acunote's template_inliner at master - GitHub

Template inliner avoids the problem when to render a large list of objects,

Play framework ★ Home

Finally a Java framework made by Web developers. Discover a clean alternative to bloated enterprise Java stacks. Play focuses on developer productivity and targets RESTful architectures.

Musings on Paginating Chronological Content | CSS-Tricks

We say “back in time”, and “back” feel like “left” to me, not right. So let’s break that standard.

sinsiliux's Blueprints at master - GitHub

Another replacement for factories and fixtures that focuses on being DRY and making developers type as little as possible.

wkrte - Project Hosting on Google Code

WKRTE is a jQuery rich text editor based on lwrte by plandem.

NoSQL with MySQL in Ruby - Friendly

Store schema-less data in MySQL.

How FriendFeed uses MySQL to store schema-less data - Bret Taylor's blog

After some deliberation, we decided to implement a "schema-less" storage system on top of MySQL rather than use a completely new storage system. This post attempts to describe the high-level details of the system.

Twitter / Jeffrey Zeldman: Content precedes design. D ...

Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it's decoration.

24 ways: Designing For The Switch

For a long time on the web, we’ve been typographically spoilt. Yes, you heard me correctly. Think about it: our computers come with web fonts already installed; fonts that have been designed specifically to work well online and at small size; and fonts that we can be sure other people have too.

eigenclass - Inspecting a live Ruby process, easier if you cheat.

Are you still adding printf/puts calls and restarting your app to figure what went wrong

24 ways: Spruce It Up

The landscape of web typography is changing quickly these days. We’ve gone from the wild west days of sIFR to Cufón to finally seeing font embedding seeing wide spread adoption by browser developers (and soon web designers) with @font-face. For those who’ve felt limited by the typographic possibilities before, this has been a good year.

Let’s stop talking about “backups” - Joel on Software

The minimum bar for a reliable service is not that you have done a backup, but that you have done a restore.

cortesi - The impact of language choice on github projects

Are there major differences between projects in different languages? Is it possible to quantify these differences? I decided to try to gather some hard numbers.

Software Testing | TestLab²

TestLab² is a software and website testing service. It was created by a team of quality assurance professionals and engineers who are in love with finding and fixing bugs!


The Juggernaut plugin for Ruby on Rails aims to revolutionize your Rails app by letting the server initiate a connection and push data to the client. In other words your app can have a real time connection to the server with the advantage of instant updates.

Mockito is a mocking framework that tastes really good. It lets you write beautiful tests with clean & simple API. Mockito doesn't give you hangover because the tests are very readable and they produce clean verification errors.

If you aren’t embarrassed by v1.0 you didn’t release it early enough « Successful Software

I cringe every time I hear about someone who has spent years writing their ‘killer app’, but still hasn’t released it. My preferred approach is to get a solid, but minimally featured, v1.0 out there and then iterate like crazy based on real customer feedback.

Web forms design guidelines: an eyetracking study | cxpartners

cxpartners has an interesting eye tracking study on form design. They distill the results into a few simple guidelines which are definitely worth keeping in mind when designing forms.


flixel is a completely free collection of Actionscript 3 files that helps organize, automate, and optimize Flash games; an object-oriented framework that lets anyone create original and complex games with thousands of objects on screen in just a few hours.

xing's flag_shih_tzu at master - GitHub

A rails plugin to store a collection of boolean attributes in a single ActiveRecord column as a bit field.

Railscasts - Embedded Association

Learn how to set up a one-to-many or many-to-many association which is entirely embedded into a single column through a string or bitmask.