Running old ImageMagick versions in a Docker container

If your project depends on an old version of ImageMagick that you can no longer install in your system, you can choose the run an old ImageMagick in a Docker container.

Dockerized ImageMagick commands will only work with absolute path arguments. You need to boot a corresponding docker container once before using it.

Setting up Docker

If you haven't installed Docker yet, use our guide or the [official instructions](

Parallelize Development Using Git Worktrees

You can use git worktree to manage multiple working trees attached to the same repository. But why should I use git worktree?

You can use more than one working tree to ...

... run tests while working on another branch
... compare multiple versions
... work on a different branch without disturbing your current branch

Creating a new working tree is as simple as creating a new branch. You only need to execute git worktree add <path> <branch>. When you are done, you can remove the working tree with git worktree remove <Worktree>...

WYSIWYG with Action Text

Rails 6 includes a WYSIWYG editor, Action Text. It works out of the box quite well, but chances are that you want to add some custom functionality. This card contains some tips how to achieve this.


Basically, follow the guide in the Rails documentation. The automated script may not work with the way webpacker is configured in your project, but it should be easy to fix.

If you don't want the default c...

Git: Parsing large diffs as a human

I just finished migrating a project from the Asset Pipeline to Webpacker, this is what my diff to master looks like:

5.825 files changed, 44.805 insertions(+), 529.948 deletions(-)
warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files.
warning: you may want to set your diff.renameLimit variable to at least 5134 and retry the command.

There is no way me or my peer reviewer is able to parse 500k+ lines of code. Fortunately, git has ...

Git diff: Deemphasizing code that was only moved around

In long diffs, it can become impossible to spot small changes in larger blocks of moved code. This may be either a method that was moved from the top to the bottom of a file, or a long test file that was split in many.

Fortunately, Git offers a special highlighting mode that directs the reader's attention to relevant code parts:

git diff --color-moved=dimmed-zebra

It will dim lines that were moved around without changes, and highlight changed lines.
To easily use dimmed-zebra mode, configure an alias:

# ~/.gitconfig

Missing certificates for rubygems and bundler in Ruby 1.8.7

Using Ruby 1.8.7 you will not be able to use the maximum versions Rubygems 1.8.30 and Bundler 1.17.3 with anymore. This is a result of a server certificate on December 5th, 2020. The resulting errors will look like following:

  • TypeError: can't modify frozen object
  • Could not verify the SSL certificate for*
  • Bundler::Fetcher::CertificateFailureError: Could not verify the SSL certificate for
  • `Error fetching data: hostname was not m...

Ruby: A short summary of available hooks in Cucumber

Here is a short summary of Cucumber hooks in Ruby taken from Note that the BeforeStep is currently not existing in the Ruby implementation of Cucumber.

Before hooks run before the first step of each scenario.

Before do |scenario|

After hooks run after the last step of each scenario, even when the step result is failed, undefined, pending or skipped.


Migrate gem tests from Travis CI to Github Actions with gemika

We currently test most of our gems on Travis CI, but want to migrate those tests to Github Actions. This is a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Note that this guide requires the gem to use gemika.

  1. Go to a new "ci" branch:
    git checkout -b ci
  2. Update gemika to version >= 0.5.0 in all your Gemfiles.
  3. Have gemika generate a Github Actions workflow definition by running
    mkdir -p .github/workflows; bundle exec rake gemika:generate_github_actions_workflow > .github/workf...

Installing old versions of mysql2 on Ubuntu 20.04+

On some of our older projects, we use the mysql2 gem. Unfortunately, versions 0.2.x (required for Rails 2.3) and versions 0.3.x (required for Rails 3.2) can no longer be installed on Ubuntu 20.04. Trying this either leads to errors when compiling the native extension, or a segfaults when using it.

For Rails 4.2, mysql2 version 0.4.10 seems to work okay. If you still have issues, upgrade to 0.5.x, which should be compatible.

To install it, you have to switch the mysql2 gem to our fork. In your Gemfile, ...

Installing Ruby <= 2.3 on Ubuntu 20.04+

Installing old Rubies (<= 2.3) with a standard rbenv + ruby-build is no longer possible on Ubuntu 20.04. This is because those Rubies depend on OpenSSL 1.0 which is no longer shipped with current Ubuntus.

We have forked ruby-build with a workaround that makes it compile and statically link the latest OpenSSL 1.0 version. This works on Ubuntu 20.04, as well as on Ubuntu 18.04.

To switch to our fork of ruby-build, update ruby-build like this

git -C ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build remote add makandra...

PostgreSQL: Importing dumps created with newer versions

When loading a database dump created with pg_dump into your database, you might run into an error like

pg_restore: error: unsupported version (1.15) in file header

This is because your local pg_restore version is too old to match the dump format.
For example, the official Ubuntu 20.04 sources include only PostgreSQL 12, so your pg_restore version will also be v12. Ubuntu 22.04 includes version 14 in its sources.
Both seem to be incompatible with dumps created by PG 16's pg_dump, for example.

If you cannot upgrade to the l...

Rails: How to restore a postgres dump from the past

It sometimes happen that a database dump, that would want to insert into your development database, does not match the current schema of the database. This often happens when you have an old dump, but your current setup is up to date with the the master.

Hint: In most cases it is sufficient to delete and recreate the local database in order to import the dump. If any problems occur, proceed as follows:

1. Figure out the original migration status of the dumpfile

  • Convert your dump to plaintext: `pg_restore -f some.dump > some.dump....

Git: Search for text in all branches

To find a version containing the regular expression foo in the history of any branch:

git grep foo $(git rev-list --all)

You may also limit the search to a file extension, e.g. Ruby files (.rb) like this:

git grep foo $(git rev-list --all) -- *.rb

Git: How to stage hunks with a single key press

In interactive commands, Git allows the user to provide one-letter input with a single key without hitting enter (docs).

# Enabled this feature globally
git config --global interactive.singlekey true

# Or enable this feature locally for a single repository
git config interactive.singlekey true

This allows you to hit "y" instead of "y + ENTER" to move to the next hunk.

Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,s,e,?]?

Automatically validating dependency licenses with LicenseFinder

"Open-source software (OSS) is great. Anyone can use virtually any open-source code in their projects."

Well, it depends. Licenses can make things difficult, especially when you are developing closed-source software. Since some OSS licenses even require the employing application to be open-sourced as well (looking at you, GPL), you cannot use such software in a closed-source project.

To be sure on this, we have developed a project-level integration of Pivotal's excellent [license_finder](https:/...

Select2 alternatives without jQuery

Select2 is a fantastic library for advanced dropdown boxes, but it depends on jQuery.


Tom Select

There is a selectize.js fork called Tom Select. It is well tested, comes with Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5 styles and is easy to use. You might miss some advanced features.

Known issues:

  • Dynamic opt-groups in AJAX requests are not supported, you need to define them in advance on the select field (see <

How to use git fixup

Using git fixup helps you to speed up appending changes further back in the git history of your feature branch.


git commit --fixup aabbcc # Create a commit with the message "fixup! Commit message of aabbcc"
git rebase -i --autosquash master

It would be nice if you could use this feature without the -i flag, but until now it seems not to be possible. Read more about our recommended git workflow for feature branches.

Also have a look at [git shortcut to use git fixup](

Git: How to add changes matching a regular expression

When you have many changes, and you want to spread them across different commits, here is a way to stage all changes matching a given regular expression for a single commit.


Consider the following git diff output.

diff --git a/file1.rb b/file1.rb
index 806ca88..36d536b 100644
--- a/file1.rb
+++ b/file1.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# Here is a useless comment.
-# It will be removed.
 class File1
-  def foo
+  def bar
     # ...
diff --git a/file2.rb b/file2.rb
index 550e1c6..600f4e3 100644
--- a/file2.rb
+++ b/file2...

How to use Simplecov to find untested code in a Rails project with RSpec and Cucumber

Simplecov is a code coverage tool. This helps you to find out which parts of your application are not tested.

Integrating this in a rails project with rspec, cucumber and parallel_tests is easy.

  1. Add it to your Gemfile and bundle

    group :test do
      gem 'simplecov', require: false
  2. Add a .simplecov file in your project root:

    SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
      # any custom configs like groups and filters can be here at a central place