The SQL code generated by Graticule's spherical distance computation is insufficient and can lead to NULL distances in edge...

Seems like a useful gem for cases where ActiveRecord is overkill but you don't want to do everything by...

Using rename_column, remove_column, etc. more than once in a migration makes that migration run slower than it should...

For performance improvements (and to remove the need for eager loading), the ActsAsTaggableOn gem supports caching your tag lists directly...

When you have objects in your database that hold latitude and longitude and you want to find others that are...

Instead of running all missing migrations on your test database with rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test you can also...

When using state_machine you sometimes need to know whether an object may execute a certain transition. Let's take...

Forms with many inputs (600+ in my case) become extremely unresponsive on an iPad, up to the point where it...

makandra dev

Two new methods on and off are the new way of declaring event handlers. bind, delegate and live area deprecated...

Note: This applies specifically to MySQL. In PostgreSQL for example, this is not an issue. If you care about performance...

Clearance is a gem that provides authentication functionality (e.g. login, logout). This note explains, how the clearance login, logout and...

Look here for informations how you can show the MySQL default character set. At first you need the Amazon RDS...

Web fonts are awesome. After being restricted to Arial for two decades there is finally a cross-browser way to...

To show the collation of your tables you have to login to the MySQL console and execute SHOW TABLE STATUS...

You can convert git commits into patch files. Those can be used to apply to a different repository [1] or...

First keep in mind that :dependent => :destroy hooks into before_destroy. So when you use other before_destroy callbacks the...

Using the jQuery adapter breaks the built-in save function of CKEditor. Phenomenon: The page is submitted correctly, but the...

The Rails logger will store its content in a buffer and write it into the file system every 1000 lines...

When adding a new field to your model's database table, don't set any defaults in the database.

Single step and slow motion for Cucumber scenarios can come in handy, especially in @javascript scenarios. # features/support/examiners.rb AfterStep('@slow_motion...

In order to open a MySQL shell without the need to enter user and password, you can say the following...

The technique described in this card has an important caveat: The result of GROUP_CONCAT is truncated to the maximum...

You can use heredoc to avoid endlessly long lines of code that nobody can read. Heredoc strings preserve linebreaks and...

makandra dev

When you run rake db:create and get this error message Couldn't create database for {"encoding"=>"utf8", "username"=>"root...