Ruby: A short summary of available hooks in Cucumber

Here is a short summary of Cucumber hooks in Ruby taken from Note that the BeforeStep is currently not existing in the Ruby implementation of Cucumber.

Before hooks run before the first step of each scenario.

Before do |scenario|

After hooks run after the last step of each scenario, even when the step result is failed, undefined, pending or skipped.


RubyMine: Restore main menu in Ubuntu

After a recent Ubuntu update I didn't see the main menu bar of the RubyMine IDE (File | Edit | View | ...) anymore.

This could be solved by changing a RubyMine registry entry:

  • Search "registry" within the "Actions" search
    • press ctrl + alt + n > click on Actions > type registry > click on Registry...
  • Scroll down to and disable the checkbox

After rebooting RubyMine, you'll have gotten the menu bar back.

Vortrag: Content Security Policy: Eine Einführung


CSP hat zum Ziel einen Browser-seitigen Mechanismus zu schaffen um einige Angriffe auf Webseiten zu verhindern, hauptsächlich XSS-Angriffe.

Einschub: Was ist XSS?

XSS = Cross Site Scripting. Passiert wenn ein User ungefiltertes HTML in die Webseite einfügen kann.

<div class="comment">
  Danke für den interessanten Beitrag! <script>alert('you have been hacked')</script>

Rails löst das Problem weitgehend, aber

  • Programmierfehler weiter möglich
  • manchmal Sicherheitslücken in Gems oder Rails


How to prevent Nokogiri from fixing invalid HTML

Nokogiri is great. It will even fix invalid HTML for you, like a browser would (e.g. move block elements out of parents which are specified to not allow them).

>> Nokogiri::HTML.fragment("<h1><p>foo</p><span>bar</span></h1>").to_s
=> "<h1></h1><p>foo</p><span>bar</span>"

While this is mostly useful, browsers are actually fine with a bit of badly formatted HTML. And you don't want to be the one to blame when the SEO folks complain about an empty <h1>.

To avoid said behavior, use Nokogiri::XML instead of Nokogiri::HTML whe...

The HTML5 video element

# Basic HTML example
<video poster="preview_image.png" controls>
  <source src="or_here.webm" type="video/webm" />
  <source src="alternative_if_browser_cant_pay_first_source.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  <track src="optional_subtitles.vtt" kind="subtitles" srclang="de" label="Deutsch" default>

# Javascript API (notable methods and properties)
video = document.querySelector('video')
video.load() // Reset to the beginning and select the best available source
video.currentSrc // The selected source

HTTP Client in RubyMine

RubyMine has a HTTP Client that can be useful to test web APIs.
Just create a .http scratch file an write your request in it.
The request can then be executed with the "Run all requests in File" button above the file.

Some alternatives:

The format for request is like this:

Method Request-URI HTTP-Version
Header-field: Heade...

The JavaScript Object Model: A deep dive into prototypes and properties

Speaker today is Henning Koch, Head of Development at makandra.

This talk will be in German with English slides.


As web developers we work with JavaScript every day, even when our backend code uses another language. While we've become quite adept with JavaScript at a basic level, I think many of us lack a deep understanding of the JavaScript object model and its capabilities.

Some of the questions we will answer in this talk:

  • How does the new keyword construct an object?
  • What is the differen...

How to use Simplecov to find untested code in a Rails project with RSpec and Cucumber

Simplecov is a code coverage tool. This helps you to find out which parts of your application are not tested.

Integrating this in a rails project with rspec, cucumber and parallel_tests is easy.

  1. Add it to your Gemfile and bundle

    group :test do
      gem 'simplecov', require: false
  2. Add a .simplecov file in your project root:

    SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
      # any custom configs like groups and filters can be here at a central place

Always disable autocomplete for date pickers

When we write a form with date fields, we often use graphical data picker like Rome to get a consistent calendar popup on all browsers.

When you integrate a date picker popup, remember to also set autocomplete="off" on the text input that opens the calendar on click. Otherwise the autocomplete suggestions will cover the calendar box and make it unusable:


If you are using a tool like Unpoly you might want to set autocomplete="off" i...

Cucumber's table diffing does not play nice with Spreewald's `patiently do`

Turns out, Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable#diff! caches some stuff. Code of the following form will not work as intended:

Then('some table should look like') do |expected_table|
  patiently do
    actual_table = calculate_actual_table
    expected_table.diff!(actual_table) # not actually patient, will keep failing if it failed the first time

Instead, simply use


Devise: How to allow only HTTP Basic Auth and disable the HTML sign-in form

By default, Devise redirects to a sign-in form when accessing a route that requires authentication. If for some reason you do not want this, but use Basic Authentication (and the corresponding browser username/password dialog) instead, this is a simple change.

Note that Devise's default configuration actually only redirects requests for HTML content (as requested by the HTTP Accept header).
For all other formats (like JSON) it would use Basic Auth if the http_authenticatable setting was enabled. So you can simply enable that flag and cl...

Quick HTML testing with RubyMine

If you need to test some HTML, e.g. an embed code, you can use RubyMine's "scratch files":

  1. File > New Scratch File (or Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Ins)
  2. Select "HTML" as file type
  3. Write or paste the HTML
  4. Move your mouse to the upper right corner of the scratch file editor. Pick a browser to instantly open your file.

How to write modular code

Or: How to avoid and refactor spaghetti code

Please note that I tried to keep the examples small. The effects of the methods in this card are of course much more significant with real / more complex code.

What are the benefits of more modular code?

Code is written once but read often (by your future self and other developers who have to understand it in order to make changes for example). With more modular code you reduce the scope of what has to be understood in order to change something. Also, naming things gives you the opportunity t...

Rails: Rest API post-mortem analysis

This is a personal post-mortem analysis of a project that was mainly build to provide a REST API to mobile clients.

For the API backend we used the following components:

  • Active Model Serializer (AMS) to serializer our Active Record models to JSON.
  • JSON Schema to test the responses of our server.
  • SwaggerUI to document the API.

It worked

The concept worked really good. Here are two points that were extraordinary compared to normal Rails project with many UI components:

  • Having a Rails application, that has no UI components (only...

Defining new elements for your HTML document

Browsers come with a set of built-in elements like <p> or <input>. When we need a new component not covered by that, we often build it from <div> and <span> tags. An alternative is to introduce a new element, like <my-element>.

When a browser encounters an unknown element like <my-element>, the browser will proceed to render <my-element>'s children. The visual rendering of your page will not be affected.

If you care about their HTML being valid, your new element should contain a dash character (-) to mark it as a *custom el...

Pattern: Disabling a certain feature in tests

There is a kind of features in web applications that hinder automated integration tests. Examples include cookie consent banners or form captchas. Clearly, these should be disabled so you do not have to explicitly deal with them in each and every test (like, every test starting with accepting the cookies notice). On the other hand, they must be tested as well.

A good feature disabling solution should therefore meet these requirements:

  • The feature is generally disabled in tests. A test does not need to do anything manually.

  • It is *...