Geordi 1.6.1 released

  • dumple uses --clean option for PostgreSQL/pg_dump

An Introduction to Sending HTML Email for Web Developers

A comprehensive introduction to sending HTML emails.


HTML email: Two words that, when combined, brings tears to a developer’s eyes. If you’re a web developer, it’s inevitable that coding an email will be a task that gets dropped in your lap at some time in your career, whether you like it or not. Coding HTML email is old school. Think back to 1999, when we called ourselves “webmasters” and used Frontpage, WYSIWYG editors and tables to mark up our websites.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction To Sending Email Link
  • Email List B...

Enabling ** in your bash

You may know the double asterisk operator from Ruby snippets like Dir['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] where it expands to an arbitrary number of directories.
However, it is disabled by default on most systems. Here is how to enable it.

If you check your globstar shell option, it is probably disabled:

$ shopt globstar
globstar           off

In that case, ** behaves just like * and will match exactly 1 directory level.

$ ls spec/**/*_spec.rb

To enable it, run

shopt -s globstar

The double ast...


Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Ruby.

Promising chart library for easily rendering charts with Google Charts.

This seems to not submit your data points to Google.

Use Memoizer instead of ActiveSupport::Memoizable

ActiveSupport::Memoizable will be removed from Rails and has a lot of strange caveats that will ruin your day.

Use the Memoizer gem instead. It works in all past and future Railses and has none of the annoying "features" of ActiveSupport::Memoizable. It just does memoization and does it well.

The syntax is similiar also:

class Foo
  include M...

Ruby: String representations of regular expressions

Ruby's regular expressions can be represented differently.
When serializing them, you probably want to use inspect instead of to_s.

For the examples below, consider the following Regexp object.

regexp = /^f(o+)!/mi


Using to_s will use a format that is correct but often hard to read.

>> regexp.to_s
=> "(?mi-x:^f(o+)!)"


As the Ruby docs say:


Puppet: Could not evaluate: Field 'device' is required

If you get an error like this for a puppet mount:

$ > puppet agent --test 
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1483001792'
Info: Computing checksum on file /etc/fstab
Info: FileBucket got a duplicate file {md5}34b9adc036cf1dbd2392df84f921547d
Notice: /Stage[main]/Foobar/Swap_file::Files[default]/Mount[/var/swapfile]/ensure: defined 'ensure' as 'defined'
Error: /Stage[main]/Foobar/Swap_file::Files[default]/Mount[/var/s...

Search everywhere in RubyMine

Have you tried the Search everywhere dialog? You can open it by pressing Shift twice.


Font Combiner

Font Combiner offers a way to tweak and adjust any TTF or OTF font (license permitting), by bringing in font glyphs as vector shapes, providing a completely overhauled font generated to the user's specification with alternative metrics options, alternative hinting types, kerning and spacing options and the facility to make any average free font look great.

Examples are here

Fix Rubygems binary error: undefined method `activate_bin_path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)

So you're getting an error like this:

undefined method `activate_bin_path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)

Here is what happened:

  • You installed a recent version of Rubygems
  • You installed some gems that install a binary (like bundle, rake or rails) with code that only works with modern Rubygems versions
  • You downgraded Rubygems to an older versions, which doesn't change any binaries
  • When calling binaries with the old Rubygems version, it cannot process the line Gem.activate_pin_path(...) that was written out by th...

Net::SSH::Exception: could not settle on encryption_client algorithm

TL;DR: Update the 'net-ssh' gem by adding to your Gemfile:

gem 'net-ssh', '=2.9.1'

Now run bundle update net-ssh. It has no dependencies so it shouldn't update other gems.

If you're using Ruby 1.8.7 and want to update net-ssh to a version > 2.9.1 you also need to add this to your gemfile:

gem 'backports', :require => false

... and in your deploy.rb add this:

require 'backports/1.9.2/array/select' 


You propably have an older version of Capistrano and thereby an older version of `n...

Passenger 5/6 requires a file to run Rails 2.3 projects

Put the following into in your Rails root folder:

# Require your environment file to bootstrap Rails
require ::File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'

# Dispatch the request

Otherwise, your Rails 2.3 project will not be considered by Passenger 5+ and you will probably see 403 errors returned by nginx or Apache.

Bundler: Gemfile.lock is corrupt & gems are missing from the DEPENDENCIES section

So you're getting this failure when running bundle install on an older project:

Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following gems are missing from the DEPENDENCIES section: 'archive-tar-minitar' 'hoe' 'rcov'

This happens when you are using a new version of Bundler with a project that was bundled with a very old version of Bundler. For reasons unknown, the Bundler dependency API returns different dependencies for some gems (like ruby-debug or rainpress) than the dependencies found in the downloaded gemspecs. While old versi...

Angular: Quick and easy animation on changed binding value

With ngAnimate, you can easily animate certain events (see directive support). We'll make use of ngClass animations to style an element on changed binding value.

Say we have a slider and a separate details container. Each time the slider changes, we want to "flash" the details container by hiding it and fading it back in.


Add a custom class to the element you want to animate, i.e. the details container:

<div class="details slide-index-{{ currentSlideIndex }}">
  {{ co...

A collection of graph and diagram tools

Howto use ActiveRecord preload with plain SQL inner joins

Like you know from "How to tell ActiveRecord how to preload associations (either JOINs or separate queries)", you can tell ActiveRecord explicitly if it should use a LEFT OUTER JOIN or a separate query to preload associations.

Here is some special case, where a simple includes is not possible. For the diagram below we want to sort the rides by the translated name of the departure_place and the arrival_place:


A case for different breakpoints

The linked article states that CSS breakpoints should group "similar" screen sizes and thus be at:

  • 600px "narrow"
  • 900px "medium"
  • 1200px "wide"
  • (1800px) "huge"

By choosing these breakpoints, most device screens will be somewhere between two breakpoints, and not at the very edge of them.

The ranges could be called:

  • narrow (< narrow)
  • medium (narrow - medium)
  • normal (medium - wide)
  • wide (wide - huge)
  • huge (> huge)

Howto: Free disk space when /boot is full

Easy mode

This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course, includes obsolete kernel versions, with the explicit exception of the currently running kernel, the kernel version that was installed on the system before that and, of course, the latest updated version of the kernel. However, it will also remove any and all other packages that have been marked as installed automatically but have no other packages depending on them. This could lead to unexpected removal of packag...

Awesome WM: workaround for gnome or mate panel stealing focus

If you use awesome 3.5, and a gnome or mate panel, the panel will often receive focus when you switch desktops. As a workaround:

  1. Add this rule to your rc.lua:
    { rule = { class = "Mate-panel" }, properties = { ontop = true, focusable = false } }
  2. Replace /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/autofocus.lua with the attached file

Fix external Displays switching not on when plugging notebook in docking station

If your external displays not switching on or showing a weird behavior (for e.g. all displays getting the same configuration all the time) you can fix it by switching off all external displays and re-enabling only one in the first step. Afterwards you can apply your whole configuration via xrandr. This behavior could be a bug in the kernel and may be fixed in linux 4.8.

Example display configuration

Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 5760 x 1200, maximum 32767 x 32767
eDP1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis...

Giving a presentation with a dual screen layout on linux

When giving a presentation with a projector it is sometimes better to use a dual screen layout instead of a cloned display. If you still want a preview of the projector screen on your primary screen, you can do this:

  1. Install x11vnc and a vnc viewer (e.g. xtightvncviewer).

  2. Connect the projector.

  3. In your system display settings, move the projector to the left or your primary screen (not strictly necessary, but I had weird clipping issues otherwise).

  4. Start a vnc server for your second display with

    x11vnc -clip xinera...

How to fix: Bundler 1.13 breaks parallel_tests

When running tests via parallel_tests, you may encounter an error:

cannot load such file -- parallel_tests/gherkin/runtime_logger
Error creating formatter: ParallelTests::Gherkin::RuntimeLogger (LoadError)

This will happen when you upgrade Bundler to version 1.13.x and appears to be "by design" since there is a Bundler config option to restore previous behavior.

You can fix it by setting that flag. You should commit the resulting config file into the repository!

bundle config --local disable_exec_load true

There is a Git...

Aruba: Stubbing binaries

When testing your command line application with Aruba, you might need to stub out other binaries you don't want to be invoked by your test.

Aruba Doubles is a library that was built for this purpose. It is not actively maintained, but works with the little fix below.


Install the gem as instructed by its README, then put this Before block somewhere into features/support:

Before do

Hide a Rake task from the `rake -T` list

A Rake task appears in rake -T if it has a description:

desc 'Compile assets'
task :compile do

To not list it, simply omit the description:

task :compile do

You can also hide a Rake task that has been defined by someone else (like a gem) by removing the description:


Or you can whitelist which tasks should be listed:

visible_tasks = %w(compile build package)
Rake::Task.tasks.each do |task|
  visible_tasks.include?( or task.clear_comments