Record Filter - Replace named scopes with awesome.

Record Filter gives you the full power of ActiveRecord's query building tools with a heaping helping of DSL thrown in to save your Ruby-loving fingers from writing nasty SQL. :: Projects :: Remix (music) :: API Overview

The Echo Nest Remix API (“Remix,” for short) is an open-source programming framework written in Python. It provides numerous classes and methods to deal with recorded songs, analyze them, inspect and manipulate the resulting analyses, and manipulate audio based on that information.

Module: Sass

Sass is a meta-language on top of CSS that‘s used to describe the style of a document cleanly and structurally, with more power than flat CSS allows. Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.

as3crypto - Google Code

As3 Crypto is a cryptography library written in Actionscript 3 that provides several common algorithms. This version also introduces a TLS engine (TLS is commonly known as SSL.)

ModPorter - Painless file uploads

Porter is essentially the inverse of X-SendFile. It parses the multipart post in C inside your apache process and writes the files to disk. Once that work is done it changes the request to look like a regular form POST which contains pointers to the temp files on disk.


This gem allows you to access the content of

paperplanes. run_later Gets Some Rails 2.3 Middleware Love

In earlier version I needed to do an awkward thing that only affected development mode, where Rails unloads all classes after each request. run_later runs code in a separate thread, and depending on how long that code runs the classes would be unloaded when they're still accessed from the worker.

Google Summer of Code winner: ActiveModel for Ruby on Rails

Finish the remainder of the ActiveModel todo list (observers, callbacks, validations, scoping, and serialization) in addition to associations. Also wire up ActiveModel up to ActiveRecord and ActiveResource.

mislav's hanna at master - GitHub

Hanna is an RDoc template that scales. It's implemented in Haml, making the sources clean and readable. It's built with simplicity, beauty and ease of browsing in mind.

Darkfish Rdoc

This is a project to make a complete replacement for the default HTML generator for Rdoc, the API documentation-extraction system for Ruby.

Why Should I Care What Color the Bikeshed Is?

Just because you are capable of building a bikeshed does not mean you should stop others from building one just because you do not like the color they plan to paint it.

PragDave: The RADAR Architecture: RESTful Application, Dumb-Ass Recipient

So, as a result, people using RESTful ideas to talk to browsers have to put the smarts back on the server. They invent new URLs which (for example) return a resource, but return it all wrapped up in the HTML needed to display it as a form for browser-based editing.

Otaku, Cedric's weblog: Why Java doesn't need operator overloading (and very few languages do, really)

The number of operators that you can overload is very small and each of them is attached to very specific semantics that makes little sense outside the realm of scalars and of a few other specialized mathematical concepts (e.g. matrices).

sandofsky's acts_against_douchebar at master - GitHub

A Rails plugin that delivers a special message to DiggBar users, or runs frame-killer javascript. SWFRIP: Files

SWFRIP is a Macromedia Flash resource extractor and editor. It can save resources in various formats, including SVG conversion from the flash vector format, decompile ActionScript, and remove the protect tag from SWF files.

Smarticus » Introduction to Acceptance Testing Ruby Web Applications

In this presentation, I demoed Cucumber and Webrat. I also talked about Integrity and how I like to put it all together.

Integrity | The easy and fun automated continuous integration server

Integrity is the angel watching over your shoulder while you code. As soon as you push your commits, it builds, runs your tests, and makes sure everything works fine.

QuirksBlog: Making <code><time></code> safe for historians

I believe that the current specification of the element is vague because it avoids the question whether the element is safe for historians. Right now it hurts historical research more than it helps