You can say: $(element).is(':visible') and $(element).is(':hidden') jQuery considers an element to be visible if it...

When you open up a story to only have a look at it, close it by pressing the "Cancel" button...

When you render a nested form for a Movie which has_many :actors, you want to render the right number...

makandra dev

This Perl script will run diagnostics on your MySQL database and recommend changes to your MySQL configuration.

makandra dev

This card explains how to upgrade an existing RubyMine installation to a newer version. If you're installing RubyMine for...

Because your examples should not change global state, you should not need to care about the order in which RSpec...

I pushed a new version of the Cucumber Factory gem. This new release lets you refer to a previously created...

makandra dev

When you have a hook in your Capistrano file that dumps your remote database, you might not want it to...

(Rails has a method ActiveRecord::Relation#merge that can merge ActiveRecord scopes. However, its behavior has never been clear, and...

In order to request a SSL certificate from any dealer, you usually need a CSR certificate. As both the CSR...

If you would like to enrich your website with semantic markup like contact data, places or events you should have...

makandra dev

If you want to enforce soft tabs (spaces instead of tabstops) in Vim put this into your ~/.vimrc (Linux) or...

Put the attached file into config/initializers/ to be able to say created_within on any ActiveRecord or its scope chain...

You probably already manage servers you often connect to inside the ~/.ssh/config file. What is nice: you may define alias...

When your cucumber features grow massively over time, the test execution can take a lot of time.

Soon after having written our shell-for script, we wanted to easily get dumps of our productions machines, too. This...

makandra dev

After having written useful scripts into makandra notes for a long time, we’ve now tied them into a powerful...

Asset pipeline, HTTP streaming, jQuery as default framework, auto-reversable migrations, identity map for ActiveRecord. Ruby 1.8.x support will...

Sometimes PDF cucumber tests fail at the first test run and succeed at the second run. You can fix this...

Install Ubuntu Server Download an image from this site Select File > New… to and follow the instructions, choose the .iso...

makandra dev

Validations that need to access an associated object may lead to some trouble. Let's exemplify that using this example...

You can seriously speed up deployments with Capistrano when using a local git repository on the server you are deploying...

Ruby comes with a class BigDecimal which you can use for arbitrary precision arithmetic. You should use BigDecimal instead of...

When storing floating-point numbers such as prices or totals in an SQL database, always use a DECIMAL column. Never...