Our preferred way of testing ActiveRecord is to simply create/update/destroy the record and then check if the expected behavior has...

Validations should be covered by a model's spec. This card shows how to test an individual validation. This is...


You can use mail-tester.com to check your application's e-mails for issues that might cause e-mails to be...

makandra dev

SitePrism gives you a simple, clean and semantic DSL for describing your site using the Page Object Model pattern, for...


Some dozen generic API endpoints you can use to test how your HTTP client deals with various responses, e.g.


Interesting talk about a team that integrated automated security testing into their BDD workflow. There is also a video of...

Jasmine comes with two matchers that test for equality. The first is toBe: expect(first).toBe(second) toBe passes when...

Developing complex regular expressions quickly blows my mind. Here are some online regex editors that help you by highlighting matching...

When you register a delegated event using on (or the deprecated delegate / live), it is somewhat hard to manually trigger...

sslscan is a nice tool to show details about TLS/SSL connections: ~> sslscan some-host-at.makandra.de Testing SSL server some-host-at.makandra.de on port 443...

When using Savon to connect a SOAP API, you may want to use Savon::SpecHelper to mock requests in your...


Jasmine has a jasmine.clock() helper that you can use to travel through time and trigger setTimeout and setInterval callbacks:

Here is a Javascript function reloadUsers() that fetches a HTML snippet from the server using AJAX and replaces the current...

When testing code that uses pushState / replaceState, your browser will appear to navigate away from http://localhost:3000/specs (or wherever...

makandra dev

This jasmine plugin helps with testing DOM manipulation in two ways: It gives you DOM-related matchers like toBeVisible() or...

This is a problem when using Selenium with Firefox. We recommend using ChromeDriver for your Selenium tests. This setup allows...

Option 0: Download from the official page (preferred) Open https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/ In Section "Stable" > chromedriver / linux64 > Download ZIP from...

Firefox 5.0.1, which we were using for most Rails 2.3 projects, does not run on Ubuntu 14.04 any more. Here...

# config/initializers/sidekiq.rb # Perform Sidekiq jobs immediately in development, # so you don't have to run a separate process.

When using jQueryUI's Sortable plugin (either directly or via Angular's ui.sortable), you might struggle testing your nice drag...

makandra dev

The attached RSpec matcher allows for comfortably testing delegation. Examples describe Post do it { should delegate(:name).to(:author).with...

Aruba is an extension to Cucumber that helps integration-testing command line tools. When your tests involve a Rails test...

Travis CI is a free continuous integration testing service. However, it is really fragile and will break more than it...


Local testing allows you to test your private and internal servers using the BrowserStack cloud, which has support for firewalls...