Upgrade guide for moving a Rails app from Webpack 3 to Webpack 4

Webpacker is Rails' way of integrating Webpack, and version 4 has been released just a few days ago, allowing us to use Webpack 4.

I successfully upgraded an existing real-world Webpack 3 application. Below are notes on everything that I encountered.
Note that we prefer not using the Rails asset pipeline at all and serving all assets through Webpack for the sake of consistency.


  • Remove version locks in Gemfile for webpacker
  • Remove version locks in package.json for webpack and webpack-dev-server
  • Install by ca...

Carrierwave: Built-in resize methods

Carrierwave includes some handy helper methods you can use to resize your images. Here is a quick summary of them, if you need more details read the docs. You can also use all command line options from RMagick directly if these helpers are not good enough for you.

resize_to_limit(width, height)
resize_to_fit(width, height)

JavaScript without jQuery (presentation from 2019-01-21)


  • We want to move away from jQuery in future projects
  • Motivations are performance, bundle size and general trends for the web platform.
  • The native DOM API is much nicer than it used to be, and we can polyfill the missing pieces
  • Unpoly 0.60.0 works with or without jQuery

Is jQuery slow?

From: Sven
To: unpoly@googlegroups.com
Subject: performance on smartphones and tablets


I just used your framework in one project and must say,
I am really pleased with it -- but only on a desktop computer.

Have you benchm...

How not to turn your application into a spam relay

Spammers have started abusing other application to send their spam. This works like this:

  • The application has some form that allows to send e-mails to arbitrary users. This can be something like a newsletter sign-up with a double-opt in, a registration confirmation e-mail (or even password reset e-mail), or something similar.
  • The e-mail also includes some reflected text. For example, a user may be able to give their name, and the name is used within the e-mail. The spammer will then abuse that text to include his advertisment.


Auto-generating plain-text bodies for HTML e-mails in Rails apps

When building an application that sends e-mails to users, you want to avoid those e-mails from being classified as spam. Most obvious scoring issues will not be relevant to you because you are not a spammer.

However, your application must do one thing by itself: When sending HTML e-mails, you should include a plain-text body or tools like SpamAssassin will apply a significant score penalty. Here is how to do that automatically.

  1. Add premailer-rails to your Gemfile and bundle.
  2. Done! ...

Upgrading Ruby from 1.8.7 to 2.3.5

Suggested Workflow

Set the ruby version in .ruby-version to 2.3.5, then perform these steps one by one, fixing errors as they occur:

  1. Update gems as listed below, and bundle
  2. Boot a Rails console - see below for a list of changes you will probably need
  3. Run Specs with --backtrace option
  4. Run Cucumber features (with Geordi's --debug option)
  5. When all tests are green, look through your Gemfile and remove as many version constraints as possible.
  6. Boot the application in different environements to spot further issues, e...

Ruby: Reading and writing CSVs

In ruby you can easily read and write CSVs with the standard CSV library class.

On top of this, you can use the gem smarter_csv for reading (not writing) CSVs in a more comfortable way:

  • Keep in mind, that the development of this gem is in an unknown state and the 2.0 release seems to happen never
  • The API will change completely for 2.0, so you might find a bunch of unrelated documentation for 1.2

Here is an example...

How to: Use Ace editor in a Webpack project

The Ace editor is a great enhancement when you want users to supply some kind of code (HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, etc).
It offers syntax highlighting and some neat features like auto-indenting.

For Webpack 3+

Integrate as described in the documentation. For example load ace Editor like this:

  function loadAceEditor() {
    return import(/* webpackChunkName: "ace" */ 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace').then(() => {
      return import(/* webpackChunkName: "ace" */ 'ace-builds/webpack-r...

Accessing Rails config in webpack(er)

It is possible to access Rails config (for example secrets) from within your webpack bundles, thanks to rails-erb-loader. When using webpacker, the setup is like this:

  1. Install rails-erb-loader:

    yarn add rails-erb-loader
  2. Add this to your config/webpacker/environment.js:

    environment.loaders.prepend('erb', {
      test: /\.erb$/,
      enforce: 'pre',
      use: [{
        loader: 'rails-erb-loader',
  3. Start using erb. For examp...

Does <html> or <body> scroll the page?

Scrolling overflowing elements with JavaScript

HTML elements with overflow-y: auto or overflow-y: scroll will get a scrollbar when their content is higher than their own height.

When you scroll an element , the element's scrollTop property is updated with the scrollbar's new position. You can also set element.scrollTop = 30 to scroll the element to a vertical pixel position counted from the top.

Scrolling the main viewport with JavaScript

The browser's main document viewport is also scrollable by default. The element that ...

Raising JavaScript errors in Ruby E2E tests (RSpec, Cucumber)

A JavaScript error in an E2E test with Selenium will not cause your test to fail. This may cause you to miss errors in your frontend code.

Using the BrowserConsole helper below you can check your browser's error console from your E2E tests.

The following will raise BrowserConsole::ErrorsPresent if there is an error on the browser console:


Ignoring errors

You can ignore errors by their exact message:

BrowserConsole.ignore('Browser is burning')

You can ignore errors with me...

HTML forms with multiple submit buttons

Most forms have a single submit button that will save the record when pressed.

Sometimes a form needs additional submit buttons like "accept" or "reject". Such buttons usually attempt a state transition while updating the record.

To process a form with multiple buttons, your server-side code will need to know which button was pressed. To do so you can give each submit button a different [formaction] attribute. This will override the ...

Project management best practices: The story tracker

In general, the tracker should always be the definitive source of truth of what needs to be done as part of a project. If you identify a task that needs to be done, you should create a story. If you learn something that contradicts an existing story, change it.

The tracker can contain two types of stories: Developer stories, and non-developer stories.

Non-developer stories

Non-developer stories should be clearly marked. They usually belong to the PM (or maybe people from the operations team). Those story can take all forms, could just...

Chrome bug: Wrong stacking order when transitioning composited elements

Google Chrome has a subtle rendering bug that hits me once in a while. It usually occurs in sliders with HTML content.

The issue

When a slider contains a composited[1] element, the element will overlap any other element when sliding, being rendered as frontmost element. After the slider has settled, stacking order jumps back to normal.

It seems like Chrome is doing its compositing wrong. This doesn't happen in Firefox.

The cause

The issue only occurs if:

  • two elements A and B are nested inside an element C
  • A overlaps B (part...

Haml: Generating a unique selector for an element

Having a unique selector for an element is useful to later select it from JavaScript or to update a fragment with an Unpoly.

Haml lets you use square brackets ([]) to generate a unique class name and ID from a given Ruby object. Haml will infer a class attribute from the given object's Ruby class. It will also infer an id attribute from the given object's Ruby class and #id method.

This is especially useful with ActiveRecord instances, which have a persisted #id and will hence **generate the same selector o...

Haml: Prefixing a group of attributes

Haml lets you prefix a group of attributes by wrapping them in a hash. This is only possible with the {} attribute syntax, not with the () attribute syntax.

Example: HTML5 data attributes

HTML5 allows you to use arbitrary attributes like data-method and data-confirm. You can prefix a group of data- attributes like this:

%a{href: '/path', data: { method: 'delete', confirm: 'Really delete?' }} Label

This compiles to:

<a data-confirm='Really delete?' data-method='delete' href='/path'>Label</a>


Introduction to Google Tag Manager (for web developers who know Google Analytics)

As a web developer, you know Google Analytics (GA). Probably you've dropped the GA snippet into more than one website, maybe you've even used its Javascript API to implement tracking at the event level.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a related tool, but on a higher level and thus with much more power. GTM is not a replacement for GA. Rather, it can make GA configurable without changing anything in the application's code base (and much more beyond, see below).

Only prefer GTM if the customer requests it, or if he is updating his tracking r...

Heads up: Rails offers two similar means for text truncation

Rails defines a #truncate helper as well as a method String#truncate.

= truncate("my string", length: 5)
= "my string".truncate(5)

Both are really similar; in fact, the helper invokes the method and improves it with two niceties: support for passing a block (which could e.g. render a "read on" link), and html_safe knowledge.

Prefer the truncate() helper

Warning: truncate() calls html_safe if you're not escaping. FWIW, an HTML string may easily become invalid when truncated, e.g. when a closing tag gets chopped off.