Custom error pages in Rails

Basic error pages

To add a few basic styles to the default error pages in Rails, just edit the default templates in public, e.g. public/404.html.

A limitation to these default templates is that they're just static files. You cannot use Haml, Rails helpers or your application layout here. If you need Rails to render your error pages, you need the approach below.

Advanced error pages

  1. Register your own app as the applicatio...

Find an ActiveRecord by any column (useful for Cucumber steps)

The attached patch lets you find a record by a string or number in any column:


There's also a bang variant that raises ActiveRecord::NotFound if no record matches the given value:


Boolean and binary columns are excluded from the search because that would be crazy.

I recommend copying the attachment to features/support/find_by_anything.rb, since it is most useful in Cucumber step def...

How to checkout submodules in Gitlab CI

Accessing other repositories in Gitlab CI is not straight forward, since the access rights of the current pipeline might not be sufficient enough.

One approach is to use project access tokens and clone the repositories via HTTPS.

  • Create a project access token for all submodules you want to have access to with the setting read_repository
  • Add the secrets as environment variable to the main project you want to have access to submodules:
    • Protected false ...

Git: Show commits that have touched specific text in a file

If you want to find the commits that touched a specific text in a file, use

git log -S 'text in the code' -- path/to/file

If you use tig you may run a similar command to get a navigatable list of affected files:

tig -S'text in the code'


Here is an example, where the move of the convert_number_column_value(value) method in active record is traced (simplified output):

git log -n 1 --pretty=oneline -S 'convert_number_column_value(value)' -- activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb

Undefined method log for Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Bridge

In case your integration tests crash with a message like below, try to upgrade Capybara to a newer version (3.35.3 was good enough). You might encounter this issue when you enabled the w3c option in Selenium.

undefined method `log' for #<Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::W3C::Bridge:0x000055995647ded0>

Your affected code might look similar to this call below and will work after the upgrade again.

Upgrading Capybara with deprecated Integer selectors

Capybara added a deprecation warning in version 3.35.3 (version from 2019) that shows up if your selector is not of type String or Symbol.


click_link(10) # bad
click_link("10") # good

You might encounter this error e.g. in a pagination step or similar where you want to click on numbers. To figure out where this deprecation warning comes from try to run the tests with a step output.

bundle exec parallel_cucumber --test-options "--format=pretty" feature

The deprecation message looks like following:

Locator In...

Geordi 6.0.0 released

6.0.0 2021-06-02

Compatible changes

  • geordi commit will continue even if one of the given projects is inaccessible. It will only fail if no stories could be found at all.

Breaking changes

PSA: Chrome and Firefox do not always clear session cookies on exit

Cookies without an expiration timestamp are called "session cookies". [1] They should only be kept until the end of the browsing session.

However, when Chrome or Firefox are configured to reopen tabs from last time upon start, they will keep session cookies when closing the browser. This even applies to tabs that were closed before shutting down the browser.

This is by design in Chrome and [Firefox](,345830,358042,362212,36...

Chromedriver: Disabling the w3c option might break your integration tests with Chrome 91

We recently noticed issues with Chrome 75+ when having the w3c option enabled within the Selenium webdriver. It looks like recent Selenium versions don't have any issues with the w3c interface anymore. And starting with Chrome 91 this fix might cause unexpected issues, so you should try to enabled this option again or just remove the following line from you configuration:

options.add_option('w3c', false)

Background: Setting the w3c option t...

RubyMine / IntelliJ: How to increase UI and fonts for presentations

When giving a presentation where you do some coding, the font size you usually use is probably a bit too small and makes code hard to read for users on smaller screens or low-bandwidth connections when the image quality is lower.

Here are two solutions.

Presentation Mode

RubyMine offers a "Presentation Mode" which you can use. Simply navigate to View → Appearance → Enter Presentation Mode to enable it.
This will increase your code editor's font size as well as your UI and works nicely when sharing a single file.

However, some control...

Capistrano: Speeding up asset compile during deploy

Remember How to skip Sprockets asset compile during Capistrano deployment and Automatically skipping asset compilation when assets have not changed? Turns out there is an even better way to speed up Capistrano deployments with asset compilation – and it's even simpler.

Adding the asset cache directory to symlinked directories

Popular asset managers for Rails are Sprockets and Webpacker. Both keep a cache of already compiled files that we're going to leverage for deployments now.

  • Sprockets cache...

Webpack: Automatically generating an icon font from .svg files

Over the years we have tried several solution to have vector icons in our applications. There are many ways to achieve this, from SVGs inlined into the HTML, SVGs inlined in CSS, JavaScript-based solutions, to icon fonts.

Out of all these options, the tried and true icon font seems to have the most advantages, since

  • icon fonts are supported everywhere
  • they perform well and require no JavaScript at all
  • their icons align nicely with text
  • their icons automatically inherit color and size of the surrounding text

The big issue used to b...

It's OK to put block elements inside an <a> tag

In general, you should not put a block element inside an inline element. So don't do this:


The browser will think you wrote invalid HTML by accident, and will sometimes reorder elements silently.

There is one notable exception: It's OK to wrap block elements in a <a> tag in HTML5 (not 4). The spec says:

The a element may be wrapped around entire paragraphs, lists, tables, and so forth, even entire sections, so long ...

IE11: Trigger native mouse events with Javascript

The attached Coffeescript helper will let you create mouse events:

$element = $('div')

The dispatched events are real DOM events, which will trigger both native and jQuery handlers.
jQuery's .trigger is simpler, but will only trigger event handlers that were bound by jQuery's .on.

Real user actions t...

Let the browser choose the protocol

Use protocol independent URLs whenever possible so that the browser will choose the protocol related to the protocol which the page is delivered with.

Example issues

  • When your page is delivered via https and you provide a youtube video only via http the most browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome) won't display the video.
  • When you deliver your youtube video via your test which checks that the embeded video is rendered in the view will fail because your test server doesn't use https


Let your lin...

Heads up: Byebug has problems with zeitwerk

I encountered a unlucky behavior of byebug 11.1.3 (the most recent version at time of writing) when using it with Rails 6 and it's new autoloading component, zeitwerk. There already is a issue for that, so I hope it will be fixed with a future release.

The following test succeeds:

  context 'factories' do
    let(:test_case) { FactoryBot.create(:test_case) }
    it 'are valid' do
      expect(test_case).to be_valid

But when I did the same in byebug the foll...

How to: "git log" with renamed files

While renaming a file sometimes feels like "dropping its history", that is not true: Just use git log --follow on renamed files to access their full history.

Given a file "bar" that was previously named "foo":

touch foo
git add foo
git commit -m "Add foo"
mv foo bar
git add bar
git commit -m "Rename foo to bar"

git log bar

commit adc8e6a05b65355359c4e4618d6af0ed8f8b7f14 (HEAD -> git-follow)
Author: Michael Leimstaedtner <>
Date:   Wed May 12 08:49:37 2021 +0200

    Rename foo to bar

git lo...

How to create memory leaks in jQuery

jQuery doesn't store information about event listeners and data values with the element itself. This information is instead stored in a global, internal jQuery cache object. Every time you add an event listener or data value to a jQuery object, the jQuery cache gains another entry.

The only way that a jQuery cache entry gets deleted is when you call remove() on the element that put it there!

Since cache entries also have a pointer back to the element that spawned them, it is easy to create DOM elements that can never be garbage-co...

RestClient / Net::HTTP: How to communicate with self-signed or misconfigured HTTPS endpoints

Occasionally, you have to talk to APIs via HTTPS that use a custom certificate or a misconfigured certificate chain (like missing an intermediate certificate).

Using RestClient will then raise RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified errors, or when using plain Net::HTTP:

OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Here is how to fix that in your application.

Important: Do not disable certificate checks for production. The interwebs are full of people say...

Ruby: Fixing strings with invalid encoding and converting to UTF-8

When dealing with external data sources, you may have to deal with improperly encoded strings.
While you should prefer deciding on a single encoding with the data-providing party, you can not always force that on external sources.
It gets worse when you receive data with encoding declaration that does not reliably fit the accompanying string bytes.

Here is a Ruby class that helps converting such strings to a proper encoding.
Note that it tries several approaches of changing the encoding. **This is not a silver bullet and may or may not work...

Disabling client caching with Cache-Control: no-store

Browsers usually cache website content in order to provide the user with faster responses. Examples are returning to a website using the "Back" button, or reopening a browser and restoring previous tabs.

However, there are applications where this kind of client caching produces annoying results: a time tracking tool may show a wrong clock-in state, or an SPA todo app may display an outdated list. In these cases, client caching should be disabled.

In order to prevent client caching, set a Cache-Control header of no-store. This tells _...