods your program spends most of its time in.
The big advantage of this is that it is very fast. You can even enable it in production and collect real performance data. See the README on how to add it as a middleware. It will dump its data to the tmp
Sampling is by default base...
How to fix routing error when using concerns in Rails up to
Don't write
resources :people, :concerns => :trashable
resources :people do concerns :trashable end
Writing a controller spec I encountered this error:
Failure/Error: get :index
No route matches {:controller=>"people"}
caused by this route definition
resources :people, :concerns => :trashable
which renders strange routes:
trash_person PUT /people/:id/trash(.:format) people#check {:concerns=>:trashable}
Linux: How To Fix Failed to fetch : chrome
Chrome has discontinued support for 32-Bit Linux builds and this might break your apt-get update
To fix this, you need to update your APT source. This command does that automagically for you:
sudo sed -i -e 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list"
Note that if you are using a 32-bit Linux, you will no longer receive Chrome security updates and should switch to a different browser (maybe Chromium).
nginx: How to drop connections for a location
If you want to configure your nginx to drop connections to a specific location
, you can do so by responding with HTTP response code 444.
Status 444 is a non-standard response code that nginx will interpret as "drop connection".
server {
location /api/ {
return 444;
An example use case is reverse-proxying with nginx and simulating a route that drops connections.
Capybara: Find the innermost DOM element that contains a given string
Let's say you want to find the element with the text hello
in the following DOM tree:
You might think of XPath's contain()
page.find(:xpath, ".//*[contains(text(), 'hello')")
Unfortunately that returns a lot more elements than you expect:
[ <html>...<html>,
<strong>hello</strong> ]
What you need to do instead is to *find all...
How to reverse the order of HTML elements with CSS
Imagine you have a list you want to render inline on large screens, but stacked on small screens.
ul { white-space: nowrap } /* optional: keep items in one line no matter the available width */
li { display: inline-block }
@media (max-width: 600px) {
li { display: block }
Now imagine you want the rightmost item to be the topmost item on small screens. You'll need to invert the order of list items, but only for large screens. Here are some approaches to do so:...
netstat: Sum open connections by IP (and sort it)
The following sums up all connections (ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, FIN_WAIT, etc.) and sorts it:
netstat -n | awk ' $5 ~ /^[0-9]/ {print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Works on FreeBSD and Linux.
Google Analytics Debugger
When you're facing a somewhat complex Google Analytics setup and want to find out what's happening, you can use this Chrome extension.
It's much simpler than other fancy plugins (like "Google Tag Assistant") and does just one job and does it well.
To see what's happening, you need to open your developer console.
djberg96/sys-filesystem: A Ruby library for getting filesystem information
Uses FFI and works all relevant operating systems.
If you'd try to do it yourself, you'd have to use FFI which is a bit awkward (see the gem's code), or call commands like df -B1
and search the strings for your relevant data.
That gem takes the pain away and works nicely.
One-liner syntax in RSpec's should-based and expect-based syntaxes
RSpec supports a one-liner syntax for setting an expectation on the subject
describe Array do
describe "when first created" do
it { should be_empty }
The example description "it should be empty" will be defined automatically.
With RSpec 3's expect
-based syntax you use it_is_expected
describe Array do
describe "when first created" do
it { be_empty }
Testing state_machine callbacks without touching the database
You should test the callback methods and its correct invocation in two separate tests. Understand the ActiveRecord note before you move on with this note.
Say this is your Spaceship
class with a transition launch
and a release_docking_clamps
class Spaceship
state_machine :state, :initial => :docked do
event :launch do
transition :docked => :en_route
before_transition :on => :launch, :do => :release_doc...
Custom transclusion with Angular
Angular's directives have a transclude
option, that allows for rendering an element's original content within the directive's template:
Content ...
# Directive template
<div class="wrapper">
# Result
<div class="wrapper">
Content ...
However, if you need more control over the transcludable content you need heavier armor. For this case, Angular provides you with a transclusion function as the 5th argument of...
record a logstalgia video
Cause logstaglia is so cool you may want to record a video. We're lucky: Logstalgia has a parameter for an ppm-stream output: --output-ppm-stream FILE
. We can pipe this to ffmpeg or avconv to record a h264 encoded video.
record command when using ffmpeg (for e.g. with ubuntu 12.04)
cat some_acces.log | logstalgia --sync -1920x1080 --output-ppm-stream - | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 logstalgia.mp4