What are Google’s plans for turning WebM into a genuinely open standard, one that is based on consensus like...

When you use the send_file method to send a local file to the browser, you can save resources on...

This card describes a Cucumber step that lets you say: When I perform basic authentication as "username/password" and I visit...

In case is to slow or offline, you can also read a gem documentation offline. Start a server...

I love ETags, but there’s something that annoys me: most implementations revolve around pulling a record out of a...

Find-as-you-type boxes are usually built by observing changes in a text field, and querying the server via...

When your site is mapped into the URL-space of another server using mod_proxy, ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse, all requests...

In order to redirect all requests from to while keeping path and query params unchanged, change your Apache...

If your controller spec never reaches your controller code: Make sure you are signed in. Make sure you are actually...

makandra dev

In order to go back one page in your Cucumber tests, you can use the following step definition for Capybara...

This collection of Sass mixins enables cross-browser styling (including IE with CSS3PIE) with less lines of code.

For clarity and traceability, your commit messages should include the ID and title of the Pivotal Tracker story you're...

makandra dev

The following initializer provides an :alias => "my_route_name" option to restful routes in your route.rb. This simply makes the...

If a controller action responds to other formats than HTML (XML, PDF, Excel, JSON, ...), you can reach that code in...

This returns the name (including path) of your current layout: response.layout => "layouts/admin" # inside views that are using the 'admin' layout...

When using form_for you can give the form's target URL either as a string or an array:

If you want to see how long your database queries actually take, you need to disable MySQL's query cache...

This post will describe how I stumbled upon a code path in the Linux kernel which allows external programs to...

A good tool to generate strong passwords and secrets is "apg". You can get it with sudo apt-get install...

Both these approaches will keep your GET parameters – and will only work for GET requests. Capybara: When /^I reload the...

When Paperclip attachments should only be downloadable for selected users, there are three ways to go. The same applies to...

This will show you how to create a RSS feed that the Feed Validator considers valid. Note that RSS is...

The following solution will delete files on a volume. If you don't know exactly what you're...

In a great post about named routes in Rails, path vs. url, Viget Labs ponders which variant is best used...