Capistrano: Speeding up asset compile during deploy

Remember How to skip Sprockets asset compile during Capistrano deployment and Automatically skipping asset compilation when assets have not changed? Turns out there is an even better way to speed up Capistrano deployments with asset compilation – and it's even simpler.

Adding the asset cache directory to symlinked directories

Popular asset managers for Rails are Sprockets and Webpacker. Both keep a cache of already compiled files that we're going to leverage for deployments now.

  • Sprockets cache...

Webpack: Automatically generating an icon font from .svg files

Over the years we have tried several solution to have vector icons in our applications. There are many ways to achieve this, from SVGs inlined into the HTML, SVGs inlined in CSS, JavaScript-based solutions, to icon fonts.

Out of all these options, the tried and true icon font seems to have the most advantages, since

  • icon fonts are supported everywhere
  • they perform well and require no JavaScript at all
  • their icons align nicely with text
  • their icons automatically inherit color and size of the surrounding text

The big issue used to b...

IE11: Trigger native mouse events with Javascript

The attached Coffeescript helper will let you create mouse events:

$element = $('div')

The dispatched events are real DOM events, which will trigger both native and jQuery handlers.
jQuery's .trigger is simpler, but will only trigger event handlers that were bound by jQuery's .on.

Real user actions t...

Let the browser choose the protocol

Use protocol independent URLs whenever possible so that the browser will choose the protocol related to the protocol which the page is delivered with.

Example issues

  • When your page is delivered via https and you provide a youtube video only via http the most browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome) won't display the video.
  • When you deliver your youtube video via your test which checks that the embeded video is rendered in the view will fail because your test server doesn't use https


Let your lin...

Heads up: Byebug has problems with zeitwerk

I encountered a unlucky behavior of byebug 11.1.3 (the most recent version at time of writing) when using it with Rails 6 and it's new autoloading component, zeitwerk. There already is a issue for that, so I hope it will be fixed with a future release.

The following test succeeds:

  context 'factories' do
    let(:test_case) { FactoryBot.create(:test_case) }
    it 'are valid' do
      expect(test_case).to be_valid

But when I did the same in byebug the foll...

How to: "git log" with renamed files

While renaming a file sometimes feels like "dropping its history", that is not true: Just use git log --follow on renamed files to access their full history.

Given a file "bar" that was previously named "foo":

touch foo
git add foo
git commit -m "Add foo"
mv foo bar
git add bar
git commit -m "Rename foo to bar"

git log bar

commit adc8e6a05b65355359c4e4618d6af0ed8f8b7f14 (HEAD -> git-follow)
Author: Michael Leimstaedtner <>
Date:   Wed May 12 08:49:37 2021 +0200

    Rename foo to bar

git lo...

How to create memory leaks in jQuery

jQuery doesn't store information about event listeners and data values with the element itself. This information is instead stored in a global, internal jQuery cache object. Every time you add an event listener or data value to a jQuery object, the jQuery cache gains another entry.

The only way that a jQuery cache entry gets deleted is when you call remove() on the element that put it there!

Since cache entries also have a pointer back to the element that spawned them, it is easy to create DOM elements that can never be garbage-co...

RestClient / Net::HTTP: How to communicate with self-signed or misconfigured HTTPS endpoints

Occasionally, you have to talk to APIs via HTTPS that use a custom certificate or a misconfigured certificate chain (like missing an intermediate certificate).

Using RestClient will then raise RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified errors, or when using plain Net::HTTP:

OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Here is how to fix that in your application.

Important: Do not disable certificate checks for production. The interwebs are full of people say...

Ruby: Fixing strings with invalid encoding and converting to UTF-8

When dealing with external data sources, you may have to deal with improperly encoded strings.
While you should prefer deciding on a single encoding with the data-providing party, you can not always force that on external sources.
It gets worse when you receive data with encoding declaration that does not reliably fit the accompanying string bytes.

Here is a Ruby class that helps converting such strings to a proper encoding.
Note that it tries several approaches of changing the encoding. **This is not a silver bullet and may or may not work...

Disabling client caching with Cache-Control: no-store

Browsers usually cache website content in order to provide the user with faster responses. Examples are returning to a website using the "Back" button, or reopening a browser and restoring previous tabs.

However, there are applications where this kind of client caching produces annoying results: a time tracking tool may show a wrong clock-in state, or an SPA todo app may display an outdated list. In these cases, client caching should be disabled.

In order to prevent client caching, set a Cache-Control header of no-store. This tells _...

Pre-releasing an npm package

You can publish pre-release versions of an npm package.

Naming convention for pre-release versions

An npm package must use Semantic Versioning's naming convention for its version. In Semantic Versioning, the version number and pre-release identifier (like rc1) must be separated by a dash, like this:

  • 1.0.0-rc1
  • 2.3.0-alpha2
  • 3.0.0-beta3

Publishing to a pre-release tag

npm packages have multiple "current" releases, identified by "tags". The default tag is latest. It is expected to contain the la...

Pre-releasing a Ruby gem

When a Ruby version gem has a letter in its version number, it is considered a pre-release:

  • 1.0.0.rc1
  • 2.3.0.alpha2
  • 3.0.0.beta3
  • 4.0.0.pre.rc2

Even if a pre-release gem has the highest version number, it is never installed unless the user explictily requested the version:

gem install foobar --version="=2.3.0.alpha2"

Also bundle update will never update a stable version to a pre-release version unless the user explicitly requests it in the Gemfile:

gem 'foobar', '=2.3.0.alpha2'

A note on Semanti...

How to use ActiveSupport Concerns with dynamic relations

The usual way to build a relation in a ActiveSupport::Concern is this:

module MyModule
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    scope :disabled, -> { where(disabled: true) }


However, if you have a association with a polymorphic model, where you have to select based on the kind of record, using included like this will not produce the wanted results:

module MyModule
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    has_many :tasks,

RubyMine: How to exclude single files

In RubyMine folders can be excluded from search, navigation etc. by marking it as excluded. You might sometimes wish to exclude single files, too. An example could be .byebug_history which is located in the project root directory.

Single files can be excluded by pattern in the Settings:

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, go to Project structure
  2. In the Exclude files field, type the masks that define the names of files and folders to be exclu...

Custom error messages in RSpec or Cucumber steps

Sometimes you have a test expectation but actually want a better error message in case of a failure. Here is how to do that.


Consider this test:

expect(User.last).to be_present

In case of an error, it will fail with a not-so-helpful error message:

expected present? to return true, got false (Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)


That can be fixed easily. RSpec expectations allow you to pass an error message like this:

expect(User.last).to be_present, 'Could not find a user!'

Now your t...

Carrierwave: Using a nested directory structure for file system performance

When storing files for lots of records in the server's file system, Carrierwave's default store_dir approach may cause issues, because some directories will hold too many entries.

The default storage directory from the Carrierwave templates looks like so:

class ExampleUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  def store_dir

If you store files for 500k records, that store_dir's parent directory will have 500k sub-directories which will cause some...

Debugging your Webpack build time with Speed Measure Plugin

If your Webpack build is slow, you can use the Speed Measure Plugin for Webpack to figure out where time is being spent.
Note that at time of writing, Webpack 5 seems unsupported. It works on Webpack 4, though.

Wire it into your application as described in the library's documentation:

  1. Hook into your environment file, e.g. config/webpack/development.js and instead of exporting your Webpack config,...

The Ruby Object Model

In Ruby (almost) everything is an Object. While this enables a lot of powerful features, this concept might be confusing for developers who have been programming in more static languages, such as Java or C#. This card should help understanding the basic concepts of Ruby's object model and how things behave.

Usage of objects in Ruby

When working with objects in Ruby, you might think of a "container" that holds metadata, variables and methods. Metadata describes stuff like the object's class or its object_id whi...

Run code before or after an existing Rake task


To run additional code before an existing Rake tasks you can add a dependency like this:

task :before_task do
  # runs before :existing_task

Rake::Task[:existing_task].enhance [:before_task]

The new dependency will be called after all existing dependencies.


To run additional code after an existing Rake tasks, pass a block to enhance:

Rake::Task[:existing_task].enhance do
  # runs after :existing task

Webpacker: Loading code on demand

Sometimes you want to load code on demand. For instance, when a a large library is only used on a single screen, this library should only be loaded for that screen. It should not blow up the bundle size for all screens.

You can load code on demand by using import() as a function (with parentheses) instead of using it as a keyword import (without parentheses). The import() function returns a promise with the exported variables:

let exports = await import('large-library')

console.log("A named export is ", exports.exportedName)

When does Webpacker compile?

Webpack builds can take a long time, so we only want to compile when needed.

This card shows what will cause Webpacker (the Rails/Webpack integration) to compile your assets.

When you run a dev server

While development it is recommended to boot a webpack dev server using bin/webpack-dev-server.

The dev server compiles once when booted. When you access your page on localhost before the initial compilation, the page may load without assets.

The ...

Linux: Using grep with a regular expression

You can use three different versions of the regular expression syntax in grep:

  • basic: -G
  • extended: -E(POSIX)
  • perl: -P (PCRE)

Difference between basic and extended:

In basic regular expressions the meta-characters '?', '+', '{', '|', '(', and ')' loose their special meaning; instead use the backslashed versions '?', '+', '{', '|', '(', and ')'.

Difference between extended (POSIX) and perl (PCRE): E.g. \d is not supported in POSIX.

This g...

How to iterate over an Enumerable, returning the first truthy result of a block ("map-find")

Ruby has Enumerable.find(&block), which returns the first item in the collection for which the block evaluates to true.

first_post_with_image = posts.find do |post|

However, sometimes it's not the item you're interested in, but some value depening on it – e.g. the value the block evaluated to. You could first map the collection and then take the first truthy value, but this way you need to process the whole collection twice:

first_image_url =

If the mapping ...

Limiting GitLab CI runner to specific branches or events

Use rules to include or exclude jobs in pipelines.

Rules are evaluated in order until the first match. When a match is found, the job is either included or excluded from the pipeline, depending on the configuration. The job can also have certain attributes added to it.

rules replaces only/except and they can’t be used together in the same job. If you configure one job to use both keywords, the linter returns a key may not be used with rules error.

GitLab 12.3 introduced rules. You can use them in your .gitlab-ci.yml in your proj...