Git: Apply a diff

git apply allows you to apply a diff onto your HEAD. Most often you can achieve the same result with a rebase & merge.


master                commit1 - commit3
feature-branch                \ commit2 - commit4
git checkout feature-branch
git reset --hard commit3
git diff ..commit4 | git apply
master                commit1 - commit3
feature-branch                          \ Unstaged commit 2 & 4

You can also [create a patch and apply it afterwards](

Adding Jasmine JavaScript specs to a Webpack(er) project

The goal is to get Jasmine specs running in a Rails project using Webpacker, with the browser based test runner. Should be easily adaptable to a pure Webpack setup.


Step 1: Install Jasmine

yarn add jasmine-core

Step 2: Add two separate packs

Since we do not want to mix Jasmine into our regular Javascript, we will create two additional packs. The first only contains Jasmine and the test runner. The second will contain our normal application code and the specs themselves.

We cannot...

How to get a backtrace if rspec (or any other ruby process) hangs with no output

If rspec hangs with no output and you dont get a backtrace neither with --backtrace nor by just killing it with crtl-c,
you can put the following in your spec/spec_helper.rb:

puts "rspec pid: #{}"

trap 'USR1' do
  threads = Thread.list

  puts "=" * 80
  puts "Received USR1 signal; printing all #{threads.count} thread backtraces."

  threads.each do |thr|
    description = thr == Thread.main ? "Main thread" : thr.inspect
    puts "#{description} backtrace: "
    puts thr.backtrace.join("\n")


Cucumber: Clear localStorage after each scenario

Capybara clears cookies before each scenario, but not other client-side data stores. If your app is using localStorage or sessionStorage, contents will bleed into the next scenario.

Use this hook to remove all site data after each scenario:

After do
  if Capybara.current_driver == :selenium && !Capybara.current_url.starts_with?('data:')
    page.execute_script <<-JAVASCRIPT

Unpoly: Testing values for presence or blankness

In Ruby on Rails, all objects have a useful blank? method. It returns true for nil but also for empty strings or empty arrays. There is also a universal method present? which returns true for all values that are not blank?.

In JavaScript you need to roll your own implementation of blank? and present?.

If your application uses [Unpoly](...

How to: Fix json 1.8.3 with Ruby 2.5

The gem json fails to install for Ruby 2.5 if you use a version equal or below 1.8.3.

Run bundle update json --conservative to solve this issue.

The backtrace you will encounter looks like this:

Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing json:
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

    current directory: /home/user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/json-1.8.3/ext/json/ext/generator
/home/user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.3/bin/ruby -I /home/user/.rbenv/versions/2.5.3/lib/ruby/si...

LoDash: isBlank and isPresent mixins

When you need to check a value for presence, don't rely on JavaScript since it considers 0 or "0" false. Also don't rely on LoDash's _.isEmpty:

if ('0') { ... } // false
if (0) { ... } // false

if (!.isEmpty('0')) { ... } // true (= good)
if (!
.isEmpty(0)) { ... } // false (= not good)

This is because isEmpty it is only meant for objects with a length.

While the name implies that it's meant only for collections, you probably still want something like isBlank or `is...

Deal with certain travis CI failures

Travis changed their default distribution from Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) to 16.04 (precise). This might break your test setup for new builds.

You can solve this issue by freezing your test distribution in the .travis.yml to Ubuntu 14.04 until you have the time to solve all the issues you will have in 16.04:

dist: trusty

Error details

Here are few indicators that you ran into this issue:

Connection to the PostgreSQL database does not work anymore

Your travis-ci builds might have started failing on the usual

psql -c...

Yarn: How to recognize that you are using a different node version than your colleagues

The issue in this card can occur if the node_modules directory is checked into your Git repository. We usually recommend to exclude node_modules from version control.

In any case you should document which version of node to use in your project in a .nvmrc file.

I saw a strange behaviour after we introduced webpack in one of our projects and finally found out the reason: The person who committed the files used a node version that is older than mine.

Every time I wanted to run my rai...

cucumber_factory: How to keep using Cucumber 2 Transforms in Cucumber 3

Cucumber up to version 2 had a neat feature called Step Argument Transforms which was dropped in favor of Cucumber 3 ParameterTypes. While I strongly encourage you to drop your legacy Transforms when upgrading to Cucumber 3, it might not always be possible due to their different design.
This is a guide on how to keep the exact same functionality of your old Transforms while writing them in the style of new `Paramet...

Bundler: How to install version 1 instead of 2 (latest version)

When installing a gem you can use version comparators like >= or ~>. That way it is possible to fetch the latest version of Bundler 1 with this command:

gem install bundler -v '~>1'

How to install bundler for Ruby < 2.3 is a common usecase where you might need Bundler 1.

Selenium may break with ChromeDriver 75+

When you update your ChromeDriver to version 75 or beyond, you might get w3c errors in your tests.

For example, reading the browser console for errors no longer works, and page.driver.browser.manage.logs.get(:browser) will raise an error like "undefined method `log' for #<Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Bridge:0x000055903f307aa8>".

Add options.add_option('w3c', false) to your Selenium configuration (e.g. features/support/selenium.rb) and you should be back to normal:

Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
  options ...

How to recognize CVE-2019-5418

If you get requests with values for formats like this:

{:locale=>[:de], :formats=>["../../../../../../../../../../etc/services{{"], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :coffee, :haml]}

or fails like this:

Invalid query parameters: invalid %-encoding (../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%%0000.html)

Someone tries to exploit CVE-2019-5418.
If you use the latest Rails (or latest Rails LTS) you're...

Rails Asset Pipeline: Building an Icon Font from SVG Files

Webpacker can automatically create an icon font from SVG files, which is really handy. When you're using the asset pipeline, you can still have an icon font from SVG files, but it requires some manual work.

Creating the icon font

  • Install the NPM package icon-font-generator. If you're not using nvm, run sudo npm install -g icon-font-generator
  • Put all SVG icons for the font into their own directory.
    • The icon name will be taken from the SVG file name
  • Download the attached script and update the Configure...

How to: Migrate from CoffeeScript to ES6

It is quite easy to migrate from CoffeeScript to ES6. You can use decaffeinate to convert your CoffeeScript source to modern JavaScript.


  • Install the NPM module globally yarn global add decaffeinate
  • Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc to export the Yarn binaries in your Bash
export PATH="$PATH:$(yarn global bin)"
  • Run decaffeinate to get the converted modern JavaScript file.


  • decaffeinate will add some [suggestions](https://gith...

Fun with Ruby: Returning in blocks "overwrites" outside return values

In a nutshell: return statements inside blocks cause a method's return value to change. This is by design (and probably not even new to you, see below) -- but can be a problem, for example for the capture method of Rails.

Consider these methods:

def stuff
  puts 'yielding...'
  puts 'yielded.'

We can call our stuff method with a block to yield. It works like t...

Better compression for /boot partition

If you struggle with a /boot partition that is too small for updates, and you are too intimidated by the way to resize your /boot partition, there might be an easier fix:

It is possible to configure a better compression algorithm for the images in /boot. To do this, edit /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and change the existing line to


Then rebuild the images using

sudo update-initramfs -u -k all

If you get an error during the last step, please immediately get help, because otherwise...